The price increased by 30,000% overnight. Did American celebrity Katherine Jenner launch a Trump-themed MEME coin?

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Last night, a MEME coin called JENNER came out of nowhere. The OKX Web3 wallet showed that it had a 24-hour increase of 29,659% and a circulating market value of approximately US$15 million.

Image: From

What is the origin of this coin?

The JENNER code comes from a person named Caitlyn Jenner, and the avatar of the token is also her own avatar. The coin was first issued on Solana’s MEME coin launch platform

Tracking X shows that its introductory tweet is “Make America Great Again, We Love Cryptocurrency.”

The accompanying picture is a photo of the protagonist and Trump.

From this point, we can be sure that this is a Trump concept coin.

But more than that, this Caitlyn Jenner is a very important person.

Caitlyn Jenner is a former American track and field Olympic champion, actress, screenwriter, and voice actor. Her representative work is "Jack and Jill". In 1976, she won the men's decathlon championship at the Montreal Olympics.

In June 2015, she announced that she had completed sex reassignment surgery and changed her name to Caitlyn Jenner.

Also, she comes from a well-known American socialite family, the Kardashian family, and is the father of model Kendall Jenner and socialite Kylie Jenner.

Regarding this family, the editor believes that in addition to giving people the feeling of being successful people in the American upper class, there is also a feeling that: they are very good at making trouble and are very good at playing with the media and self-media.

Just like the protagonist of this time, on the one hand, he is a typical representative of the American dream, and on the other hand, he has lived in the spotlight all his life, has absolute influence on some public issues, and does things unexpectedly, and can become a hot topic in minutes.

Currently, she has 3.35 million followers on X and speaks several times a week. Judging from her recent X, Caitlyn Jenner has a strong political inclination. For example, she is definitely a Trump fan and the number one Trump supporter. She has made a lot of politically relevant speeches on X, and many of her remarks are in support of Trump.

Will this project just cut some leeks and run away, or will it continue?

Actually, a lot of things happened last night. The story behind this coin can be described in four words: confusing.

Let’s take a look at the post by 0xSun, a KOL on X. The content is as follows:

"The most mind-boggling episode, group members found that @Caitlyn_Jenner, an account with 3.3M followers, posted a Pumpfun. After checking, they found that it was the father of the Kardashian family. They quickly bought 2SOL. But tonight, GCR's Twitter was hacked, and this tweet also tagged several well-known CT accounts in the comment area. My first reaction was that his Twitter was also hacked. But after all, the Kardashian family is also a top-tier family in the United States. There will be short-term popularity. The internal market can definitely be played, but it is not suitable to chase high and take over. The main reason is that I am worried that the original tweet will soon delete the post to refute the rumor, so I sold it around 250k, a total of 17SOL.

Unexpectedly, the buying was very strong, rushing all the way to nearly 2M. When I was slapping my thigh for selling 10 times, Dev started selling his chips, and he sold them all in two transactions. I thought this move confirmed that it was a hacked fake transaction, but Caitlyn’s Instagram posted a Story, mentioning this coin by name, and his agent and life partner Sophia also retweeted the update, and Caitlyn frantically replied to those who questioned on Twitter, saying that this coin was indeed issued by him and was not hacked.

These actions made the whole incident even more confusing. If it was really me who issued the coins, why did I choose to sell all the chips at such an early stage? If it was not me who issued the coins, why did I continue to promote it after the Dev wallet was cleared? But no matter what, there are dynamic evidences from two Instagram accounts, so the credibility is much higher, so I received back 50SOL in batches.

There was a lot of discussion on Twitter about this matter, and the price fluctuated accordingly. At this time, Sophia released another big bombshell and uploaded a video showing her face, saying that this coin was indeed issued by herself and her team. Caitlyn herself was playing golf so she could not show up for the time being. The appearance of this video caused the coin price to accelerate its rise. I also sold all the tokens in the range of 5~8M and made a profit of 70SOL.

The good times did not last long. Soon someone said that the video was synthesized using Deepfake AI technology. Someone else sent a screenshot of a private message on Twitter, saying that this was a habitual criminal gang that specialized in stealing coins from celebrities’ social media. These well-founded negative news caused the coin price to experience a roller coaster ride and fell back to 4M.

Then Sophia directly held a Space using Caitlyn's account, and deleted many negative comments. It seemed that the balance of victory had completely tilted, and the price of the coin broke through 20M. Who would have thought that Sophia would say in Space that she might launch a new token. This statement caused the price of the coin to fall, all the way to 6M, and then began to fluctuate again. "

That’s 0xSun’s brilliant take on the token’s story.

In short, at present, the JENNER coin still looks a bit confusing.

The editor believes that some interesting discoveries can be observed from this coin.

First, Trump is definitely the top traffic owner in the current crypto. As long as you are close to Trump, you can hype it up. You must keep a close eye on Trump’s speeches and related narratives.

Second, because Trump has made many speeches in support of the encryption field, as the number one Trump fan, Caitlyn Jenner is still likely to stir up trouble in the encryption field.

Third, if this coin is real and not stolen, it can be seen that this team is not very "professional" and is a bit flustered. The subsequent trend will be greatly affected by the team's statement. If you participate, it is recommended to subscribe to the push of their personal X account.

My Twitter: Caitlyn Jenner @Caitlyn_Jenner

Token address: 4GJ3TCt5mTgQT5BRKb14AkjddpFQqKVfphxzS3t4foZ9

Fourth, follow JENNER’s project homepage on Followin, which will aggregate the latest news about JENNER, user comments, etc. on the entire network in the form of AI.

Project homepage: Followin

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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