Trump-related concept coins generally rose in the two weeks before his inauguration, and TRUMP rose nearly 60% in 24 hours

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According to HT, with about two weeks left before Trump's inauguration, the market shows that related concept coins are generally rising: 1. TRUMPCOIN is currently priced at $0.009614, with a 24H increase of 469.3%; 2. TRUMP is currently priced at $3.36, with a 24H increase of 59.6%; 3. FIGHT is currently priced at $0.005128, with a 24H increase of 48.2%; 4. MAGA is currently priced at $0.0001309, with a 24H increase of 41%; 5. STRUMP is currently priced at $0.002444, with a 24H increase of 30%.

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