Trump opens BTC Lightning Network donations! Tianqiao Capital angrily criticized the Democratic Party’s encryption stance: Biden will pay a heavy price

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According to reports from Bitcoin Magazing, former U.S. President Donald Trump has become the first U.S. presidential candidate to accept campaign donations paid for by the Bitcoin Lightning Network. Trump’s campaign team has partnered with well-known Bitcoin and Lightning Network infrastructure providers In partnership with OpenNode, supporters can now use Bitcoin to donate to Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign via the Lightning Network.

Donate at least $500

According to information disclosed on the website, there are many options for donation amounts, with the minimum being at least $500. In fact, the Trump campaign is not just embracing the Lightning Network. Trump claimed as early as May 11 that he was ready to embrace the new technology that will make America great again. Donations can be made using any cryptocurrency accepted by Coinbase Commerce products, the campaign said in a statement.

According to the website, accepted cryptocurrencies include: Bitcoin, Ethereum, SOL, USDC, XRP, ZRX, and even meme coins DOGE and SHIB.

You can support Trump through the Lightning Network|Source: Website

SkyBridge Capital founder slams Biden’s crypto stance

On the Democratic side, the attitude towards the crypto market is completely different from that of the Republicans. In mid-May, both houses of the U.S. Congress passed a resolution to repeal the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) cryptocurrency accounting standard “SAB 121,” becoming the first U.S. crypto bill submitted to the president. However, Biden formally vetoed the bill to repeal SAB 121 earlier yesterday (2).

In response, the encryption community and the U.S. Congress expressed their dissatisfaction with Biden's decision. Digital Chamber Policy Director Cody Carbone said on X:

Biden vetoes resolution to repeal SAB 121 (which was intended to) protect consumers? Forget it; pandering to Gensler’s hostility to cryptocurrencies? certainly

This is a slap in the face to innovation and financial freedom.

In addition, Anthony Scaramucci, founder of SkyBridge Capital, also expressed his views on X. He bluntly stated that President Biden’s stance on cryptocurrency may cost him even more. Scaramucci believes that vetoing SAB 121 is a very wrong decision, especially at this critical moment.

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