1/ What's Next For NextGen?
Quickly putting this out there because I am getting a lot of DMs about what our plans are for NextGen.
Putting this here so it can be shared directly and by others.
Also I am in X PFP-change jail so may need your help here in sharing.
2/ NextGen will not mint collections often
This is the only sure thing.
Pebbles was a lot of work, I expect other collections will be a lot of work too
I would imagine the pace is quarterly at first, moving to monthly later.
What "first" and "later" mean TBD
3/ NextGen's goal is not to create a general generative art platform.
There are plenty of those, there will be plenty more, we are not hugely interested in doing that.
The world is well supplied with good options for "I want to mint a generative collection"
4/ Interesting collections will address one of the below:
✅ Directly support 6529 OM/"network state" needs (driven internally by us)
✅Use the NextGen contract features in interesting ways
✅Artistically interesting / unusual / experimental enough that they get our attention
5/ I do not know what the next collection will be or when it will drop.
For the next few weeks, we will be focusing on Pebbles & ofc the Memes continue normally M/W/F
We still have quite a few things to do w/Pebbles, so that remains our priority.
Then we see.
6/ Back to new collections.
The model is few, good, and tightly integrated with us and our goals.
It is not impossible (but unlikely) that a collection that was generically developed will map onto NextGen perfectly out of the box.
We went back & forth a LOT w/ @Ars0nic
7/ So, you have a great idea, it matches our style and at least one of the three objectives above, what do you do?
Get in touch with me or @6529er.
Many of you know me directly. The rest can reach out via other team / community members.
OK, back to Pebbles. 🫡
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