The market's current correction was mainly affected by the strength of the US dollar and the decline of US stocks. The Bitcoin bull market is still
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Odaily Odaily News macro researcher Adam YuX wrote: "Affected by the plunge in US stocks such as Nvidia and Tesla, cryptocurrencies have also seen a sharp adjustment. Bitcoin has fallen below $100,000 again, and Altcoin have fallen more sharply, and market sentiment has turned pessimistic. In terms of options data, short-term IV rebounded slightly, but it is still at a low level, and the market's pricing of future fluctuations remains unchanged. Option Skew and futures premium have also not changed significantly. The mainstream view of the market on this correction is that it is affected by the strength of the US dollar and the decline of US stocks. The trend of Bitcoin has not changed, and the bull market is still there. If you choose to buy the dips now, the short-term bullishness of $100,000 is very cost-effective, especially the bullishness of Bitcoin this week."
Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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