What is Narrative Crypto? The difference between Narrative & Trend in Crypto

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When participating in the Crypto market many times you have heard the phrase "Narrative", surely encountering many confusions to understand the true meaning of this phrase. So what is the phrase Narrative Crypto? What is the person using this phrase trying to convey to us?

Please refer to the concept and meaning of the phrase Narrative in Crypto according to the definition of the Allinstation team!

What is Narrative Crypto?

In the Crypto market, “narrative” is a more complex concept than XEM it as just a Trend in the market. In fact, Narrative often appears before a specific Trend explodes.

To make it easier to imagine, you can simply think of Narrative as a story created from a series of events and information on the market so that the crowd can form a belief that there will be an opportunity in the future. hybrid.

Narrative Crypto là gì

There are 4 main elements to form a "narrative" in Crypto: "Event (event), Timeline (timeline), Catalyst (catalyst), Insight (message)".

Narrative in the Crypto industry refers to the creation and dissemination of ideas, stories, beliefs, and excitement related to an event, project, or a specific sector within the cryptocurrency industry.

These narratives are often used to promote a field, stimulate active interest and support, and create expectations within the Crypto industry community.

=> When a Narrative attracts a crowd looking in the same direction, it will officially explode into a Trend that attracts FOMO in the market.

In the past , Narratives have successfully transformed into Trends, attracting new cash flows to the market such as ICO (2017), DeFi (2019), Layer 1 (2020), Play-to-Earn (2021), Move -to-Earn (2022).


At the current stage, most of the fields that are currently attracting the attention of the crowd such as SocialFi , Account Abstraction (AA) , Liquid Staking (LSDFi) ... are only "stopping at the Narrative level" and the overall picture is still not real. perfection to be able to transform into a Trend that revives the entire market like in the past.

How to capture the Narrative in the market?

Most of the time, when a certain crypto narrative becomes popular, we only know about it and participate. At this time, the position is not good anymore. There are many cases where we have heard the "keywords" about these Narratives since their early stages.

However, you will miss the opportunity to have early positions when participating in these Narratives from the early stages and regret it when they officially become a Trend.

Information from leading industry KOLs

There is no other way to be "narrative sensitive" than to proactively search for information ourselves and form the habit of "reading" every time a "keyword" is mentioned by leading KOLs in the industry (Vitalik, CZ,…).

For example, the keyword Account Abstraction (AA) was mentioned by Vitalik Butterin during the ETHCC event last July.


It is also from here that the community, especially Builders, focuses on developing products related to Narrative AA => Recently, an AA project has created a wave of attention on the Market, which is CyberConnect.

Promoting a wave of development projects in the AA field to wait for the moment when this Narrative turns into a Trend in the future.

Read more: Must-know information about the concept of Account Abstraction (AA)

Determine major event timelines

This is the simplest way for those new to researching and projecting a new Narrative for themselves.

Many turning point events for the market are widely known by the crowd such as Ethereum Update, Halving Event, Unlock/Vesting, ... these events have all been "timed" in the future and at least when there are changes.

These events are somewhat easy to predict, but the "insight" behind it is really not as predictable as it seems, especially in terms of price fluctuations that often do not meet expectations like the "hidden narrative" .

Be aware of hidden Narratives

Normally, hidden Narratives will be difficult for you to recognize because the first "signals" will be implicitly sent through different directions, the most common being the following cases:

Narrative add-on

Narrative A is receiving attention from the community and has shortcomings , so a Narrative B that solves the above problem will benefit immediately.

For example: When CEXs encounter FUD related to asset storage issues => users will be concerned about the risks of storing assets centrally on exchanges => Narrative DeFi Wallet will benefit because it solves the problem topic of Narrative CEX.


The collapse of the FTX & Alameda exchanges took place from November 11, 2022 => On November 13, the Token $SFP of the DeFi SafePal wallet increased x2 within 1 day.

Narrative surprise

When an unexpected event takes place with a Token/project then a corresponding Narrative will benefit.

For example: Good news related to BTC is posted => Narrative about the PoW system, BTCFi will benefit immediately after the News FOMO ends.


On June 30, 2023, the 3rd largest asset management fund in the world - Fidelity officially submitted an application to register for Bitcoin ETF Spot => PoW system boosts with the growth of $ BCH.

Narrative timeline

Every month on Market, there are many milestones with market events taking place , corresponding to Narrative.

For example: Korea Blockchain Week takes place on September 5 => Narrative Korea, specifically Token on the Upbit & Bithumb exchanges, are likely to have an impulse wave.


$CYBER has increased x6 times since August 29 due to FOMO in the Korean community.

Narrative is complex

For this complex Narrative, it will be "the most difficult to grasp" because it is made up of many catalysts sent underground through "narratives" taking place in the market.

Because there is no framework for you to recognize unless you have the ability to recognize the Narratives above skillfully and combine that information together.

"Hot" Narratives in 2023


AI Info

Reference: AI & Blockchain – the future technology combination

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Read more: Account Abstraction – Technology towards Mass Adoption


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Read more: PoW system growth wave ahead of the Halving event

To understand each Narrative in detail , you can read the Insight articles posted on HC-Capital Telegram Channel & Allinstation Website !


Recently, we provided you with the concept of what Narrative Crypto is and showed the difference between Narrative and Trend in the market. This is our own opinion based on the personal data we have collected and should only be XEM as a reference perspective and not investment advice .

Hope you find it useful and if you have any questions or other insights in the market, don't hesitate to ask so we can discuss!

Please join our information channels to discuss questions and keep up with the latest market developments!

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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