Pump.fun's new competitor, what's fun about MakeNow.Meme?

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The market has given a new answer on how to play memes in a more extreme way. This time, you can post memes by posting a tweet.

The format of tweets using MakeNow to issue coins is: the tweet starts with a $ symbol and the stock code, plus a description of the token, and then aite the official MakeNow.Meme account and attach any pictures or videos.

Tweeting in the format required by MakeNow is equivalent to sending meme coins, but you must wait for an official reply from MakeNow before the coin issuance is considered successful, and the reply will include the token contract.

Since the launch of the official protocol, MakeNow has launched more than 2600 meme tokens in just one day (about 26 hours) and earned more than 230+ SOL in revenue.

If Pump.fun opened a way for Degen to quickly post memes and speculate on memes, today's market focus MakeNow has directly opened a fast lane for rugs, staging the ultimate PvP battlefield. Using the same tactics as Blinks before, MakeNow leverages Twitter's natural traffic pool and leverages influential KOLs to simplify the formation of meme consensus. However, the unique mechanism that requires an official reply to successfully create makes this game not as it seems. So transparent.

Crypto Wei Tuo from AC Capital discussed the uniqueness of MakeNow and the reasons why it attracted widespread attention in just 24 hours. The most noteworthy thing is that MakeNow has carried out deeper innovations in the market making model. Through the strategy of multiple deployers, the difficulty of sniping is increased and the problem of mouse warehouses is cleverly avoided. I hope this article will be helpful to readers in understanding the ever-changing meme countermeasures.

The following is the original content:

This MakeNow.Meme is a bit interesting. If you look closely, you will find that his 24-hour fire has revealed many essential problems of the same type of track.

surface innovation

On the three points of issuance, trading, and market making, Make appears to be just an imitation of Pump, and has made a micro-innovation on the issuance side, which is to allow users to directly issue coins using Twitter, which is very simple.

After actual testing, we found that if you use the official website to issue coins, there is no difference from Pump; but if you use Twitter to issue coins, there is no way to create a mouse warehouse. It does not require you to connect to the wallet and is launched directly through the official contract.

This actually doesn't make sense for meme launching pad.

But is it really so?

Actual innovation points

In fact, Make secretly made an innovation in the market making model.

On the surface, the coins issued through Twitter are perfectly fair. Devs also need to grab the coins like retail investors, and the time for devs to know the CA may not be as fast as the hunters on the chain. But in fact, if you look at the coin I sent, there is still a suspected rat warehouse in the front row. Who is that?

Obviously, the project side.

And his method is very clever. After I send out the tweet, he will use several deployers to send the same token, making it more difficult to snipe. Compared with Pump, it is more difficult to detect rat warehouses, because every rat warehouse is a platform, not even a platform. dev.

If a well-known project party wants to issue coins, it can use Twitter to issue coins to achieve seemingly irresponsible orders, and then find the official Make rat warehouse to snipe the chips and realize the rat warehouse. Therefore, so many project parties can release Make publicly.

As we all know, it is a difficult problem for KOL to issue tokens, because based on the previous token distribution model, KOL's orders will be suspected of cutting off retail investors, thereby damaging its own reputation.

Make proposed a great solution for the KOL currency issuance model, so that the gentry and wealthy people can return the money in full, and the ordinary people can divide their accounts into 30-70.

what we learned

Yesterday I said that the value proposition of Pump’s imitation disk or anything with this casino concept should not be in providing features that are assumed to increase traffic, but should have the courage to attack the liquidity model (issuance, trading, market making).

Make fine-tuned the issuance model without making a move, and proposed a solution for the market-making side of the KOL currency issuance scenario, so that high-traffic projects would end. Only for them can traffic be converted into liquidity, which truly changes the liquidity model.

To put it bluntly, Makenow’s real business model is not the Pump imitation disk on the front end, but it serves as a market maker for the coins that all celebrities tweet.

Keep an eye out for the bot addresses on the front row of coin grabs for his successful performance.

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