Solana ID【Airdrop Tutorial】

[Airdrop Tutorial]

With Solana ID you turn your wallet account into a super account. Attach contextual reputation scores to your address and apps will treat you better. Backed by the Blockchain Founders Group and the Solana Foundation.

Solana ID is offering the Priority Pass NFT, which gives users access to airdrops, discounts and offers. All priority pass holders get access to a $200K SOLID airdrop and exclusive perks such as whitelist spots and more from Solana ID partners.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Visit the Solana ID priority pass mint page.
  2. Select sign in with browser wallet or sign in with Ledger and approve the connection request.
  3. Around $7 worth of SOL is required to mint the Priority Pass. If you don’t have any SOL in your wallet, you can get some from Binance.
  4. Click on “Mint Priority Pass”, then click on “Mint” and approve the transaction in your wallet.
  5. Verify your web2 accounts such as email, Twitter, Discord and others.
  6. To verify social accounts, the zkPass TransGate Chrome browser plug-in is required.
  7. Click on “Verify” for Twitter, Discord and other social accounts, and click “Request zk proof”.
  8. Follow the steps from the zkPass TransGate extension to verify the social accounts.
  9.  Add and verify an email address to be notified of updates on airdrops and exclusive perks from Solana ID partners.
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