Altcoin fell across the board: XRP fell 14.6% in 24 hours, ADA fell 17.7% in 24 hours

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Odaily report shows that Altcoins have experienced a general decline, among which: XRP is currently priced at 2.1 USDT, with a 24H drop of 14.6%; Doge is currently priced at 0.408 USDT, with a 24H drop of 12%; ADA is currently priced at 0.973 USDT, with a 24H drop of 17.7%; TRX is currently priced at 0.2528 USDT, with a 24H drop of 20.3%; AVAX is currently priced at 43.79 USDT, with a 24H drop of 19.3%.

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