Movement co-founder Cooper confirmed to attend the annual "FAT Awards 2024" ceremony
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Odaily Odaily News Movement co-founder Cooper has confirmed his attendance at the annual "FAT Awards 2024" event hosted by Odaily, co-hosted by Bitget, and co-supported by ArkStream Capital, Megabit, Mizu, AIAChain, etc. Odaily "FAT Awards 2024" will be held during TOKEN2049, inviting leading institutions, first-line projects, and hot ecosystems to bring sharp perspectives and the latest trends to reveal the most influential, creative, and forward-looking industry leaders and top institutions for the Web3.0 market; creating a social occasion for everyone to express themselves freely and build an industry ecosystem together. · Time: September 16 · Location: Conrad Centennial Singapore Singapore Conrad Hotel Please click on the "original link" to directly participate in the registration.
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