From PGA to UGA: We.Rich is leading the transition of crypto assets from "elite manufacturing" to "mass creation".

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Trump's dodging of the gun has drawn the world's attention. Of course, the crypto world will not be absent from this feast of attention.

As a hotbed for attention monetization, the crypto industry is one of the most popular areas in the world. After the shooting, various related Memecoins emerged one after another, and the myth of crypto wealth creation once again dominated the screen. This shooting seemed to have given the crypto market a shot in the arm, making crypto assets of all sizes active again.

Memecoin has attracted the attention of the entire industry and has become the vanguard of several market recoveries. Behind the Meme craze, a more revolutionary concept, UGA (User Generated Asset), is quietly emerging.

The "Meme fever" demonstrates the charm of creativity and free expression in the crypto world. The real breakthrough of the UGA concept lies in combining user asset sovereignty with coinage rights. While embodying the cultural connotation of Meme, it also gives individual users the ability to freely create and issue digital assets.

We.Rich is not only the initiator of the UGA concept, but also a pioneer in this field. In this wave of asset creation revolution, We.Rich successfully obtained the first financing in the UGA field with its innovative ideas. The $2 million investment led by Folius Ventures and Animoca Brands fully proves the industry's recognition of We.Rich as the leader of the UGA field.

We.Rich positions itself as a UGA platform, not just another Memecoin launchpad, intending to be the key product that brings the crypto world into the UGA era, combining the free creative spirit of Meme with the democratization of asset issuance.

This article will take an in-depth look at how We.Rich, the chosen leader in the UGA track, redefines the way digital assets are created and traded, and see how it changes the landscape of the crypto world.

UGA: Asset equality revolution in the Web3 era

The Web2 era has witnessed the democratization of content creation. The rise of social platforms such as TikTok, Xiaohongshu, and Instagram has promoted the explosive growth of user-generated content (UGC), giving ordinary people the opportunity to succeed through content creation, fully demonstrating the huge potential of individual users to create content. These platforms not only provide creative "nobodies" with the opportunity to become famous overnight, but also permanently change the landscape of content creation. In the Web2 era, we clearly see that UGC has surpassed PGC with a significant advantage and has become the mainstream.

However, when we turn our attention to the encryption field, we find that some familiar problems still exist.

Although the ever-increasing asset issuance methods provide new possibilities for wealth creation, for ordinary users, exercising the right to issue assets still faces huge technical and financial barriers.

Professionally Generated Assets (PGA) still holds an absolute dominant position. Whether in terms of the current market size with a huge gap or the difference in player composition, PGA is currently far ahead of UGA. Large institutions, professional teams and senior individuals still account for the majority of crypto asset issuance and creation.

But just as Web2 witnessed the rise of UGC and eventually surpassed PGC, Web3 will also undergo a similar evolution process. The emergence of the UGA concept is to promote the realization of this trend.

The transition from PGA to UGA is not only a change in the industry and the trend of the times, but also represents the true democratization and equal rights of the crypto world. It will open the door to asset creation for ordinary users and has the potential to completely change the face of the crypto economy. Just as the rise of UGC in the Web2 era completely changed the ecology of content creation, UGA gives each individual the ability to mint and issue their own digital assets, becoming a pioneer in leading the asset creation revolution in the Web3 era.

Natural compatibility with the Base ecosystem

As a Layer 2 solution backed by Coinbase, Base not only inherits the advantages of EVM, but also has the support of Coinbase's strong background resources.

This year, the Base ecosystem has shown a booming development trend. In the first half of the year, successful Memecoins such as $DEGEN and $MFER emerged. The recently popular $MIGGLES has repelled a chorus of doubts in the market.

The continuous and real ecological heat and technological innovation of the Base ecosystem, coupled with the introduction of Coinbase Smart Wallet, have created unique conditions for the large-scale application of UGA. We.Rich saw the perfect compatibility between the Base ecosystem and UGA and decided to build its platform on Base to lay the foundation for continued growth in the future.

UGA concept pioneer, We.Rich mechanism innovation

In the Web2 era, creators can gain their own value through creativity, and a very important factor is that creation is completely free . Publishing an article, uploading an original song, or publishing a short video full of one's own creativity... These are all free, and creators have enough room to create to their heart's content, allowing creativity to align with self-worth.

However, in Web3, where even breathing requires a gas fee, want to show your creativity? Sure, you can, but you have to pay extra.

It costs gas to upload a piece of text or a picture to the chain, not to mention issuing your own assets. The layered charging mechanism and certain entry barriers restrict a considerable number of creators from moving from Web2 to Web3.

As the inventor and advocate of the UGA concept, We.Rich 's design philosophy revolves around "enabling everyone to create assets and become a founder with zero threshold". Let's take a deeper look at how We.Rich achieves its core functions through special technologies:

One-click free deployment, seamless transformation from creativity to assets

By combining the Bonding Curve and Combined with Coinbase Smart Wallet , We.Rich simplifies the process of issuing personal assets.

Compared with assets launched directly on Uniswap, We.Rich provides liquidity guarantees for asset issuance, and locks assets from the underlying code to ensure that the Pixiu and rug pool situations no longer exist. At the same time, all token issuances on the We.Rich platform are in ERC-20 format, which can be quickly launched on various exchanges.

It not only has a fair launch mechanism, but also provides liquidity and security guarantees. It provides early participants with a real opportunity to obtain high returns. We.Rich is serious about fair launch.

Through Coinbase Smart Wallet, users can complete wallet settings and start Web3 interaction in just a few simple steps. At the same time, We.Rich bears the transaction fees of users, innovatively reducing the cost of asset creation to 0. Users can create a complete, secure, fairly launched, and liquid asset without paying gas fees or providing initial liquidity.

We.Rich has lowered the entry threshold of Web3 to the same level as Web2, making Web3 UGA, like Web2 UGC, available to every ordinary person. More importantly, the introduction of Coinbase Smart Wallet has paved the way for We.Rich 's mass adoption. By eliminating technical barriers, reducing costs, providing security, and leveraging Coinbase's brand effect, We.Rich is creating a channel that allows millions of users to easily enter the Web3 world.

Everything can be issued as an asset

There is nothing that cannot be released. The media for spreading hot events or Internet memes are not only pictures and texts, but video content is now an important carrier of popular information. We.Rich is no longer limited to the issuance of tokens based on pictures or text content. Video content format files can also be used as part of asset issuance. The unique pixel style and waterfall information flow design similar to social media software such as Xiaohongshu represent We.Rich's ingenuity in product design. The comprehensive information display design breaks people's inherent perception of Web3 products and enhances users' social sharing needs.

At the same time, in order to further expand the application scope of UGA, the team is developing functions that support arbitrary links and files to tokenize everything.

AI recommendation brings UGA closer to users

We.Rich 's long-term vision is inseparable from the support of an excellent team. The team has professionals from technology giants such as Tinder and Microsoft, and has participated in the development of Tinder's recommendation system. Using this experience, We.Rich proposed and developed an AI personalized asset recommendation system from the beginning. In response to the massive Memecoin spurt, the system will analyze the user's wallet data and recommend potential assets to users from multiple dimensions based on user interests and portraits. The efficient distribution capability of the AI ​​engine also provides higher exposure for the assets issued by ordinary people, so that everyone's assets can be seen by the market.

In the future, the We.Rich team plans to introduce a series of features such as barrage, live broadcast, AI-generated content and VIP system, aiming to provide users with efficient UGA while maintaining the multi-dimensional appeal of the platform, further enhancing the platform's social attributes and user stickiness, and making UGA more down-to-earth and easier to spread.

WeRich's UGA Vision: A Trinity of Social, Finance and Governance

As a pioneer in the UGA field, We.Rich's forward-looking vision and grand long-term vision have also been recognized by the investment market, and it has significant competitive advantages in background and product concepts.

First UGA platform to receive institutional support

We.Rich has received $2 million in financing led by Folius and Animoca. These two investment institutions have extensive investment experience in the consumer application sector and provide strong endorsement and resource support for We.Rich . In addition, We.Rich will also conduct official cooperation with Mocaverse to provide Mocaverse holders with a window for the rapid issuance of UGA assets.

Founder Rich Program

Adhering to the concept of "We Rich Together", We.Rich provides additional rewards to every user who issues assets on the platform - 20% of the transaction fees of the issued assets, and 0.1ETH reward every time the assets issued by the user "graduate" (launch to Uniswap). This innovative incentive mechanism truly enables everyone to become the founder of the project and ordinary users can also become their own "Satoshi Nakamoto".

Deep integration with Farcaster

We.Rich, which is committed to getting closer to users, has also set its sights on social applications in the crypto field. By integrating with the native crypto social application Farcaster, users can directly use their Farcaster identities to log in and operate the We.Rich platform, seamlessly connecting users' social identities with their digital asset management, and creating a unified online identity and asset management system.

Through Farcaster's Frame function, We.Rich can simplify complex UGA concepts and operations into a user-friendly embedded interactive experience.

The threshold for asset issuance will be further lowered, making personal asset issuance even simpler. At the same time, with the help of Farcaster's social graph and strong user base, a new era will be achieved in which everything from asset issuance operations to attracting attention and cold start can be completed extremely quickly.

Token Economy: The Future of $RICH

After communicating with the We.Rich team, we learned that, unlike the vague coin issuance plans of many platform projects, the We.Rich team has a clearer plan for token issuance. The team stated that it will issue its own governance token $RICH in the future.

In terms of token distribution, We.Rich will directly link the future distribution of $RICH to the user's contribution on the platform. The distribution weight will be measured by multiple dimensions such as the number, quality and transaction volume of assets created, ensuring that community users who participate in the interaction early will receive a certain proportion of $RICH token airdrops, ensuring that early participants and active contributors to the community can obtain fair returns.

In the future $RICH the use cases of tokens will cover multiple aspects, including but not limited to fee-sharing repurchase, staking rewards and other diverse ecological value capture.

It is also worth mentioning that We.Rich plans to airdrop a certain proportion of any popular token on the platform to $RICH holders. This innovative token economic model continuously encourages user participation, promotes the positive development of the ecosystem, and implements the team's concept of "We Rich Together".


As early as the product demo stage, We.Rich proposed the UGA concept. In this round of bull market, as Memecoin, which focuses on chip allocation, has been recognized by the market again and again, the cultural spirit of fairness and freedom in the core of Memecoin has gradually spread, and UGA has been mentioned more and more in the industry. The market's heated discussion on UGA has increasingly demonstrated We.Rich 's leading thinking.

We.Rich is not just another memecoin launchpad, it is a key product that represents the transition of crypto asset issuance from the PGA era to the UGA era. Through revolutionary concepts, innovative technology and user-friendly design, We.Rich is redefining the way digital assets are created and traded.

The dawn of the UGA era has arrived, and We.Rich is inviting everyone to become the protagonist of this new era, We Rich Together.

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