Trump's Bitcoin Conference Speech Summary: Incorporating Bitcoin into the National Reserve Will Prevent World War III

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Author: TechFlow

Trump arrived as scheduled and delivered a speech at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference held in Nashville, expounding on his grand blueprint and policy ideas for Bitcoin, which can be roughly summarized as follows:

I am awesome: During my term in office, Bitcoin soared 3,900%, from $898 when I took office to $35,900, inflation was low, middle-class income increased... the people were rich and the country was strong;

The Biden administration is bad: far-left lunatics, a massive influx of refugees, political persecution of Bitcoin and industry companies, and if I (Trump) don’t win this race, this country will be doomed;

We need to do something big: first fire the current SEC Chairman Gary Gensler, promise not to sell the Bitcoins held by the US government, and include them in the national reserve, develop the energy industry, and support Bitcoin mining;

To flatter the crypto industry: Bitcoin enthusiasts, you are the modern-day Edisons, Wright brothers, Edisons, and Henry Fords.

Finally, Trump solemnly promised to become the most supportive president of the United States for innovation and Bitcoin.

To sum it up in one sentence: Harris is a bad guy, choose me quickly, if you don’t choose me, America needs to play, Bitcoin needs to play!

Trump was having a great time speaking, and the audience was also having a great time, especially when he said that the first thing he would do after taking office was to fire Gary Gensler, everyone stood up and applauded!

Who among the crypto industry wasn't confused after hearing all these compliments and promises, and they all shouted MAGA? However, whether this was a sincere expression or a political show, and whether they will become indisputable in the future is still unknown. What is clear is that the influence and mass base of the crypto industry have indeed expanded visibly, to the extent that even the US presidential candidates have to curry favor and pay attention to it.

In any case, this is still a good thing. It is always better to please with sweet words than to suppress with coldness. Comrade Trump, you have given the emotional value very well!

Here is a condensed summary of Trump’s speech at the Bitcoin Conference:

Reasons to support cryptocurrencies: Keeping America first

In just 15 years, Bitcoin has gone from an idea posted anonymously on an internet message board to the ninth largest asset in the world by market cap, and soon it will surpass the entire silver market cap. Someday, it may even surpass gold. At current trends, it’s entirely possible.

Bitcoin is not just a miracle of technology, it is a miracle of collaboration and human achievement, and a lot of relationships are built along the way, there is competition, but there are also relationships and friendships between people. The people here are all high IQ people, and I am competing with a low IQ person. The reason I came to address the Bitcoin community today can be summed up in a simple way: Make sure America comes first. Because if we don't do it, China will do it, and other countries will do it. So let's do it, and do it well. My vision is an America that dominates the future, we must be the most successful, and it is important that we lead and set the standard.

I will ensure that America becomes the global crypto capital and Bitcoin superpower. If crypto is going to define the future, I want it minted in America, not somewhere else, and if Bitcoin is going to go “TO THE MOON” as we say, I want America to lead the way. That’s why I’m proud to be the first major party candidate in American history to accept Bitcoin and cryptocurrency donations, and let me tell you, they’re giving a lot, and I’m grateful.

The Democrats are all bad people. They fired Gary Gensler as soon as they took office.

Kamala Harris is a far left lunatic who, by the way, is against cryptocurrency, so I just want you to know that you have to get out and vote. They are against cryptocurrency and are trying to kill it. You know what the SEC is doing: killing Bitcoin. The reason couldn't be clearer: Bitcoin represents freedom, sovereignty, and independence from government coercion and control. The Biden-Harris administration's clampdown on cryptocurrency and Bitcoin is wrong and very bad for our country.

Again, if we don't win this, this country may be doomed. If this country is to remain in their hands, we must fight, and we must win. I promise the Bitcoin community that the day I am sworn in, the Biden and Harris anti-crypto campaign will be over and the persecution of your industry will end.

On my first day in office, I will fire Gary Gensler (current SEC Chairman) and appoint a new SEC Chairman who believes that America should build the future, not hinder it.

Never again will your administration sit back and watch Bitcoin jobs and businesses flee to other countries because American laws are too unclear, too harsh, and too inflexible. We will keep every Bitcoin job in the United States. As soon as I take office, I will immediately establish a Presidential Advisory Commission on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency.

There will be no CBDC, Bitcoin is not a threat to the US dollar

There is a thing going on in your industry where they want to move in the direction of creating a central bank digital currency (CBDC), forget it. There will never be a CBDC when I am President of the United States again. I will always defend the right to self-custody sovereignty, and I will advance your industry, not destroy it. America will once again be a country that protects property rights, privacy, freedom of exchange, and free speech, and we will return to what we were before as a country under construction, rather than eating ourselves from the inside.

As part of our efforts to provide regulatory clarity, we will create a framework to enable the security and expansion of stablecoins. This will expand the dominance of the dollar, the United States will be richer, the world will be a better place, and billions of people will be brought into the crypto economy and put their savings in Bitcoin. Those who say Bitcoin threatens the dollar have it all wrong. Bitcoin does not threaten the dollar. The current actions of the US government are the real threat to the dollar. The danger to finance does not come from cryptocurrencies, but from Washington, DC.

During my time in office, Bitcoin increased 39 times

We will immediately and rapidly begin rebuilding our economy because when America prospers, Bitcoin soars with it. During the Trump Administration, middle class household incomes increased by $6,000 per year. In my four years in office, Bitcoin soared 3,900%, from $898 when I took office to $35,900. That is almost the largest increase of any industry.

I will make the Trump tax cuts permanent and provide massive tax cuts for families, individuals, and job-creating businesses, including eliminating the tip tax.

I will cut unnecessary and burdensome regulations and work to make America the best place in the world to start a business, including a cryptocurrency business. You don't have to go to China. You don't have to learn Chinese. I have a little granddaughter who speaks fluent Chinese. It's a great thing, but it's not easy, and you don't have to do it.

Inflation is a nightmare and will prevent World War III

The most important thing is that we will end this inflation nightmare that this government has created, that is destroying our country. You know, inflation can destroy a country. You can go back many years to Germany. Look at what happened to Germany during the great inflation, and it is a destroyer of a country.

The life savings of millions of Americans were quickly destroyed, and runaway inflation was a hidden tax on the middle class.

When I return to the White House, I will stop the insanity and wasteful spending of this administration. I will end endless wars. Again, we have no new wars under your favorite President Trump. They always think I will start a war, let me tell you something: I will stop World War III because we are closer to World War III now than at any time since the end of World War II. I will seal the border and stop the millions of illegal immigrants from pouring into our country.

Develop the energy industry and support Bitcoin mining

We will end the war on American energy. We have more liquid gold (oil) beneath our feet than any other country, but we will not stop there. We will harness all forms of American energy. I have set an ambitious goal that by the end of my term, America will have the lowest energy and electricity costs in the world.

With low energy costs, the United States will become the world's recognized Bitcoin mining power. You will become a Bitcoin mining power. You don't have to move your family to China. You won't move to China.

Building a Bitcoin National Reserve

As we implement reforms, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will drive our economic growth, solidify America’s financial dominance, and strengthen our entire country long into the future.

Unknown to many Americans, the U.S. government is one of the largest holders of Bitcoin. The federal government owns nearly 210,000 Bitcoins, or 1% of the total supply. But the U.S. government has long violated a fundamental principle that every Bitcoin enthusiast knows: “HODL.”

I am declaring that, if I am elected, the United States will reserve 100% of all Bitcoin currently held or acquired in the future, which will in effect serve as the core of a strategic National Bitcoin Reserve.

Most of the Bitcoin currently held by the U.S. government was acquired through law enforcement actions. They took it from you. We will take steps to transform this tremendous wealth into a permanent national asset for the benefit of all Americans.

Today, I reaffirmed my commitment to commuting Ross Ulbricht’s (Silk Road) prison sentence to time already served, a price he has paid.

I solemnly promise that I am the most pro-Bitcoin president

Ultimately, my promise to everyone is this: I will be the most pro-innovation and pro-Bitcoin president in America.

It will be a thriving and great industry and I will do the same for other industries.

You are the heirs of generations of American pioneers, patriots, adventurers, and rebels who populated this continent and built the modern world. You are on the cutting edge. You know this, Bitcoiners, you are the modern Edisons, the Wright brothers, the Edisons, and the Henry Fords. What you do in your lifetime has the potential to surpass all of us and inspire generations to come.

My job will be to set you free to do what you do best - and you will do it better than anyone else, and you will win with energy, passion, and wisdom rarely seen before. Our country cannot fail. We are a failed nation now, but not for long. Our country cannot fail. With your help, we will save our country, restore our Republic, and make America and Bitcoin bigger, better, stronger, richer, freer, and greater than ever before.

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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