Pump.fun founder responds to "Only 0.408% of Pump.fun traders made over $10,000 in profit"

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According to ChainCatcher's message, the founder of Pump.fun responded to the previous analysis that "only 0.408% of Pump.fun traders achieved a profit of over $10,000", stating that the data analysis had many problems.

  1. It did not account for the tokens that have been bonded with Raydium. Most of the profits were generated after the token bonding.
  2. It did not consider unrealized profits.
  3. The data included over 13 million traders, many of which were bots and AI agents. About 30% of the wallets only made one transaction, and these wallets could not be real people.

The founder of Pump.fun told the data publisher that they should create what people want, rather than destroying a platform with millions of on-chain users. For others, the founder of Pump.fun said that token trading carries risks, and if one chooses to trade, they should be prepared for potential losses.

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