The collection of scroll testnet ecological projects has been updated for a long time!

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1. Cross-chain bridge

Official Cross-chain bridge:


Cross-chain goerli's ETH to scroll to experience ecological projects.

2. uniswapV3-scroll

Official website:

The main operation of uniswap is [swap, pools]

If you can’t see USCD, add it manually, contract address: 0xA0D71B9877f44C744546D649147E3F1e70a93760



After adding the pool, you can properly withdraw part of the pool, open a contract and increase TX

Withdraw from pools

3. zadafinance-Zada Finance

Official website:

Zada Finance is a cross aggregate Order-book DEX built on Scroll. The main operation [swap, pools] here can be exchanged for their token ZDA, and then add ETH/ ZDA to the pool, and open an additional contract



4. Symbiosis-symbiotic finance

Official website: ETH

It is a Multichain Cross-chain engine and Liquidity protocol. For token conversion on scroll, you need to select the tokens in the scroll-TESTNFT list, and select other network tokens, which is equivalent to going out Cross-chain. It is the same application as the cashmere cashmere on linea before. Pay attention to the token profile picture There will be a small icon corresponding to the network in the upper right corner



5. syncswap

At present, the Mainnet is the number one dex on zks, and there is also a scroll test network, so the interaction is still very smooth. You can exchange ETH into TEST, and then add the pool of TEST. The operation is [swap, pools]

Official website:



6. Games/NFT

Official website:

After opening, you can mint an NFT character, and then jump to the page for fighting the boss, but it feels like it’s not done yet. There are actions but no value, and you can’t lose blood when you fight. At present, you can only do a mint action, nothing else It can be operated, if there is a fix in the future, it will be updated.


Seven, kingdoms

Official website:

Mint a character first, then go to Play to start playing. There are arena trains and so on. Click everything that can be clicked once, and the pop-up window of the little fox will pop up. It is the water of the test network anyway.

Eight, tictactoe

Official website:

A tic-tac-toe game on scroll, every step needs to be confirmed by the little fox. For a good item in TX, you need to enter the address yourself, specify the player, click the option below, and then two people can play chess together

9. [guild guild]

Official website:

Follow the scroll official tweet on twitter, link to twitter to verify and you can join the guild, take a character, hold it to prevent you from stepping into the air

Let’s stop here for the time being. Whether it’s the Mainnet or the test network, there is no one-off moment. Lugging is a long-term and tedious job. The original intention of writing threads is to have a clear direction and tutorial when you want to interact Let’s interact slowly. It’s not that if you want to do it today, just finish everything in the thread. Among the AirDrop conditions of ARB, the first 4 items all tell us to stretch the time period.

ARB Airdrop Rules

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Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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