Telegram founder Pavel Durov faces multiple felony charges and will be detained until August 28

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The French government stated that on August 24, Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov was arrested by the police at Le Bourget Airport on the outskirts of Paris and was subsequently detained at 8 o'clock that night. This incident attracted widespread attention and was closely related to a judicial investigation launched on July 8, 2024. The investigation involves a range of serious criminal charges, covering cybercrime, child pornography, drug dealing and money laundering.

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French anti-cybercrime unit: organized crime, encryption technology abuse

The French government stated that the judicial investigation of the case was initiated by JUNALCO (the anti-cybercrime unit) under the Paris Prosecutor's Office. According to the investigation, these charges include online activities related to organized crime, involving illegal transactions, abuse of information encryption technology, distribution and trafficking of child pornography, drug dealing, and Internet fraud. Notably, some of the charges in these investigations also involve Durov's refusal to cooperate with authorities in providing relevant information and documents required for a lawful interception.

Summary of the main accusations against Telegram founder Pavel Durov

According to the investigation, the judicial body has made numerous accusations against Durov, including the following:

1. Illegal platform operation and assistance to organized crime

Suspected of assisting in operating illegal platforms and facilitating organized criminal groups to conduct illegal transactions.

2. Failure to cooperate with lawful interception

Refusal to provide necessary information and documents to assist law enforcement in conducting lawful surveillance.

3. Suspects of child pornography and drug dealing

He is suspected of being involved in the production, possession and distribution of child pornography and is accused of being involved in the facilitation and facilitation of the drug trade.

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4. Use and distribution of illegal encryption technology

It is suspected of illegally providing and using undeclared encryption technology tools designed to protect the confidentiality of transactions and data processing.

Details of 12 charges

  • Accomplice: The act of assisting in illegal transactions through the management of online platforms.
  • Refusal to provide information or documents necessary for lawful interception when requested by appropriate authorities.
  • Accomplice: Possession of pornographic images of minors.
  • Complicity: Organizing a group to distribute, make available or make pornographic images of minors available to others.
  • Accomplice: Obtaining, transporting, possessing, providing or selling drugs.
  • Accomplice: Providing, selling or procuring without lawful grounds equipment, tools, programs or data specifically designed or adapted to hack into and impair the operation of automated data processing systems.
  • Accomplice: organizational fraud.
  • A criminal gang facilitates criminal activity punishable by a prison term of more than five years.
  • Money laundering: The handling of funds derived from organized crime.
  • Providing cryptographic services intended to be confidential without legal declaration.
  • Providing cryptographic tools that are not limited to authentication or integrity monitoring purposes without declaration.
  • Undeclared import of cryptographic tools used solely for verification or integrity monitoring.

French investigation progress and follow-up measures

Within the framework of this judicial investigation, the investigating judge in charge of the case asked the Center to Combat Cybercrime (C3N) and the National Anti-Fraud Office (ONAF) to jointly intervene to further in-depth investigation. After Durov was detained, he could be detained for up to 96 hours under laws related to organized crime cases, which means he could be detained until August 28.

The potential impact of this case on Telegram and its founder

Durov's arrest may have a profound impact on Telegram, the world's most widely used instant messaging platform. As the founder of the platform, Durov's legal woes will undoubtedly attract attention, especially in regulatory discussions involving sensitive areas such as cybercrime, privacy protection and encryption technology. As the investigation progresses, the incident may further affect Telegram's future operations and Durov's personal reputation.

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