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WOO X announces the launch of a social trading product: WOO X Social Trading, and provides a reverse trading function, allowing users to strategically hedge against the trading behavior of lead traders, capturing more profit opportunities under different market conditions. The WOO X ecosystem includes the WOOFi decentralized trading protocol, the WOO X centralized cryptocurrency exchange, and the WOO ecosystem token.

WOO X推出社交交易产品,提供反向交易功能
BlockBeats 消息,9 月 9 日,据官方消息,WOO X 宣布推出社交交易产品:WOO X Social Trading,并提供反向交易功能,允许用户通过对带单交易员的交易行为进行策略性对冲,在不同市场条件下捕捉更多获利机会。平台还引入了公平的利润分享模式,用户仅在投资组合真正盈利时分享利润,确保交易的透明与公正。同时,WOO X 的 WOO Shield 和仓位隔离风险管理工具,...
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