Next stop, Web3.0 | Highlights of the first day of the 9th Wanxiang Blockchain Global Summit

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Take a look at the highlights of the "9th Wanxiang Blockchain Global Summit" on September 19 in one article.

Organized by: Foresight News

On September 19, the 2023 Shanghai Blockchain International Week·Blockchain Global Summit hosted by Wanxiang Blockchain Lab officially opened at the W Hotel on the Bund in Shanghai. The summit will last for two days. Guests attending on the first day include Xiao Feng, Chairman of Wanxiang Blockchain, Qiu Dagen, Member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Technology and Innovation Sector), Ren Jingxin, Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co., Ltd., etc.

Xiao Feng, Chairman of Wanxiang Blockchain , said in his welcome speech that the theme of this summit is "Next Stop, Web3.0". Web3.0 covers blockchain, Internet, Metaverse, AIGC, etc., and is not only Technology also includes innovative business models, organizational forms, economic mechanisms and financial models. The current blockchain is moving from infrastructure to a new stage of large-scale application. The next three years will be a critical moment for the large-scale application of blockchain, because the technical framework of blockchain is gradually based on maturity. Next, performance improvement requires specific scenarios to bring about greater changes, and product polishing needs to be combined with demand. ” (Full text review: “ Full text of Xiao Feng’s opening speech at the Wanxiang Summit: The next three years will be a critical moment for the large-scale application of blockchain ”)

When delivering the keynote speech "Steadyly Promoting the Sustainable Development of Web3 in Hong Kong ", Member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Technology and Innovation Sector) Qiu Dagen once again elaborated on the "Three Arrows and Three Circles" economic and technological development previously submitted to the Chief Executive of Hong Kong. In the policy initiative, the “three arrows” of the “three arrows and three circles” are to promote government investment in the technology field; the first circle of the “three circles” is for the government to promote the tokenization of land and issue asset-backed tokens (ABT). ) supports the development of Xintian Science and Technology City. The second round is to speed up the launch of digital Hong Kong dollars at the retail level and implement a two-tier system. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority issues digital Hong Kong dollars to banks, and then commercial banks serve as processors and issue them to users. Cross-border payments will be explored through retail digital Hong Kong dollars, and digital currencies from other banks will be explored. interconnection. The third round is to promote the development of Hong Kong dollar stable coins, support private institutions in issuing compliant Hong Kong dollar stable coins, and launch the "Hong Kong dollar stable currency" sandbox.

In addition, Qiu Dagen said that Hong Kong has focused on three aspects in the development of Web3 in the past year. The first is the capital market, the second is technology research and development, and the third is talent gathering. The next step for Hong Kong is to update laws, industry supervision, and investors. Conservation, corporate governance. Qiu Dagen also said that currently listed virtual asset exchange-traded funds in Hong Kong include CSOP Bitcoin Futures ETF, CSOP Ethereum Futures ETF and Samsung Bitcoin Futures Active ETF. Hong Kong’s next step is to implement blockchain application scenarios, including (private) Hong Kong dollar stablecoins, RWA and (government) digital Hong Kong dollars. (Full text review: " Hong Kong Legislative Council Member Qiu Dagen's Speech at the Wanxiang Summit: Steady and Prudent Promote the Sustainable Development of Web3 in Hong Kong ")

Ren Jingxin, CEO of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co., Ltd. , delivered a keynote speech on "Mastering the New Power of the Web3 Era " and said that this year is not only the 20th anniversary of Cyberport, but also the first year of Web3 in Hong Kong. Cyberport is also positioned as Hong Kong's Web3 base and is committed to To support the development and adoption of Web3 in Hong Kong. Currently, there are more than 190 companies settled in the Cyberport Web3 base, and the application scenarios include financial technology, smart life, digital entertainment, etc. Currently, more than 40 Web3 venture capital funds are conducting Web3-related investment activities in Hong Kong, including Ausvic Capital HashKey Capital, Animoca Capital, SNZ, Three DAO, Central Research, Foresight X, etc., with total assets under management (AUM) reaching US$4 billion. (Full text review: " Speech at the Wanxiang Summit by Ren Jingxin, President of Hong Kong Cyberport: Mastering the New Power of the Web3 Era ")

Ma Zhitao, Vice President and Chief Information Officer of WeBank in Qianhai, Shenzhen , delivered a keynote speech on "Public Alliance Chain 2.0: Practicing the Public Spirit of Blockchain" and said that the concept of public alliance chain is in urgent need of 2.0 upgrade and to build trust through the alliance governance model. mechanism, and embraces supervision, so that all transactions occurring on the alliance chain can be supervised, ensuring the efficiency of alliance chain transactions, making costs lower and faster, and truly able to support massive transactions in financial scenarios. WeBank’s next plan is to activate observation nodes to connect to the WeBank blockchain and gradually open up more dapp observation permissions. Observation nodes are a way for the public and dapp operators to access the blockchain network to improve data transparency and achieve the goal of "open participation." Access users can read, inspect and supervise information.

Zeng Ming, former chief strategy officer of Alibaba, published "The Future of Web3?" 》In the keynote speech, he stated that the fundamental challenges currently facing Crypto and Web3 are that Crypto is not a To C tool and the consumer experience is very poor; the digitization of traditional assets is not smooth; and there are no new digital assets. He said that the main direction of Crypto's next innovation is financial innovation, such as BTC's development in digital gold, payment network, and inclusive finance; secondly, stablecoins have recently made great progress in international payments and will also be important in the future; The third is the development of new applications such as GameFi and SocialFi; AGI will bring about major breakthroughs in productivity and create massive amounts of valuable new content and digital assets. Smart contracts are prepared for collaboration between machines, and the development of AI naturally requires Crypto and blockchain. Finally, Zeng Ming said that since 1993, infrastructure and applications have always developed together, and AI and Crypto practitioners need to be more fully integrated.

In the "Roundtable Discussion: A Tale of Two Cities of Science and Technology, a New Chapter of Shanghai-Hong Kong Cooperation under the Opportunities of the New Era", Du Yu, head of Wanxiang Blockchain Laboratory, Ren Jingxin, CEO of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co., Ltd., Shanghai Blockchain Technology Wang Yi, chairman of the association, and Zhong Junhao, secretary-general of the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Industry Association, held a roundtable discussion on how Shanghai and Hong Kong can collaborate and transform talents.

In the afternoon session, ToioT Network, the winner of this International Week Hackathon Competition, was shared at the summit. ToioT Network is a Bluetooth-based consumer DePIN network that aims to empower merchants and consumers through Web3.0 and the token economy. It can spontaneously form a network and directly issue consumer coupons to consumers through its system to solve the competitive pressure of centralized platforms faced by small offline merchants.

Roger Brogan, Director of Solution Architecture at Chainlink Labs, delivered a keynote speech on "Internet of Everything, Bringing Web3.0 into the Next Era". Roger Brogan introduced the cross-chain interoperability protocol based on CCIP, saying that the design of the CCIP protocol focuses on security. and flexibility, with multi-layered security, including multiple decentralized oracle networks, and risk management networks.

DFINITY principal researcher Jens Groth delivered a keynote speech on "Blockchain-based ECDSA Signature Service". Jens Groth emphasized the performance of the IC, including processing latency, throughput and smart contract storage capabilities. He said the IC could compete with traditional internet models in terms of performance and be able to process transactions with low energy consumption. Jens Groth also introduced the ECDSA signing service, which is a key component used to interact with other blockchain networks on IC, and how ECDSA enables interoperability with other blockchain networks through performance optimization and security solutions .

Ryo Matsubara, Representative Director of Oasys Pte. Ltd., delivered a keynote speech on "The Trend of Blockchain Games and the Strategic Direction of Oasys Evolution". He said that the key to attracting blockchain games is openness, innovation and the ability to transform game assets. In order to determine the real wealth, different countries have different regulatory attitudes towards chain games. Japan is very supportive of chain games. Oasys adopts a two-tier gaming architecture and new products are being built on L2.

In "Roundtable Discussion: Web3 Venture Capital: Which Way the Wind is Blowing", Foresight News deputy editor Zhou Zhou, Yuanwang Capital founding partner Tian Hongfei, LongHash Ventures co-founder and managing partner Emma CUI, and SevenX Ventures founding partner Liu Qi gathered around Topics such as catalysts for the next bull market, content output, investment categories and tendencies are discussed. (Full text review of " Wanxiang Summit Roundtable Discussion: Web3 Venture Capital, Which Way the Wind Blows ")

Yu Chen, co-founder and president of Yibao Pay, delivered a keynote speech on "New Trends in Transaction Services in the Web3 Era" . He said that Web3.0 heralds the reconstruction of the value Internet and production relations, the evolution of trust and consensus mechanisms, and the meme economy. The rise of. In the transition and upgrade of transaction services, Web1.0 is the era of electronic payment, Web2.0 is the era of mobile payment, and Web3.0 is the era of digital payment. The new trend of transaction services in the Web3.0 era is the scenario-based payment services, the circulation of digital assets in the economic system, and the ecologicalization of transaction services. Yibao Pay has been established for 20 years and provides corporate customers with one-stop digital transaction service solutions integrating technology, products and services. The ecological products provided by its Yilian Nebula Web3.0 service include: the extremely fast and non-stuck transaction-level alliance chain Yilian, the one-stop Web3.0 digital marketing service Yiqixing, the transaction service Shuzang Yiguanjia, NFR empowerment and Circulation platform Yizang Digital, Web3.0 wallet Yiwallet. In addition, ecological enterprise Kun also cooperates with HashKey to develop Hong Kong Web3.0 business to jointly empower the real economy.

Avery Ching, co-founder and chief technology officer of Aptos Labs, delivered a keynote speech at "Aptos 2023" . He said that the industry should accelerate blockchain adoption for all Internet users, improve user experience, expand blockchain like a cloud, and Expand applications in games, social networking, finance, media and entertainment. Avery Ching said that the current early users of the blockchain industry account for less than 0.4% of the number of Internet users; the blockchain user experience needs to be as seamless, fast and reliable as the Internet; the blockchain infrastructure needs to continue to innovate on a large scale in the next ten years ;Blockchain technology and applications will change all walks of life. At the same time, Avery Ching said that Aptos carries out version upgrades almost every month. In 2023, it has completed version upgrades to versions 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6, and it plans to upgrade versions 1.7 and 1.8 this year.

Wu Ming, chief technology officer of Shanghai Shutu Blockchain Research Institute, delivered a keynote speech "Toward the Mass Adoption of Web3 - The Perspective of User Experience and Infrastructure Construction". He said that after 2018, the user scale of Web3 has encountered a bottleneck. Wu Ming believes that user experience, multi-chain interoperability, scalability, application and business models, privacy and compliance are the thresholds for large-scale adoption of Web3. Currently, the Conflux ecosystem is open to both mainland users and global users. The mainland user ecosystem is dominated by digital collections, while the global users are dominated by stablecoins. Wu Ming said that RWA is the next growth point and breakthrough, and Conflux is cooperating with RWA project parties.

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