Zulu Recap | First Zulu Ecosystem AMA Full Transcript ⏫

In a recent Twitter Space hosted by Zulu Network, key ecosystem partners, featuring Ariel, the COO of AdamSwap and Eric, the COO of Kappa Lending, came together to discuss their collaborative efforts and shared vision for enhancing the Bitcoin landscape.

You can read the summary here: https://medium.com/@zulu_network/zulu-recap-first-zulu-ecosystem-ama-summary-2e29f592e4c6

Full transcript of the event:

Luke (Zulu)

Hey everyone, welcome gmgm, etc. Yeah, thanks everyone for joining, which is going to be a very eventual space here where we’re in keeping low. Let’s wait. Okay. Yeah, I still have no idea why that happens. Sometimes whoever is doing the clapping then decides go through the whole speaker anyhow.

Yeah, so thanks for joining the first installment of the Zulu Ecosystem, AMA, what we’re going to have on our partner projects who are integrating, are already integrated. And for today, we have the two earliest and foundational projects here with us, Adam Swap and Capital End. So before we get into it, just a quick little housekeeping. I’m going to ask each of the questions and then indicate maybe who should respond first. And we’ll flip it back and forth so that each speaker has a chance to take that first spot and claim all the best points just so that one speaker doesn’t feel like they’re left out and always having to find something and having all the best points already taken up before they have a chance to speak. But if there’s one of the questions that maybe you’re really keen to speak on first just like raise your hands, speak up, happy to change your order on the fly. And I do encourage, of course interaction and like reactions, each yours, each your talking points. I’ll chime in here and there as well. But of course, keep it civil. No attacking and nothing mean about each other. I’m sure since we’re on the same ecosystem will be a problem, but it’s important to get out of the way. So yeah, let’s get started here first with an introduction about us.

So Zulu Network, I assume if you’re here, you’re already familiar with us. We’re a new class of Bitcoin layer 2. We’re bringing an EVM liquidity layer, the Zulu EVM layer, that’s our layer 2, as well as a UTXO innovation layer, that’s our Zulu chain layer 3. So all the best of both the EVM world big and programmability smart contract steps, unit, name it, as well as encouraging the narrative that is the current innovation and the current innovation creativity that exists within Bitcoin native formats and the Bitcoin space. So with that, I’ll turn it over to our guest. Let’s start with maybe Adam and then Kappa. Introduce yourself and a bit about your projects.

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Okay, maybe I can be the first. So I can start first. Hi everyone. I’m so glad to see you guys in here. And thanks for Zulu for inviting us to join this AMA to share something with you guys. I’m Ariel COO of AdamSwap. AdamSwap is a decentralized exchange build under the layer 2, as you know. Yeah, so it’s more than just a trading platform. It’s a commitment to creating an innovative, efficient user freedom ecosystem. And our aim is to be the Zulu’s liquidity hub, providing fast and low-cost trading services for both Bitcoin assets and native Zulu assets. And we also sincerely invite traders, liquidity providers and network users to join us in building and shaping this ecosystem. Yeah, this is my brief introduction.

Eric (Kappa)

I think it’s my turn. Hi, hi, everyone. Thanks for having me. This is Eric, COO of Kappa Lending. Couple landing is the first learning project on Zulu. I think we’re a typical lending project, but not that typical because we have some additional goals for a learning project. We’re also on the incentive test net campaign of cup target network. And right now we have supported Bitcoin market on through network and we’ll support more assets and asset classes for the future. And yeah, that’s my brief. Thank you.

Luke (Zulu)

Amazing. Yeah, thank you both. So, okay, getting into the meat of the event today, do you mind elaborating on the significance and the meaning behind the names of the project?

Eric (Kappa)

All right, our name is Kappa Lending. And as you may know, Kappa is a Greek letter is also very important risk measurement in option markets. So it’s basically means the volatility to the contract price. And as for a lending project, we don’t like risks and we don’t like volatility. So maybe we want to remind ourselves and our users about this part of risk in lending projects. So we named our project Kappa Lending.

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Okay, about Adam Swap, I think maybe you guys have heard about AdamSwap. And if so, AdamSwap is inspired by the biblical story of Adam. The first human in that classic story. Adam isn’t just an ancestor of humanity; he also symbolizes innovation and exploration. And his discovery and learning of new lo new knowledge in the garden of Aiden represents the original initiative and curiosity of mankind. So just like Adam introduced humanity to a new word in the garden of Eden, AdamSwap aims to bring a new era to the creator currency space. Yeah, so as I mentioned before, we’re more than just a DEX. We’re innovative platform focus on providing efficiency, low cost and user-friendly trading experiences on the Bitcoin layer too. It’s a simple story, a bit meaningful background about our project. And I think it can, it will push us to do something incredible. Yeah, because Adam.

Luke (Zulu)

Awesome. Thanks for giving us that insight. And while we’re on the topic, we’ll talk a bit about Zulu, what our name comes from. I think I’ve answered this question on a couple of AMA’s before, but I’m not sure if the crowd here is, but I need those. So happy, of course, to raise it again. At Zulu we’re very focused on the community aspect of what blockchain and cryptocurrencies offer. You know, it’s more than just a revolutionary technology that’s going to impact our daily lives in ways that we don’t even fully understand yet. You know, it’s about bringing the economic system, advantage system back down to the users. So the emphasis on this on this level of you, the personal level, made us want to pick something that harkens back like tribal mentality, which is why we picked Zulu nation, the famous and successful warrior tribe from Sub-Saharan Africa. So anyone who is curious about that on the test that hasn’t heard about that yet you got a little bit of alpha right there. So moving on, what kinds of distinct skills and experience does your team bring that helps your project help your project succeed?

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Okay, sure. About our team, actually, we’re remote, our team members are more diverse. Yeah, as I know, most of them are from major in a company and the current base is mostly from Europe and the United States. I think I’m most excited to introduce our tech team. Yeah, they’ve got tons of experience in the industry, which is why our development process has been so smooth and solving problems are incredible efficient. Actually, I’m not deeply involved in the technical side of things, but I often see our team members dive into the technical discussions, working through code details and constantly testing and developing new diff fine features. Yeah, they make an effort for AdamSwap swap. Yeah, and the other members are also very experienced in crypto. So I think because our team, we’re infinite. Yeah, that’s it.

Eric (Kappa)

Okay, we are some startup canal team in crypto. They’re very, maybe just a few of us to build this protocol. And, but most of us, maybe average, have three, not three, seven, maybe eight years of experiencing creator we used to work for some famous protocols and projects in this space. But for this year, we decided to work some work on something we really excited about and we can control our own. So that’s why we started this project and most of the team members are developers and they’re familiar with define blockchain and everything additional. So that’s the background of our team.

Luke (Zulu)

Excellent. Thank you. Thank you. And then how is your team and project contributing towards an open future for the Bitcoin economy and empowering all devs and all users. In case you don’t recognize that, that’s one of the taglines of dual networks mission statement. Let’s start with Eric and then go to Ariel.

Eric (Kappa)

Okay, thank you. I think the keyword is building and sharing in this question. And we all know the Bitcoin don’t have a founder. It’s a Satoshi and they don’t have anything from the beginning. So they’re just some builders want to build something innovative and good for the how humankind. So I think building and sharing are the most important keywords for our project. And we’d like to share our fruits, our work with the whole Zulu community as well as the Bitcoin community. It’s also an open project we’re working on and we welcome all the advices and work you can contribute to our project. And I’m sure there will be some rewards and incentives to the early adopters and active participants. Yeah, that’s my opinion.

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Okay, for Anna Swap, actually our goal is to really push the limit of what’s possible in the Bitcoin economy by building a DEX on the Zulu Network. Yeah, we, so our services for both Bitcoin assets and native Zulu assets. We’re working to create a more open and inclusive space for both developers and users so they can join us, they can join to trading, enjoy the fast and more cost effective. So actually, we’re empowering people by providing tools that can make liquidity provision and trading simpler. So it’s easy, it’s easier for everyone to get involved in the ecosystem. And to be honest, as a part of the ecosystem, we feel real responsibility to both the ecosystem and our users. I know it’s honestly a bit serious, but it’s true. Yeah, so there is no doubt that we’ve faced a lot of challenges, but we’ve overcome them one by one. Yeah, we’re committed to delivering and even better Adam swap for everyone.

Luke (Zulu)

I love it. That is amazing to hear from you. The commitment and the passion you guys bring is part of what makes the Zulu ecosystem such a great pace to be and actually building on that what is it that excites you find very unique about building on Zulu? I imagine you and the team; you’ve been involved other projects in the past. So, what’s your experience been like with this current project and within the Zulu ecosystem? This won’t start with Eric and then go, sorry, go to, sorry, Ariel and then I’m good. Eric.

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Okay, cool. To be honest, I started focusing mainly on the marketing side of things about in this crypto industry. But you know, when you’re in the crypto space, it’s hard not to get draw into the bigger picture. Yeah, a lot of things you need to learn. I first heard about Bitcoin system last year. So yeah, very short time. And that really opened my eyes to the whole crypto. That’s when I began to dig into various projects. Yeah, actually Adams will play a big role in helping me choose Zulu. Yeah, lubing a Bitcoin layer to as I know, offers a really solid in front by blending the strength of the UTXO. Yeah, this combination tackles some of the big challenges, Karen, Big Coin Layer 2 solution phase and its speed, cost efficiency and flexibility make it perfect fake for Adam swap. Yeah, sounds very brilliant and great. So on top of that, Zulu’s unique approach to liquidity aggregation is a huge advantage for Adam Swap.

Ariel (AdamSwap)

You know, as a DEX, liquidity is absolutely crucial for us. So Zulu puss liquidity for from multiple sources as I know, including the EVM liquidity, other Bitcoin layer to also, yeah, and even CeDeFi platforms. Yeah, this boosts the overall liquidity and trading volume available on our DEX. It’s really helpful for our DEX. So we believe Zulu is currently the best platform to meet all our advanced define development needs. So yeah, this is why we choose Zulu. And I think Zulu will make us better and we will build together and better.

Eric (Kappa)

Okay, it’s my turn. I’m excited about Zulu technology and community. Mainly Zulu Network Bitcoin layer 2 is a hot topic for the whole year and a lot of become layer to emerging in the past month. And we’ll be looking at these projects and researching because later for a long time. But I think most of the projects are not that serious about what they’re doing. And BitVM is some serious technology, I think, and that’s why we found Zulu. Cuz BitVM is something more sophisticated, but you cannot be used in years, maybe. And Zulu is more realistic, and we can build on it in the short time. So that’s why we choose Zulu. And the community is a very important part to this. I mean, for any successful project, you can’t have a welcome and warm community. And in Zulu, we saw some really active users and they’re active to propose some advice and help you to build a good community and good projects. That’s really great. So that’s why we’re excited about to do.

Luke (Zulu)

Awesome. Yeah, I love that you both, you were touching on the community. Of course, we’ve been very active in trying to foster a healthy ecosystem here. That’s people who really share that vision and see the future that as you mentioned bit VM and Bitcoin layer twos do offer the value they offer to the evolution of the space how that’s going to bring us the next phase in Bitcoin’s life. So, a little bit on that, actually, I know you both already integrated and live in the test and we have missions dedicated to the features you offer. So, can you tell us a little bit about what you’re seeing in that test and activity with Zulu, how do you see users interacting and responding to your tabs?

Eric (Kappa)

Actually, we feel some overwhelming with the participation of the test and activity and the enthusiasm of the community really give us a shock. I mean, this is the first time we build something on Bitcoin layer 2 and we are not totally familiar with the tech. So, there must be some breaches and maybe some typos in the project. So, I think the community did a really good job. They found some real problems with the projects and we’re glad that someone really used our work and the community gave us some very helpful advices. I think maybe thousands, maybe 10,000 people have used our project. That is really great.

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Okay, it’s my turn about this question. I think the number is a good sign. So I have a good news to share. Adam Swarth’s total transactions have now surpassed 14 million on the test date. So it’s amazing. Yeah, the response on the has being really encouraging. Users are interacting with our DEX even more than we participated actually. And also, we’ve been getting a lot of feedback from the both Zulu and Adam swap communities, some good, some not good, and plenty of suggestion too. So, we’ve been tackling the issues head on and taking all the users suggestions seriously. Yeah, I have to say the community’s enthusiasm is really driving us to keep refining and improving our features before the main-net launch.

Luke (Zulu)

Great. It’s good to hear that you’re finding some value from the test net as well. Obviously, we want to introduce the users to what it is, it’s possible in the Zulu ecosystem and show them some of the use cases and some of the projects we’re starting to work with. So we’re really happy to have you both already built in there, already engage in the missions. And of course closely watching that to make sure that you guys can keep improving to deliver the best service. And of course, we’re doing the same thing there as well. So do stay tuned as we keep on bringing you more features, more updates as we get closer and closer to may in that. For the next question, what are each of your projects doing to evolve the Bitcoin economy and expand Bitcoin’s use cases?

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Okay, so our name is AdamSwap. I would like to call it AdamFi because we do a lot of things about being involved in defi things in our project. So AdamSwap is all about expanding Bitcoin’s role beyond just a store value. We buy ingredient it into a DEX on Zulu network. We’re enabling the coin holders to actively participate in define. Yeah, something that hasn’t been easily accessible before. This opens new user cases for Bitcoin like providing liquidity or engaging low-cost, high-speed trading. Yeah, it’s crucial for the evolution of the Bitcoin economy. Yeah, apart from our efforts on the product sides, we also put a lot of work into marketing. As we all know, we have a strong infra. Zulu, as we all know, that’s EVM compatible. So this allows us to expand not only with the we call user, but also to attract projects and users from other chains. Yeah, it’s really helpful. That can help our project continue to grow and then thrive. Yeah, we need a lot of users to build together.

Eric (Kappa)

Bitcoin is the largest assets in crypto, yet it merely participants in define, which means the biggest player is just setting aside the be the define wave and don’t skip any yield. You cannot utilize it on chain. But by our protect, but our protocol, Bitcoin holders can make their Bitcoin work for them. I mean, digital gold is really great, but if it can give you some interest, it will be even better. So that’s, I think it’s very important for the Bitcoin economy and that’s why we’re here. Thank you.

Luke (Zulu)

Thanks for sharing that. I mean, of course, I think we all are here because we do believe in Bitcoin, and we do believe that there’s room for improvement in ways to modernize it and bring more features and give more value to the members of the crypto economy. So delving inside a bit more, what do you see as the most important issue in the Bitcoin system that you want to see addressed?

Eric (Kappa)

Okay, I think the most important issue right now is security. Cuz no one wants to lose their Bitcoin, right? That’s why most bacon layer tools on work. Cuz they cannot be trusted, they cannot be verified. And I think that’s why Zulu is well, win this race cuz Zero-knowledge, prover, will be the important part of this security thing. And also the data available availability. I’m not a very technical guy, but sorry, but I think their knowledge, prover will be the solution for the verification big on their tools overall and also for ECM maybe in the near future. So if the security issue can be solved and Bitcoin holders can trust the layer 2 they’re using, there will be a much lower barrier for them to enter. And that’s why we are looking for the ask me solution for them. So I think, yeah, that’s the most important thing. Thank you.

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Okay, about this question, I think actually in the beginning, Bitcoin exist as a digital gold. And as we all know, Ethereum has been at the center of defi over the past few years. At the same time expanding to many chains. In recent years, more people have paid attention to the Bitcoin system and many followers want to do more things in the Bitcoin system. Yeah, which is undoubtedly a good thing, but it also puts a lot of pressure on the Bitcoin system. So I think one of the challenges in the Bitcoin system is scalability, especially when it comes to transaction speed and phase. So as Bitcoin gets more popular, the need for solution that can handle more transactions without sacrificing security keeps growing. This is where there are two solution step in like be there other layer or etc. At the present, I think in the most competitive Bitcoin layer to circuit, most of them adapt EVM technology and cooperate with the cross chain bridge to solve the expansion problem. Although this method can quickly build the ecosystem in a short period of time by. But I think, I don’t know if you guys heard about the word, a lot of people are saying the Ethereum is Bitcoin’s Tesla. Yeah, but personally, I would like to see more innovation about Bitcoin, not just to copy Ethereum things. This is my opinion.

Luke (Zulu)

I love that point at the end there. That’s like, it’s a meme in the community that I know I have said on several other space like this that people are staying at the area and the other L1s L2s as a Bitcoin test net. But you’re right, Zulu Network is about advancing Bitcoin in a Bitcoin way. We’ve Learned all these great features that can be built and have been built on the networks. But there is still a uniqueness and appeal to Bitcoin that’s very important not to discard. It’s not some it’s not a flaw, it’s a feature. And it’s something that I think is exciting to work with, not as much a burden as we would treat it. One point actually I will add as well is a lot of it is the education. People do think of, as you mentioned, like Bitcoin as a digital goal, and it’s so much more than that. We’re actually working on a content series addressing exactly this topic. But we’ll hear things like, “oh like Bitcoin’s past because Ethereum figures in the smart contract”. So want to figure it out, increase scalability. And it’s just there’s all these narratives in crypto and especially those ones crowd out what’s going on in the Bitcoin space. We’re of course all well into the weeds of that like we live and breathe crypto. Not everyone who is in the crypto economy is like that. So getting that point across that Bitcoin is evolving, like here’s the projects doing it and here’s how it’s going to impact you. That’s going to be a real big task, right? So that we’re really going to have to address. So a lot of it’s going to be just proving that what you knew about Bitcoin, it may may no longer be relevant. So some of the stories about what we’re bringing to Bitcoin and what we’ve done with bit VM and the test ZK proof that we’ve actually verified Bitcoin mean that like these are the stories that we need to tell and tell well in order to in order to address like these issues in the Bitcoin ecosystem. That’s my two cents on this. More just like shove that in here, not just let you guys take all of the good points here. So on to the next question here. What are the main challenges in bringing defi capabilities to Bitcoin? And of course, you both being deep by projects how are you specifically bringing that

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Okay, actually, to integrate Defi with Bitcoin is a challenge because Bitcoin wasn’t originally built for it. That’s why Ethereum happened. So the lack of real native smart contract functionality makes it difficult to build a define projects directly on Bitcoin. So at the moment, layer 2 solution is a good choice for us. And as a DEX a strong and advanced infra is very important. So this that’s why we choose Zulu, because I know what is excited the loose dual lawyer layer act take. Sure. Yeah, with the Zulu Prime and Zulu Nexus. Actually, when I first heard about that content is really, yeah, it’s very new, but our whole team focus on that. So I, I try to learn about that. So I think Zulu not only ensures compatibility with the exciting define applications, but it also introduce exciting new possibilities through its hybrid model. Yeah, so Adam Swap addresses this by utilizing the network, offering the speed and flex ability needed to implement device services. Yeah, so yeah, I think a good infra is very important for us because we’ll do a lot of things more than just be a swap.

Eric (Kappa)

Of course, the tech is very hard, but I think we got Zulu, we got you guys to solve us to solve this for us. So we don’t need to worry about it too much. I think another big challenge for Bitcoin layer 2 and Bitcoin define is there are a lot of new knowledges to be taught to the users. I mean, we’ve used to Ethereum, EVM and all the defi systems existing. So maybe a lot of us don’t know much about there and my EVM five years ago, but now we do because we want to use it and we need to know what we should know. But it’s not the same for Bitcoin. I think maybe there are not many people know about Bitcoin scripts as well as esteem and smart contracts. So maybe it’s very important to let people know why the project, the layer tools are safe to use and easy to use, then it’s hard to use. So I think user education is a really a challenge. And for our projects, lending is not a new thing in crypto. And most people in the farming wave have known what a lending project is and how to use a landing project. So we need to learn from our peers and use the best knowledge of lending projects to our product, but to our protocol. So as I mentioned, the most important aspects of our project is security. So I think make it safe and easy to use, then everything will goes fine.

Luke (Zulu)

Yeah, thanks for that. Very kind of you to say what you did about Zulu there, right? Like making it easy for you to build. We really appreciate you recognizing us there. We did put a lot of effort into making this as an ecosystem that is straightforward to build on. So, you need to worry about all these extras and could not agree more about security. I mean, if we’re asking you to move Bitcoin or other Bitcoin assets from the maintenance to our layer it, it’s vitally important to make sure that we’re doing this in a way that you can rely on that yet trustworthy, that’s going to be safe. So, I really appreciate you bringing that up.

What I want to ask you about next is more philosophical. So like, how can we balance the need for innovation with the core principles of Bitcoin? Those being decentralization and security, as we’re speaking about?

Eric (Kappa)

Okay, for this question, I think it’s more in the perspective of infrastructure. We need innovative technology to achieve decentralization and programmability, usability, everything. But we don’t want to break anything that Bitcoin has been running for that decade and will test it for us. So I think most of the solutions we have right now is to add something to the existing code base. So I think the important thing is to utilize what we innovated during the past years, like zero knowledge proof and everything, data availability and the security issued met. So it’s very challenging, but I think it’s doable at this point. Thank you.

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Okay, about this question, I think it’s all about careful integration for Adam swap as a dex, we have to be responsible for the currency. So we need to making sure the innovation and we are not compromising on the decentralization or security. Yeah, so this is why also we choose the Zulu because by building on Zulu, we’re leveraging a secure and decentralized network. When we’re pushing for innovation. Yeah, so I think this is a DEX that users expect in the defi space. Yeah, it’s a balancing act. Yeah, we commit to getting right. This is Adam swap do for Bitcoin system for Zulu.

Luke (Zulu)

Agreed. Thanks so much for your input on this. And then what’s your expectation for Bitcoin layer 2? How do you see the role of Bitcoin L2s in encouraging and enabling Bitcoin defi specific defi primitives and just generally crypto and blockchain innovation as a whole.

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Okay, be quite clear Layer two solutions are going to be a game changer. They’ll allow Bitcoin to finally step into the define arrow in a big way. So with the additional layers, we can introduce more complex financial instruments like lending, drawing, and more, and automated trading. Yeah, without compromising on Bitcoins foundational security. I see layer two as the bridge that will maybe coin like, yeah, other smart contract enabled blockchain and also retaining its core strength. Yeah, I am also looking forward to see more innovation in the future.

Eric (Kappa)

Okay, for me, I think the biggest expectation will be that more assets and more people will use a Bitcoin L2 too. And as for now, I think there are not many Bitcoins in working, especially even the biggest wrapped Bitcoin met some challenges recently. I think Bitcoin layer twos, if it goes well, will be a very important answer to this question. Cuz it’s, you can prove this by yourself and you can trust the ZK proofers and bridges to keep your bacon safe. Then you can use your Bitcoin layer two in lending protocols, in everything. So I think the Bitcoin holders’ money will be very important. And no one can resist bonus rewards as long as it’s safe and you can keep a big one safe. So I think there is a huge opportunity for all Bitcoin layer twos. And there are some very special things for bacon like UTXO and scripts. I see that Zulu also building something on it, the UTXO layer. So I think there may might be some innovations application side on that layer, so next, I think we’ll see.

Luke (Zulu)

Yeah, I appreciate you pointing out the UTXO layer. So you know what we’re going for there. And this is what I wanted to talk about at this point is I think you covered a lot of the really important pieces of what we expect from the Bitcoin layer twos. But you know with us at Zulu, we don’t take any specific direction on what this innovation is going to look like. We see a story in how people have been trying to innovate Bitcoin and trying to innovate and blockchain for years now. And our goal is just to provide the best foundation, the best network so that whatever ideas you have, you can you can explore those.

So one unique thing that we’re doing is, as you mentioned, there’s the EVM layer and the UTXO layer all wrapped up in a single network. So we don’t know exactly what that’s going to turn into yet. We’re really excited about what people have already started doing with it, but there could be other use cases in the future that we haven’t even thought of yet, and we’re really excited for that. We just hope to set up our chain in a way that enables and encourages that.

Alright, so on to the next point here. How do you see the role of Bitcoin in evolving the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem, and especially as it relates to other blockchain net works over the next one to five years or so?

Eric (Kappa)

Okay, I think Bitcoin can do more. Right now. Bitcoin has been recognized for some legit access for the world. I think especially for Americans maybe, but is can do more other than digital gold. It can be an attractive air bearing asset. It can be used in define, in lending and trading. So I think I will see Bitcoin be a more active and well adapted assets in the next maybe one to five years.

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Okay, for me, I think Bitcoin will continue to hold its place as the most secure and reliable store value. But we’re going to say it evolve into more than that. With the rising layer 2 solutions, I think Bitcoin will start playing big role in the broader defi system. Yeah, over the next few years, I expect Bitcoin to become more interoperable with the other blockchain networks.

On top of that, personally, I’m particularly optimistic about the potential of real world assets, RWA in the Bitcoin space because of the Bitcoins unique characteristics. I think RWA has a real shot at widespread adoption. Yeah, it’s an exciting area with a lot of potential for growth. Yeah, this is my opinion.

Luke (Zulu)

Amazing. Couldn’t agree more. And then what can you share with us about your specific project? You know, what’s next for your protocol? And is there anything you can share about the road map and or the future?

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Okay, thanks for this question. Yeah, we’re currently focused on refining Adams or based on Tesla feedback. But our next big milestone is the midnight launch. Beyond that, we are looking at expanding the range of assets supported on the platform and introducing new features. Yeah, it will enhance the creative provision and trading efficiency. And we’re also exploring partnership with the Zulu Day were to integrating even more innovative define products. So please follow us. The latest news will be post on our official account. Yeah, looking forward to build together.

Eric (Kappa)

Okay, for a lending projects, we got a lot of work to do before midnight because right now there are only one market and the price is not fitting. So we need to integrate Oracle liquidating systems and many more, and there will be more markets. So a lot of work to do. There will also be incentive programs after minute. So yeah, that’s our future plan.

Luke (Zulu)

Great.Llove to hear it. I’m excited to see what you guys do next and what you do with us to continue to build on the ecosystem. So with that, I think we’re just about the end of the space here. Any closing remarks? And how can anyone who’s interested in finding out more get in touch to learn about the projects?

Eric (Kappa)

Okay, thank you. I think we’re just on the beginning of the whole thing, so stay tuned. There will be more coming up. And you can find us on Twitter and in Zulu community. So any advice, feedback are welcome.

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Okay, for me, yeah, actually we’re really excited about what we’re building of at Adam Swap and we allow to get more people involved. So whether you are a Twitter developer or just someone interested in the future Bitcoin and define, there’s a place for you in our community. And you guys can find out more and join us on our journey by visiting our website or connecting with us on social media. We always open to collaboration and new ideas. So yeah, you can connect with us.

Luke (Zulu)

Brilliant. Thank you. And then for us, of course, there’s the Twitter account you see right up on your screen, @Zulu_network. You can find us there. We’re also on a telegram and discord. Please do feel free to join those servers and then like post whatever questions, reach out to us, raise a ticket, whatever it is you need. Ideally, we going to have someone respond to you as quickly as possible. And you know we’re excited to reach out and talk to you if you love doing events like this, do a broadcast and broad reach. But of course like as much as possible in respond to everything we get from the community itself. So with that, I think that just about rest of the space.

Luke (Zulu)

Thanks everyone who was able to tune and listen. Hope you took something away and stay tuned as we do more episodes like this. We will dive more into the Zulu ecosystem and the projects building with us. So once again, thank you, Ariel and Eric. Appreciate your time. And thanks for everything you shared here.

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Thank you. Thank you, Luke. Thank you, Zulu.

Eric (Kappa)

Thank you all.

Ariel (AdamSwap)

Bye bye. See you.

About Zulu Network

Zulu Network is a new class of Bitcoin Layer 2 to move the Bitcoin economy forward, empowering the Bitcoin ecosystem through exciting innovations. Zulu is the first Bitcoin Layer 2 to achieve Bitcoin-level security using BitVM2, enabling developers to seamlessly deploy dApps on both EVM & UTXO layers.

Zulu is a recognized key contributor to BitVM, poised to launch the first trust-minimized Bitcoin bridge. Join their 765k+ users and start earning and shaping the future on Bitcoin with Zulu.

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Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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