
What does BTC halving mean? At what stage are we in the bull market?

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Watch crypto, be a crypto person, and realize your crypto dream. We will accompany you through the bull and bear markets.

What does BTC halving mean? BTC halving refers to the halving event of Bitcoin's block reward, also known as the Halving announcement. It is a built-in mechanism of Bitcoin that aims to control the supply of Bitcoin and affect the price and market supply and demand to a certain extent. The occurrence of BTC halving means the following: 1. Supply reduction: BTC halving means that the mining reward of Bitcoin is halved, that is, the reward for each block mined is halved. This leads to a decrease in the production of new Bitcoins, thereby slowing down the growth rate of Bitcoin's supply.

2. Increased scarcity: As mining rewards are halved, Bitcoin becomes more scarce, which may have a positive impact on the price. Based on supply and demand, if demand continues to grow while supply decreases, the price is likely to rise.

3. Market impact: Bitcoin halving events are often seen as a signal that the market is optimistic about the future value of Bitcoin. Therefore, halving events may stimulate investor interest and trigger short-term and long-term fluctuations in the market. 4. Reduced income for miners: For Bitcoin miners, halving means that the Bitcoin reward they receive for each block they mine is reduced by half. This may have an impact on the profitability of mining activities, especially for miners who rely on mining rewards to pay for electricity and maintenance costs. In general, Bitcoin halving is an important event that has a significant impact on Bitcoin supply, price and market sentiment. However, the specific impact will be affected by the market environment, sentiment and other factors, so when the halving event occurs, it is necessary to carefully observe market dynamics and adjust investment strategies.

The current trend of Bitcoin is similar to that in 2020, and it has also been reduced for half a year. Everyone knows what happened after April 2020. Bitcoin rose from 4,000 to 69,000, a 17-fold increase. In this round, Bitcoin can increase by more than 5 times, not to mention 17 times.

Now is the bull market. There are three stages in the bull market this year and next year... The first stage: Bitcoin 30,000-70,000 US dollars. Most people don’t make money in this stage, or even lose money. Only the BTC rises, not the individual coins. Everyone gradually discovered that Bitcoin has been rising, while the cottage we hold has been falling, right? Typical violent shocks, the process of collecting chips, big investors are still frantically washing the market, BlackRock, Fidelity, and large institutions are still buying, who will sell? Pull up, smash the market, pull up, smash the market... The second stage: 70,000~90,000 US dollars, the BTC just won’t fall below 60,000 US dollars. Once the cycle is over, there is a high probability of a callback of about 30%. In the second stage, no one makes money. The BTC falls, and the cottage falls more. Everyone is desperate again, and they sell their meat. The main funds continue to pick up chips. At the same time, switch between high and low, and switch the high shipments in the first stage to the currencies that continue to hit new lows. The third stage: 90,000~200,000 US dollars, the real main rising wave. Most coins can double, or even hundreds of times, so the rhythm is not so cruel. There will be a sharp drop in the middle, but in almost all upward trends, the center of gravity has obviously moved up, and the market will have a strong profit effect. It is also the time when we are most likely to make profits, because the main force has eaten up the chips, and it is enough to just pull it up. The less we dare to buy, the more it will rise, and the less we want to sell, the more it will fall. The crypto is the process of outlasting the opponent. Left-side investment is to use financial resources to outlast those who are also buy the dips at the bottom. Right-side trading is to use technology to outlast those who also rely on technology to trade.

Market sentiment is very low right now, so I would like to emphasize the mentality to everyone! It is normal to ride a roller coaster in a bull market, up and down, up again and down again!

Logically, the high point of shipment lies in our understanding of the BTC, that is, where the BTC can go!

It is a bull market at present, there is no doubt about that, but it is unknown how long the bull market will last and where the peak of the bull market will be.

But I can tell you very clearly that 73777 is never the top. Believe firmly in this point and you can hold on to the spot in your hands.

Chasing the rise and selling the fall is the behavior of leeks. Now everyone regrets the most that they did not clear their positions or take profits at the end of last month, which led to the overall positions being adjusted back. At present, most of the spot positions are estimated to have adjusted back by about 15/20%. It is easy to go down, but it is also easy to go up, especially for Altcoin. It is normal to pull back in one day! Don’t keep staring at the market these days, don’t keep staring at your assets!

Everything will come back. If the time period is extended, how can the market be pulled up without a wash? And how can the market be pulled up without a wash?

Under the premise of bull market trend, the only way you can fight against the market maker is to stay still and wait until the market goes up.

You who chase the rise and fall in the secondary market ignore the benefit effect of the primary market! Are you wasting your time and energy to gain a pitiful and meager return? The legendary story of the 10-fold increase in the crypto is not worth mentioning in front of the high-quality primary market. TIA's 30 times. Ondo's 20 times. Usually, you don't understand and don't know, just because you are surrounded by the information wall of the teacher who takes orders. Now use one minute to add WeChat to understand the primary market, break the information wall, and change your perception of the crypto game! Achieve financial growth.

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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