AI Agent concept new coins remain popular, LLM transaction volume tops the list, exceeding $200 million
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Followin' news, according to AngryX data, the AI Agent concept new coins are still hot, with multiple new coins having a market value of over $10 million. The following are the new hot projects today:
- LLM, created 17 hours ago, up 63000%, current market value $42.5 million, trading volume $200 million
- SENTAI, created 9 hours ago, up 26000%, current market value $23 million, trading volume $62 million
- Sola AI (SOLA), created 6 hours ago, up 6100%, current market value $16 million, trading volume $53 million
- Fatcoin, created 8 hours ago, up 26000%, current market value $22 million, trading volume $33 million
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