30 million users, market value exceeds 820 million in 1 hour, why is Notcoin so popular?

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Notcoin (NOT for short) is a project that has attracted much attention in the cryptocurrency circle recently. According to the latest data, Notcoin's market value reached 820 million US dollars within just one hour of listing on various exchanges. The amazing development speed has attracted widespread attention from industry insiders. Telegram founder Du Rove highly praised the success of Notcoin, believing that it has created amazing value in the Telegram and TON ecosystems. This success story not only shows the attractiveness of the Telegram/TON ecosystem to application developers, but also highlights the potential and prospects of Notcoin as a social project.
In the following article, we will analyze the Notcoin project's operating model, development strategy, and challenges. At the same time, we will also explore Notcoin's position in the current competitive social field and its future development possibilities. As the Notcoin project continues to grow and develop, we look forward to it bringing more surprises and gains to the entire cryptocurrency community.

The number of users has exceeded 30 million. Why is Notcoin so popular?

Notcoin (NOT for short) is a high-profile cryptocurrency project that has recently caused a stir in the cryptocurrency community. The project's market value exceeded $820 million in just one hour, which is remarkable. Notcoin's success is not accidental. It brings together many advantages and has attracted widespread attention.
First of all, Notcoin's background is impressive. As part of the Telegram and TON ecosystem, Notcoin carries a huge user base and traffic entrance. Telegram has more than 1.3 billion registered users and nearly 900 million monthly active users, providing Notcoin with a broad market and development space. In addition, Telegram has always taken freedom of speech and privacy protection as its core values, attracting many users around the world and establishing a good reputation for Notcoin in the social field.
Secondly, Notcoin's unique gameplay has become an important highlight in attracting users. As a free and easy-to-use Telegram game, Notcoin's gameplay is simple and intuitive. Users can earn coins by clicking on the mobile phone screen and easily gain benefits. Since its launch on January 1, 2024, Notcoin's number of participants has grown rapidly, becoming the fifth-ranked channel on Telegram. The NFT voucher function launched by Notcoin has brought more potential value to users, adding new vitality and appeal to the project.
In addition, Notcoin has become popular because of its strong support and social communication capabilities in the TON ecosystem. As a project officially supported by TON, Notcoin has received official support and is deeply integrated with TON, allowing it to spread quickly and gain user recognition. Telegram founder Du Rove highly praised the success of Notcoin, believing that it has created amazing value in the Telegram and TON ecosystems.
In summary, Notcoin has rapidly risen in the cryptocurrency circle with its unique gameplay, strong background support and social communication capabilities. As the project continues to develop and grow, Notcoin is expected to become a rising star in the cryptocurrency field, leading the development trend of social projects.
Recently, Notcoin (NOT for short) has performed well in the cryptocurrency market, especially after it was listed on the exchange, its market performance has become more eye-catching. The following are Notcoin's recent market data and listing status:
Market value has exploded: According to data disclosed by the X platform, after the Notcoin token (NOT) was launched on various exchanges, it quickly attracted more than 3 million users to trade, with a transaction volume of more than 250 million US dollars. As of now, the market value of Notcoin has reached 820 million US dollars, and its market performance is remarkable.
Pre-listing market trading: Before Notcoin was listed, its market performance was already quite active. Data showed that Notcoin's total market value in the pre-trading market was $317,316,899, its USD trading volume was $18,788,750, and its TON trading volume was 3,915,316 TON.
According to data from May 9, Notcoin sales peaked in a short period of time, with a USD transaction volume of 391,484, 3,617 sales, and 63,713 TON transactions. Since then, the transaction volume has fallen back, but it still maintains a certain level of activity.
Market trading after listing: After Notcoin was listed on major exchanges, its market performance continued to be strong. Data showed that Notcoin's total trading volume peaked at $1.238 billion on May 16. On May 17, Notcoin's trading volume further increased to $1.292 billion. Since then, the trading volume has fallen back, but it still remains at a high level.
Listing on exchanges: Notcoin is listed on several major exchanges. According to official announcements, Binance Finance, One-Click Coin Buying and Flash Exchange trading platforms have launched Notcoin new assets, and NOT will be launched on leverage, contract and fixed investment platforms at 22:00 on May 16, 22:00 on May 16 and 18:00 on May 20 (Eastern Time Zone 8). In addition, Notcoin has also launched pre-market trading on exchanges such as Bybit, and the market response has been enthusiastic. Bybit's quotation on its pre-market trading platform is 10 M = 60 to 90 US dollars, which is a considerable premium compared to the NFT market transaction price.
Community response: The launch of Notcoin has received widespread attention and the community has responded enthusiastically. Telegram founder Du Rove wrote that after Notcoin was minted on the TON blockchain and listed on all major cryptocurrency exchanges, it has attracted more than 35 million active users. In addition, Notcoin's future plans announced on the X platform show that the project will launch more activities and reward mechanisms to further stimulate user participation. For example, gold and platinum players will receive special allocations from the upcoming activities, and users can unstake Notcoin at any time and withdraw it on the chain, but will lose the corresponding benefits and access to the pool.
Notcoin has had an exceptionally strong market performance recently, with explosive growth in market value, continued active trading volume, good exchange listings, and enthusiastic community response. As a highly anticipated emerging project, Notcoin has demonstrated huge market potential and room for development. In the future, Notcoin is expected to further consolidate its position in the cryptocurrency market through continued innovation and user participation.

Binance supports: Notcoin’s launch and the rise of community coins

Recently, Notcoin (NOT for short) successfully landed on Binance Exchange, which triggered heated discussions and attention in the entire cryptocurrency community. As a highly anticipated emerging project, the launch of Notcoin means wider market recognition and more convenient trading channels, injecting new impetus into the development of the project.

Background and Significance

As the world's leading cryptocurrency trading platform, Binance's support for new projects is often of symbolic significance. Notcoin's listing on Binance is supported by its own value and potential, and also reflects Binance's friendly attitude and openness to community coins. Binance's support not only provides Notcoin with more liquidity and trading channels, but also opens up a broader space for the development of the project.

Thoughts and discussions

The launch of Notcoin has triggered a series of thoughts and discussions on community coins. As a digital asset with community consensus and trust, community coins are becoming increasingly important in the field of cryptocurrency. Binance's support for Notcoin is not only a recognition of the project itself, but also a re-examination of the value and significance of community coins. This event has triggered people's in-depth thinking about the role and status of community coins in the cryptocurrency market, and has also pointed out a new direction for the development of community coins.
Notcoin's listing on Binance Exchange marks the rise and development of community coins. Binance's support has injected new vitality into Notcoin and brought new opportunities and challenges to the entire community coin field. With the continuous development and growth of the cryptocurrency market, we have reason to believe that Notcoin's listing is just a starting point for the development of community coins. In the future, more community coins will be listed on major exchanges, bringing more possibilities and vitality to the entire cryptocurrency industry.

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The necessity of diversified development and the rise of community coins

The successful launch of Notcoin represents the rise of community coins in the cryptocurrency field and highlights the necessity of diversified development. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve and mature, more and more projects are aware of the limitations of singleness and begin to explore broader development space. The rise of community coins just meets this demand. They are attracting more and more attention and recognition with their decentralization and community autonomy. In this era of diversity, the development momentum of community coins is getting stronger and stronger, becoming a new force in the cryptocurrency market.

The impact and reflection of Notcoin project on the industry

The launch of the Notcoin project is not only the birth of a project, but also a challenge and reflection on the entire cryptocurrency industry. It has proposed new ideas and models, and brought new inspiration to the development of the industry. The success of Notcoin will inspire more projects to try bravely, and will also urge the industry to liberate itself from traditional thinking and explore more innovative development paths.

Industry trends and the inevitability of change

In the uncertain world of cryptocurrency, the only constant is change. The inevitability of industry trends and changes has become a reality. Notcoin's listing on Binance Exchange is just a microcosm of industry changes, and more changes are happening quietly. In this era full of challenges and opportunities, we need to keep an open mind, dare to innovate, and dare to try in order to seize future opportunities.
In short, the future of the cryptocurrency field is full of unknowns and surprises. The launch of Notcoin is just the beginning. We cannot predict what will happen in the future, but we can be sure that the future will be more exciting. The cryptocurrency world is exploring unknown boundaries. Are we willing to follow it and embark on this unknown journey together?

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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