Bio Protocol Co-Creation: In the future, the process of launching DAOs in the BIO ecosystem will be automated, and it is expected that 15-20 DAOs will be launched in the first quarter of next year
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Odaily Odaily News: Bio Protocol co-founder Paul Kohhaas said that when he was communicating with CZ before, he admitted that Bio Protocol could produce about 6-7 DeSci DAOs a year, but CZ thought that the number was slightly small and it took too long to start an ecological project. But in the continuous building, Paul Kohhaas and Bio Protocol have become increasingly familiar with the startup procedure of a DAO. They currently hope to automate the startup process of the DAO project. It is expected that automation will greatly shorten the time it takes for the DAO to complete the startup process, thereby causing more and more DAOs to appear in the Bio Protocol ecosystem. Currently, according to its automated process, the team has reviewed 20-30 DAOs, of which 10 DAOs have basically completed the process. It is expected that 15-20 DAOs will be cold-started through launchpad in Q1 next year. (theblockbeats)
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