MATR1X FIRE Play-to-Own Mechanism: Long-term Strategy and Dynamic Balance

14 hours ago


Since 2021, we have been developing MATR1X FIRE — a product designed to bring more users into the crypto world. Now, it’s ready for the entire community as we launch a no-wipe & play2own test, the Genesis Flame Test. We refer to this as the Genesis Version (v0.7.0), and it will remain in a “testing” phase for an extended period until the product is fully decentralized. Before reaching that point, we will work with the community to improve the entire system’s mechanisms.

Next, we will introduce the core settings in the Genesis Version.

1. Characters and Energy

When you enter the game world of MATR1X FIRE, you can configure a bounty squad using character NFTs. Along with energy, completing ranked matches will earn you mining rewards.

To earn these rewards, characters must meet a minimum rank requirement. If the character doesn’t meet this rank, the match won’t deduct stamina or energy, and no mining rewards will be given.

For this test, the minimum rank requirement is Gold. This requirement will be dynamically adjusted based on the matchmaking environment and community feedback.

Energy Consumption

When players configure a bounty squad and participate in eligible matches, energy consumption follows this formula:

  • Energy Deduction (Etotal) = min(T \* E, current account energy, sum of all characters’ remaining stamina)

- T: Effective battle duration in seconds

- Smax: Total maximum stamina of all characters in the lineup

- E: Energy consumption efficiency

- If Smax < 150, E = Smax / 2700

- If 150 ≤ Smax < 600, E = 1 / 18

- If Smax ≥ 600, E = Smax / 10800

Stamina Consumption

Stamina is deducted based on the order of characters in the bounty squad, until the total stamina deducted equals the energy used in the match. This means the sum of character stamina deducted equals the energy consumption per match.

Stamina caps for characters of different rarities from Level 0 to Level 20:

2. FIRE Power and Case Power

Each character that consumes stamina during a match will generate FIRE Power and Case Power based on their mining attributes and stamina consumption.

  • FIRE Power = Base Token Output * (1 + efficiency bonus + tactics bonus) * credit score factor * rank factor
  • Case Power = Base Case Output * (1 + efficiency bonus + tactics bonus) * credit score factor * rank factor


  • Base Token Output = En * (20 + Attr_reputation)⁰.65 * 0.35 * X1 * Z
  • Base Case Output = En * (20 + Attr_lucky)⁰.65 * 0.35 * X2 * Z


  • En: Stamina consumed for the character in the match
  • Attr_reputation: Character’s reputation attribute
  • Attr_lucky: Character’s luck attribute
  • Rating: Performance score in the match (ranges from [0, 2])
  • RSW: Team behavior score in the match (ranges from [0, 2])
  • X1: FIRE Power coefficient, X1 = 0.006666667
  • X2: case Power coefficient, X2 = 0.006666667
  • Level: Character’s level
  • Z: Character health production coefficient (Z = 1 if health ≥ 50; Z = 0.9 if 20 ≤ health < 50; Z = 0.2 if health < 20)
  • Credit Score Factor: Default is 1. If the account’s credit score drops below a certain threshold, it will reduce the mining power.
  • Rank Factor: Different ranks apply different factors; higher ranks will slightly increase the factor.

3. FIRE and Case Rewards

For each match, the FIRE and case points generated per character are:

  • FIRE Reward = FIRE Power / FIRE Difficulty
  • Case Points = Case Power * 10 / Case Difficulty

The difficulty of generating FIRE token and case rewards is a system parameter designed to balance the production rate. The values for FIRE Difficulty and Case Difficulty will be announced daily in the MATR1X FIRE community (on Telegram and Discord).

4. Dynamic Balance of Reward Difficulty

Inspired by Bitcoin’s difficulty adjustment mechanism, which balances block production speed with hash power, we’ve established parameters for adjusting FIRE token and case reward difficulty. These adjustments help dynamically balance the relationship between power and reward in the MATR1X FIRE economy.

Initial FIRE Reward Difficulty Setting

At the start of the mining test, FIRE difficulty begins at a lower value. As more players participate and the total daily FIRE Power increases, the difficulty will gradually rise to a balanced value.

The initial FIRE Difficulty is set at 0.4, and it updates at 1:00 UTC daily. The new difficulty is calculated as follows:

  • P: Total FIRE Power from the previous day (UTC 00:00–24:00)
  • If P ≤ a, FIRE Difficulty = 0.4
  • If a < P < b, FIRE Difficulty = (a — 0.4*b — 0.6*P) / (a — b)
  • If P ≥ b, FIRE Difficulty = 1


  • a = 15,000
  • b = 37,500

5. Infinite Game Plan

The Infinite Game Plan for MATR1X FIRE has three stages, each with its own method for adjusting reward difficulty. Proposals for each stage will be voted on by $MAX stakers.

  • Stage 1: FIREfly Stage

After the Genesis version, FIRE Difficulty will remain at 1, unless special circumstances arise, until the total FIRE token circulation reaches 200 million, triggering Stage 2.

  • Stage 2: Flamingo Stage

During this stage, difficulty will be adjusted based on the total system FIRE Power, aiming for a balanced output rate until total FIRE token circulation reaches 500 million.

  • Stage 3: Phoenix Stage

In this stage, the game’s economic cycle will be upgraded, and FIRE Difficulty will be more influenced by market supply and demand, with market dynamics determining the production rate of FIRE tokens.

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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