Following Justin Drake, another Ethereum Foundation researcher serves as EigenLayer advisor

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Odaily Odaily News: Dankrad Feist, a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, posted on the X platform that he and Justin Drake recently decided to become consultants for EigenLayer, with the same conditions, and joined as individuals, not representing the Ethereum Foundation, focusing on risk and decentralization. Feist said that he did receive a large number of tokens from EigenLayer, but did not think it would change or affect his position on how the core protocol is developed. He believes that if Eigenlayer is completed by people with high integrity, it will bring significant benefits to Ethereum. I believe that the current leaders intend to do this, and Feist plans to help them take responsibility for it. If I think this is no longer the case, I will not hesitate to speak publicly and/or resign. Earlier, Justin Drake, a core researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, posted on the X platform that he recently became a consultant to the Eigen Foundation and promised to inject the proceeds into the Ethereum ecosystem.

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