How to win the Magic Eden and Polygon trading bonus event

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One fish, three meals a day: 150,000 #MATIC (8.4WU) rewards + diamond points + ME wallet interaction

Polygon launched a 150,000 #MATIC trading reward campaign on ME. Originally, as a project with a financing of 130 million, a valuation of 1.6 billion dollars, and a clear expectation of issuing coins, ME is a must-win project. With the help of the 84,000 u campaign, friends who have not won the game quickly caught up.

1. Activity Introduction

Magic Eden platform and Polygon jointly carried out NFT trading activities.

Total rewards: 150,000 MATIC, approximately 84,000 U
· Time: June 24-July 24
· Qualification: Trading poy chain NFT on ME, more than 100 points· Points rules: 1 USD in primary market = 2 points, 1 USD in secondary market = 1 point· Reward rules: your points/total points during the transaction

2. Cat petting strategy

1. NFT Selection

After entering the official website - select the polygon chain - click boosted (there will be a 25% diamond bonus).

(Ps: Here I mainly look at 4 indicators: good liquidity + moderate price + total transaction volume + offer activity)

2. Give an offer first
Since you can get diamonds by making an offer, you don’t have to just sweep the floor. Just make an offer close to the floor price.

3. List orders: After you buy, you can also earn diamonds by placing a sell order.

4. Transfer NFT between wallets
Use wallet 1 to make an offer, buy NFT, transfer it to wallet 2 through ME wallet, and then place an order with 2list. You can brush the activity on ME, and the gas on Poly is very cheap.

1. NFT activity on polygon is poor, don’t choose randomly
2. Don’t do obvious double-handed volume manipulation. The official will investigate.
3. If you are not particularly optimistic about NFT, remember to clear your position after interacting with it

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