
Wangzai, a crypto scientist: He has been engaged in the crypto industry for 7 years and has earned more than eight figures

16 hours ago
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1. Could you please introduce yourself first?

Hello everyone, I am Wangzai, a crypto scientist. I have been engaged in the crypto industry for 7 years. I am a long-termist and focus on big opportunities with high odds. I started to get involved in blockchain in 2017. At that time, I was a graduate student in a related field, so it was natural for me to get in touch with blockchain. In this process, I found that I might have certain advantages in writing scripts and developing tools. Because I am a programmer myself, my background in computer science allows me to quickly get started with tool development in this field.

At the same time, I also run a self-media platform, which currently has 100,000 fans and a total revenue of more than 10 million RMB. At the beginning, I mainly translated foreign materials, such as Solidity documents and various white papers. At that time, Chinese materials were very scarce. The translation work also made me have a strong interest in this field, and I began to explore whether I could do some more meaningful projects in this field.

2. Can you tell us about your past experiences?

The first project I came into contact with was DYDX, a decentralized derivatives exchange. In 2021, our team had a hunch that this project might have an airdrop opportunity, so we used scripts to batch increase trading volume and account activity, which ultimately brought us about 300,000 in revenue. This also made us realize that early participation in projects and taking advantage of airdrops can bring great benefits.

Later, we encountered a bigger opportunity - blockchain games. We wrote a fully automatic script to kill monsters and get coins, and connected with some Shenzhen studios to provide them with technical support and work together to earn coins. This wave of operations brought us significant profits.

We also increase the probability of winning in projects like RACA through bulk purchases and draws, making the original random draws more certain, and the cumulative daily income has reached about 80% to 90%, which has made a huge contribution to the financial growth of our studio.

With the rise of NFT, we quickly adapted to the needs of the market and developed a set of automated tools to copy and snap up NFT. Based on the data on the chain and social media information, we designed an algorithm to identify NFT projects with high winning rates and snap up in batches during whitelists and public sales, seizing multiple opportunities such as BAYC Monkey Land.

Our studio has always been technology-oriented, and has gained a great advantage in the blockchain market through scripts and automation tools. Our node speed is also among the top in the industry. We are also constantly conducting investment research and using technology to widen the gap with ordinary investors.

In addition to the above, we also seized some opportunities that were more luck-driven, such as the Luna crash. Within 48 hours of the incident, we found an arbitrage opportunity and shared this information through my YouTube channel, helping many people learn about this opportunity. This opportunity allowed us to earn more than one million in profits within a few days.

This year we will continue to develop scripts, on the one hand to follow successful projects, and on the other hand to fight back against robots that try to follow orders, and continuously optimize and improve profits through technical means.

Core content: Our team initially earned about 300,000 yuan through the DYDX airdrop, and then used scripts to profit from projects such as blockchain games and RACA, and developed automated tools to snap up NFTs, seizing multiple high-yield opportunities. This year, we will continue to develop scripts, focus on copying successful projects and optimize profits.

3. What are you currently working on?

Our studio is mainly divided into two parts. One part focuses on the research and development of Web3 projects. We have three members who specialize in investment research. They are responsible for tracking the latest trends of new and old projects, such as new activities and financing. The results of investment research will be handed over to the other five people in charge of development and execution. They are mainly responsible for handling specific operations, such as developing scripts, batch operations and automated processing. For some simple operations like staking, we don’t need scripts, but for other more complex tasks, we will improve efficiency by writing scripts.

The other part is self-media operation. We are also working hard to expand the influence of the studio and increase its visibility through various platforms.

Core content: Our studio is divided into two parts. One part focuses on the research and development of Web3 projects. The investment research team tracks project dynamics, and the development team is responsible for script writing and operation. The other part is self-media operation, which is committed to enhancing the influence and visibility of the studio.

4.What are your most memorable experiences in web3?

I have also experienced a lot of losses in the process of making money. At the beginning, like most people, I tried to trade cryptocurrencies and contracts. I thought I had learned a lot and could figure it all out and make money. However, the result was a slap in my face. I did make a little money at the beginning, but I soon lost all the profits I made, and even lost all the principal. At that time, I didn't have much capital, about 600,000 or 700,000, but I lost it all overnight.

This experience made me realize that although I have certain technical skills and the advantage of writing scripts, cryptocurrency trading is not suitable for people like me. Through this experience, I also realized that my strength is to use technical means to perform batch operations, which is the real way for me to make money.

Core content: I experienced serious losses when trading cryptocurrencies and contracts, and lost 600,000 or 700,000 yuan overnight. Through this experience, I realized that cryptocurrency trading is not suitable for me. I also realized that my advantage is that I have technical ability and script writing, and batch operations through technical means are my real way to make money.

5. Do you have any experience to share after this experience?

I have summarized several important experiences. First, you need to find the point that can make a difference between you and ordinary people. If you are good at writing scripts, you may be more suitable for projects like scientists; if you are a financial trader, then focusing on trading may be more suitable; if you are an illustrator, you may have more advantages in the field of NFT creation; if you were doing business or BD before, entering Web3 to do related work may be more suitable for you. Everyone needs to find the direction that suits them best in the industry.

At the same time, whether you are doing trading or participating in airdrops, you must calculate the capital investment and profit and loss ratio before starting, control the risks and benefits, and do not blindly follow the trend. In this way, you can control the losses within an acceptable range.

And you must be in awe of the market. It is very important to understand what is suitable for you and what is not suitable for you.

Core content: I have summarized several important experiences. First, we must find the points that differentiate us from ordinary people. Everyone should choose the appropriate direction based on their own strengths. Second, we must control risks and returns, avoid blindly following the trend, and ensure that losses are within an acceptable range. Finally, we must be in awe of the market and know which projects are suitable for our operations and which are not.

6.Can you share your skills or areas of expertise?

Because I am a professional, I have been studying blockchain and Web3 since college, so I have a solid foundation and strong programming skills. Also, because I entered the circle early, I met many industry OGs and senior people, which gave me certain advantages in terms of resources. In addition, our studio team has a strong background. Most of them come from famous schools and large companies. The overall level is very high and the team cohesion is good. In addition, I have tried to do self-media in recent years, and my articles and language expression skills have greatly improved. These are my advantages in this field.

Core content: I have a solid foundation in blockchain and Web3, and excellent programming skills. Since I entered the circle early, I have met many senior people in the industry and have rich resources. Most of the team members are from famous schools and large companies, with high overall level and strong team cohesion. In addition, the operation of self-media has also improved my writing and expression skills, which are all my advantages.

7. Do you have any favorite track or token? Can you share your reasons for being optimistic?

At present, we can still pay attention to some emerging public chain tracks, because public chains can carry more capital inflows and are usually more popular with market hype, so they have relatively large potential.

The recent Story Protocol is a project worth paying attention to. It focuses on intellectual property and IP and has just completed a round of financing, receiving an investment of $80 million supported by a16z. Some projects on BTC are also worth paying attention to, especially those involving DeFi, and projects like Corn are relatively good targets. In general, these fields and projects have relatively high attention and potential in the current market.

Core content: At present, we can pay attention to emerging public chain tracks because they have greater capital inflow and market hype potential. Story Protocol focuses on intellectual property and IP and has received an investment of $80 million supported by a16z. DeFi projects on BTC and Corn are also worth paying attention to. These fields and projects have high potential in the current market.

【Web3 Profile】Web3's first personal interview platform, deeply explores the stories behind 100 KOLs, fund founders, entrepreneurs, and builders in the industry, focusing on their experience in the crypto and their growth experience, and focusing on exploring their personal experience. It is committed to making the personal experience of the interviewees shine and showing the most authentic growth stories of the people.

Disclaimer: [Web3 Profile] disseminates content with a neutral attitude. This article does not constitute any investment advice and is for reference only.

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