According to monitoring by @EmberCN, a whale that had staked SOL withdrew 560,300 SOL (USD 122.58 million) from staking in the past 11 hours and transferred the entire amount to Binance, clearing the address. This whale had previously withdrawn 993,000 SOL (USD 155.97 million) from Binance to participate in staking in March, when the SOL price was $157. Subsequently, these SOL were gradually redeemed and transferred back to Binance, and today's transaction is the largest and final one. In total, 1,025,000 SOL (USD 193.17 million) were redeemed and transferred to Binance, at an average price of $188. The whale has realized a profit of USD 37.2 million on SOL (including appreciation gains and staking rewards).
A whale redeemed 560,300 SOL from the pledge 11 hours ago and transferred all of them to Binance, equivalent to about 122.58 million US dollars
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