"You should be arrested if you allow illegal activities on the platform? Then why won't Meta founder Mark Zukerburg be arrested?" Many people were puzzled after Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested in Paris, France. He was also criticized in the United States. Meta's platforms Facebook and Instagram are also full of scams and pornographic content. Why won't Mark Zukerburg be caught?
Some people believe that it is a conspiracy by the United States to point the French government as an accomplice; however, outsiders speculate that the matter may not be that simple, especially Ukraine, which has been deeply harmed by Russia, and Europe, which is closely related to this war.
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ToggleUkraine-Russia war conspiracy theory: Ukrainian supporters optimistic about Pavel Durov were arrested
Jürgen Nauditt, an educator who supports Ukraine, believes that the arrest of Pavel Durov is like the Enigma cipher machine (Engima) used by Nazi Germany during World War II, which was decrypted by Polish cryptographers and actually cracked by the British army, prompting early Same as ending the war. He quoted: "Thanks to the Durov case, the entire Russian intelligence network in Europe may collapse." And said that if the French do the right thing, the next few days will be very positive for Ukraine and for Ukraine. What is exciting for us will be disastrous for the Russians.
Telegram carries a large number of military messages from Europe and Asia
Ukrainian supporter and Bitcoin developer Ser Jeff Garzik said that most people really don’t understand the large amount of military traffic on Telegram and the consequences of doing so in times of war, and how beneficial this is to multiple nation-states around the world. value. Strategic communications, soldier command and control, battlefield drone command and control, and intelligence asset management.
The founder of Telegram was arrested, which is a happy event for Ukraine
Judging from the communities familiar with the Ukraine-Russia war, there is a group of people in the world who are happy about the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov.
When the TON currency speculation community and stakeholders were angrily hyping various meme coins seeking to release Pavel Durov;
When the encryption community thinks that this is only a "free speech" issue and has nothing to do with providing a channel for criminal money laundering or war communications;
The Ukrainian community, which has been hit by missile bombs, sees hope because of the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov.