DWF Release: What are the differences between Move-based public chains Sui, Aptos and Movement?

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Public chains Aptos and Sui are rapidly gaining attention, and the upcoming Movement is also showing significant growth on the testnet. These three public chains all use the Move language, but what are the real differences between them? Let's take a closer look.

I. Architecture

Aptos and Movement are both linear blockchains, meaning that blocks are arranged sequentially and the state is updated incrementally through batch processing of transactions.

The DAG structure of Sui, on the other hand, is like a network of interconnected nodes, where transactions can reach consensus independently, ensuring high throughput.

II. Consensus and TTF

All chains use some form of Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) protocol.

AptosBFT improves efficiency by having nodes only communicate with the leader (leader rotation is done through voting).

Sui's Mysticeti allows individual validators to sign blocks and appoint multiple leaders, allowing more transactions to be submitted per block.

Movement uses the Avalanche Snowman consensus mechanism, which requires a majority of a validator sample subset to agree, and introduces delays in case of decision conflicts.

These mechanisms impact the chains' TTF (the time it takes for a transaction signal to go from broadcast to final state), with Sui having the fastest average TTF of around 0.5 seconds.

III. Transaction Processing and TPS (Transactions Per Second)

All chains use parallel execution, supporting the simultaneous processing of non-conflicting transactions.

Aptos and Movement use a Block-STM optimistic parallel execution engine, which assumes all transactions are parallelizable and re-executes in case of erroneous transactions.

Sui uses a state access method where transactions are ordered based on the objects they touch, ensuring that verified transactions can be executed without conflicts.

As a result, Sui can process transactions more efficiently without the need for re-execution, reducing hardware load and improving TPS.

IV. Ecosystem

Aptos has been operational for a longer time and, compared to Sui and Movement, has a more developed ecosystem of projects.

All chains have done a lot of solid work in terms of builder support and grant programs, which may lead to significant growth in the coming months.

In summary, DWF Investment believes the Move ecosystem will continue to grow rapidly, and we are excited to see further developments. Projects built within the Move ecosystem can reach out to us anytime.

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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