
The future of blockchain + AI

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During the online exchanges last weekend, many friends asked questions about AI and mentioned the point that I agreed with in the article: cryptocurrency is the natural currency used by AI.

In my guess, for AI, if they really develop their own desires and thoughts in the future, they will definitely need to exchange "assets" and "information".

In this process, whether as an intermediate equivalent of exchange or as an "item" that AI really needs, I believe that crypto assets are indispensable and the most credible assets - especially those that are as decentralized as possible and have global transfer features.

The fiat currency currently used by humans is difficult for AI to accept and use. Apart from other things, identity registration and various regulatory restrictions are insurmountable obstacles.

Once AI has blockchain-based encrypted assets as the intermediate equivalent for exchanging "assets" and "information", they can begin to create applications based on their own needs.

So what are the applications that AI needs?

I think this is hard for humans to imagine. Because AI is a completely new species. Just like Musk said: The relationship between AI and humans is probably just a switch between silicon-based life and carbon-based life. When this switch is turned on, how AI will develop will become increasingly difficult for humans to understand.

When I first came into contact with the crypto ecosystem and talked about it with my friends, many of them liked to describe scenarios like: we want to develop applications such as "decentralized WeChat", "decentralized short videos", "decentralized Twitter", and so on.

In my opinion, this kind of thinking is just a simple linear extension. It is not wrong, but it cannot be considered a disruptive application. Disruptive applications are likely to jump out of our daily thinking, which is a leap-forward thinking rather than an extended thinking.

I prefer to use "Mars" and "Earth" to metaphorically compare the crypto world to our current centralized world.

We are people living on Earth, but the crypto world is Mars. We like to think about the needs of Martians from the perspective of Earthlings. I believe that some of the needs of Martians are indeed the same as those of Earthlings, but more applications of Martians must be completely different from those of Earthlings.

Before this, I had never thought about where this "Martian" was. There is indeed a very small number of people on "Earth" who are "Martians", and the applications they create meet the needs of "Mars". But there are too few such people. How can such a small number of people create a prosperous "Mars" ecosystem?

What's more, expecting "Earthlings" to create a prosperous "Mars" ecology may be an impossible task.

Perhaps this is an important reason why the application of the crypto ecosystem is so sluggish in this cycle.

But the emergence of AI has made me see the emergence of "Martians".

Both AI and crypto assets are products of the Internet, both are intangible, both are interoperable, and both are irreversible (once they appear, the possibility of being destroyed is extremely small)...

But at the same time, the two have a strong complementary relationship: AI has a strong centralized attribute, while crypto assets have a strong decentralized attribute.

At the same time, what is even more interesting is that in the face of the centralization of AI, we have been committed to solving its problems with decentralization; but in the crypto ecosystem, we are facing the ubiquitous threat of centralization.

This kind of mutual growth and mutual restraint, but also the characteristics of you in me and me in you, is very similar to our Tai Chi diagram. In our culture, it is the fundamental driving force for the advancement and development of all things, and I believe it is also the fundamental driving force for the advancement and development of the virtual world.

Therefore, I now believe that the more exciting period in the crypto world will be when AI develops consciousness and desires, begins to create their own applications in the crypto ecosystem, and learns to meet their own needs.

The role of humans in the crypto world may be the same as that of humans in AI. It is just a matter of turning on the switch, and the subsequent glory will be opened and created by the integration of these two ecosystems.

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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