[Wealth Code] Advanced Knowledge of Web3: Secondary Funds, KOLs, Exchanges, VCs, Technology, Marketing, BD, Project Parties

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My friends are almost using me as an HR. Everyone asks me for girls, operations, and BD. The most outrageous thing is that some even ask me for CEO. Complaints aside, as I am about to get 10,000 followers, I would like to talk about some advanced knowledge of the crypto. It is actually more than 3,000 words in total. Believe me, you will definitely gain something after reading it.

Secondary Funds 1. The vast majority of secondary funds only make money in a bull market, and it would be good enough if they don’t lose all their money in a bear market; 2. Please do not invest in any secondary funds of traders who are not native to the crypto, and do not invest in any A-share, Hong Kong-stock, and US-stock futures traders who come to the crypto to set up secondary funds; 3. From my personal experience, a good secondary fund’s trading team should not exceed 3 people; 4. I personally do not recommend retail investors to invest in secondary funds, because it is difficult for you to find a good one; 5. If you have to invest, please remember that the yield of secondary funds can be made up, and the actual trading can be fake. Talk less with marketers and more with traders. The essence of your investment in secondary funds is to invest in trading teams.

KOL 1. Please understand first that people who are mainly KOLs basically don't need to watch it. People who have their own jobs in the crypto and are willing to share and become KOLs can take a look. KOLs who are at the top of the industry in the crypto and output methodology should be focused on; 2. You should do subtraction for KOLs, not addition. Gradually screen the KOLs you follow and figure out how they make money. The more they can make money from more ecological positions, the more they will contribute dry goods, and the less likely they will cut you off easily; 3. There is a kind of KOL who specializes in a certain track, such as NFT, DEFI, inscriptions, and wool, etc. Please pay attention to KOLs who have made a lot of money in these tracks, have their own methodology and have been outputting it. This type of KOL is generally the leader among retail investors, but because of strong path dependence, they are not good at other tracks. If you can feel the rotation of sectors, you can make good use of the methodology and information provided by these KOLs; 4. For secondary trading KOLs, you only need to know three or five of them. It is recommended to maintain a friendly relationship with one or two offline. When you have a certain trading ability, your one or two trader friends know you well, and they will be honest with you and remind you at critical moments; 5. Don’t believe those KOLs who shout and call you brothers on Twitter! Don’t believe those KOLs who brag about being rich or having a good family background every day! Don’t believe the profit screenshots or insider information of such KOLs!

Exchanges 1. The ecosystems of leading exchanges and small exchanges are completely different; 2. The primary goal of an exchange is user growth, followed by making money; 3. I always recommend newcomers to the crypto to learn from large exchanges; 4. Large exchanges and VCs that incubate their own projects are the Whampoa Military Academy for crypto talents; 5. Never think that large exchanges will not run away or do evil.

VC 1. Top VC and small VC are two completely different creatures. You can ignore VC that has not experienced a complete bull-bear cycle. In every bull market, many new VCs are established, and then they are very arrogant, and then they lose their pants. They don’t even have a complete investment logic, but they generally think they have it; 2. VC’s ability to make money mainly comes from primary investment, but the profit margin of primary investment in the crypto is gradually declining with the bull market cycle. Most VCs have not made money this year; 3. If you have the opportunity to chat with VCs, it will help you more to listen to them talk about the junk projects that failed to invest; 4. Drinking and chatting with VC bosses more often will help you grow in the industry the most; 5. The correct way to learn VC is to join them. 2 It is never to read their research reports and shill, but to systematically look at what a certain VC is investing in, what logic, how this project is promoted, and the online performance, to judge whether the VC is profitable and whether this project is successful. It is necessary to track the entire chain and think independently.

Technology 1. The technology of most projects is a bunch of shit, including some technology projects that retail investors have hyped up. If you want to understand the technology of a certain project in the crypto, you need to spend a lot of time learning the basics and then hang out with the crypto geeks; 2. Technology itself can also be marketed; 3. Technology is not that important in a project, but it determines the upper limit of the project; 4. Don't listen to the Internet's working technicians talking about crypto technology. The blockchain technology circle is completely separated from them. Most of these people are inexperienced and think highly of themselves; 5. Don't deify the crypto, and don't buy coins randomly with them, but please respect them!

Marketing 1. Project parties that don’t understand marketing will definitely die; 2. If the operation director of a project comes from a traditional large enterprise or the Internet, and has no achievements in the crypto, this project is likely to fail. On the contrary, if the operation director of a project used to be engaged in pyramid selling, you should focus on it; 3. Most project parties’ marketing is very bad. A complete project operation network includes: operation framework, brand building, community operation, crisis public relations, new media operation, and channel maintenance; 4. A powerful operation director will bring a lot of operation resources in the circle. He will update his marketing network every bull market to ensure that his investment and flow channels are effective and that his marketing methods keep up with the times. The earlier a good operation director enters the project, the more powerful he can bring to the project. For example, project parties often come to me and say: "Our operation director screwed up. He spent a lot of money on KOL, but it didn't bring any volume. Mr. Z, please save him." Next time, project parties, please don't come to me for this matter. Also, you know how many KOLs make money, right? 5. Talk to awesome operation directors more often, and you will find that they are generally a type of people with the same characteristics, and these people are very awesome when they start their own businesses, and they need to be paid special attention to. For example, the boss of a second-tier top exchange was an operation director.

BD 1. I don’t recommend newcomers to do BD, because after you quickly connect with many people, you will become anxious and confused, and you won’t be able to sort out how to make money; 2. BD is not needed for awesome projects, and it’s useless for novice projects; 3. The essence of BD is to make a living by social skills, but social skills are one of the basic abilities that everyone has. Unless you have this skill very well, the ecological niche for BD work is fragile; 4. BD should learn some other skills to strengthen their competitiveness among peers. I didn’t intend to talk about BD originally, mainly because retail investors can’t get in touch with it, but I’ve written it anyway, so I’ll just take it as an employment guide for you.

Project parties 1. The resources that top project parties have far exceed the imagination of retail investors. They are often jointly incubated by the top bosses in the industry, and we must embrace top projects; 2. The direct profits of common crypto project parties can be simply summarized into two aspects: the money raised by the project and the money in the secondary market. High-quality project parties will take VCs and many retail investors to make money from leeks, ordinary project parties will take VCs to make money from retail investors, and project parties that don’t want to mix up will make money from VCs. Stupid project parties not only don’t make money, but also lose money inexplicably; 3. Projects are divided into different sectors with different characteristics, each of which is different. In fact, narratives are divided into levels. Top narratives guide revolutions, secondary narratives guide funds, third-level narratives have a wealth-creating effect, and fourth-level narratives are nothing. I have fabricated a full set of narratives for many project parties before, and the narrative level determines the upper limit of the project; 4. Investing in projects is investing in people. This is actually an experience summary, and this sentence is also true in the crypto. If you are lucky enough to know the project founder, be sure to talk to him more and observe him carefully; 5. I always encourage retail investors to try to do projects, even the smallest on-chain meme projects, because this can help you quickly improve your cognition. In the crypto, the project party is the center of everything; there is too much to say about the project party here, and the focus on retail investors and practitioners is completely different, so let's talk about it separately later.

Retail investors 1. Don’t become leeks waiting to be slaughtered in the original sin, but forge ahead and dance with the sickle;

2. You will never make money beyond your cognition unless you rely on luck, but the money you make by luck will often be lost by strength - BY: "Wealth Flow";

3. The crypto is a compensation for personality and cognition, not a reward for hard work. Unless you change your personality, the people you associate with, or the books you read, and break your original cognition, otherwise, five years later will be exactly the same as now. Choice is more important than hard work. When opportunities come, you must dare to hold a large position and hold it firmly. You must have a good guiding ideology, a good circle, and good logic. In the end, money will flow from people who are impatient to people who are calm. ——BY: Shenyu;

4. You are here to make money. Don’t hold long-term hostility and contempt for anything, such as VC coins, MLMs, MEMEs, and stupid KOLs. Arrogance is the biggest enemy of discovering ALPHA in the crypto. You will find that in my 5 points for retail investors, I did not talk about any experience at the execution level, but rather some principles. That is because retail investors have actually seen too many KOLs tell them all kinds of success stories. Those who are capable have long stopped being retail investors. Those who can leave retail investors only need to give some motivation or some key points and pull them by the hand. Most people are only suitable to be retail investors for their entire lives. Not becoming a leek is already their best ending. For them, the essence of investment is: leek, choose a sickle.

Let me end this article with a conversation between Trump and Trump: "Mr Trump, you've done great things in your life, and I just wonder how do I as an average person begin?" "Well, first of all never think of yourself as average. You started off with the wrong question, because you're not average. You've got a lot going. I see you're smart, I see you're very beautiful, and you're right against there."

The girl asked Trump: "Mr. Trump, you have done a lot of great things in your life. I just want to know, as an ordinary person, how to start?" Trump answered her seriously: "First of all, never think of yourself as an ordinary person. You asked the wrong question at the beginning. Because you are not ordinary, you have a lot of things to do. I know you, very smart, very beautiful, you are there."

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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