Analysis: US CPI data release will not lead to a surge in Bitcoin volatility

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Odaily Odaily News: Tomorrow's US inflation report will be in the spotlight, and investors will be looking for signals on the Fed's interest rate path. A series of recent unexpected events have weakened expectations of rate cuts. However, the pricing of Bitcoin options suggests that traders do not expect its volatility to rise significantly after the report is released. "The market's pricing premium for this event is almost negligible," said OrBit Markets, an institutional liquidity provider, noting that the volatility of Bitcoin prices after the CPI report is released may be less than 2%, with almost no additional volatility, while the pricing of S&P 500 index options reflects relatively high volatility. Markus Thielen, founder of 10x Research, has considered Bitcoin options expiring later this week. His analysis is consistent with OrBit's: "The implied volatility of options expiring on May 17 is 52.8%, only 2% higher than other options, which means that traders expect volatility to rise modestly after the CPI is released. However, realized (historical) volatility is still below 50%, which means that expectations of large increases or decreases are not reflected in the price." (CoinDesk)

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