Dialogue with KOL | After working for VC and project parties, she chose to be a "full-time retail investor", the cryptocurrency trading philosophy of Fiona, a powerful Alpha hunter

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In the crypto, it is becoming increasingly difficult to be a KOL. In the past few rounds of bull markets, due to the lack of segmentation of industry groups and tracks, limited channels for popularizing industry knowledge, and low average awareness of industry participants, a group of "crypto influencers" such as Irene Zhao and Liang Xi were able to win tickets to become opinion leaders and enjoy the powerful monetization effect of traffic in the crypto field just by relying on their looks and drama. However, with the development of the industry and the entry of more professional players, the days of crypto KOLs are not easy.

Now, KOLs’ misinterpretation of project mechanism details or improper selection of data sources will be picked out by various crypto researchers, magnified infinitely and publicly punished. After the Chinese crypto community completed its migration to Twitter, the market and ordinary investors’ demand for KOLs is: knowledgeable, professional, and able to discover Alpha opportunities early. Under increasingly stringent market standards, crypto KOLs are experiencing a new round of big waves, and the old generation of KOLs are gradually fading from the center of the stage, which also gives a new generation of powerful KOLs the opportunity to rise.

Among the new generation of powerful KOLs, Fiona is one of the most popular ones in the community. She started to emerge in the "Arbitrum craze" at the beginning of last year, and then seized the Ordinals inscription and PEPE market from March to May. She shined in the early bull market at the end of the year, leading her community members to discover many opportunities such as Ronin, TurtSat, and Auction that have increased tenfold or even a hundredfold. At a time when Bitcoin broke through the $70,000 mark and the market's bullish sentiment continued to rise, she chose to "strategically lie flat" and successfully avoided the bloodbath in the crypto market last weekend.

Many of her followers are curious about where this talented and beautiful player came from? What is her philosophy of cryptocurrency trading? We recently had an in-depth chat with Fiona about these issues.

"After joining VC and project side, I chose to be a retail investor"

In fact, compared with most old-timers in the crypto, Fiona does not have a first-mover advantage. It was already 2021 when she entered the circle.

Unlike most people who seek development in the crypto industry in the early stage, Fiona's career trajectory in the crypto seems to be somewhat "counterintuitive". Her crypto journey started with professional VC, then joined a popular project, and finally took the initiative to transform and become a "full-time retail investor". The different order of experience accumulation from other cryptocurrency traders also gave her some different cognition and methodology when looking for and seizing opportunities. In Fiona's view, in the crypto market, retail investors are the group of people who have the most sober and comprehensive understanding of the industry.

A great start

Before entering the crypto, Fiona was a reporter for the financial media Caixin. During the interview process, Fiona met Yi, a well-known partner of LD Capital in the industry.

In mid-2021, Fiona planned to study in Singapore. After learning the news, Yi extended an olive branch to Fiona. He told Fiona that Singapore has a lot of crypto industry resources, "The most important thing in this circle is the industrial chain, and VC is a particularly important link in this industrial chain." Not long after, Fiona joined LD. Now she still looks back on that time with gratitude, "Most of what I learned was completed at LD. For me, it is like my first school in the crypto industry."

Fiona joined LD in mid-2021, during the period of the "narrative explosion" in the crypto industry. At that time, DeFi was in full swing, and emerging concepts such as GameFi and NFT were also unstoppable. However, Fiona knew almost nothing about the crypto industry except Bitcoin and Ethereum. She recalled that she didn't even know how to use MetaMask at the time, let alone Twitter, Telegram and Discord. She learned everything from scratch.

“At that time, the atmosphere of cryptocurrency trading in the office was quite strong, but every letter that everyone reported was unfamiliar to them. Because there was too much homework to catch up on, I didn’t have enough energy to trade in cryptocurrencies.” Fiona, who had just joined LD, could only listen and learn under the guidance of her colleagues at the beginning, and then do some research privately, but her professional role mainly focusing on primary investment has enabled her to rapidly improve her capabilities.

BlockBeats: What was your overall experience in VC at that time? What was your learning process and channel?

Fiona: At that time, I would attend (project) meetings, chat with people, etc. I think the growth rate in VC is doubled, because you have pressure, a lot of deals are sent every day, and all the chats with others are crazy to absorb knowledge. At the beginning, I didn’t have my own opinions, I just listened to others, but I think half a year was a big turning point, and then I began to have certain judgments of my own.

BlockBeats: So the more people you talk to, the faster your cognitive progress will be.

Fiona: There will be progress, but there will be people who score the right points and people who score the wrong points, but either way it’s a perspective and you’re absorbing the experience.

BlockBeats: So how do you find and judge the “right person”?

Fiona: At the beginning, we used some very common standards. For example, if a founder of a first-level project had other investors, we could look at who his other investors were. If he was invested by some top VCs, we would usually think that this was a good project. Or we could look at who his team members were, who the introducer was, etc. I could only believe in this known information, and at that time I lacked judgment on the project itself.

BlockBeats: Has the criteria for this judgment changed since then?

Fiona: First of all, I think the founder is very important. After talking with the founder, you will clearly feel that he has some qualities, or whether his logic can impress you.

Secondly, I think cryptocurrencies are very different from ordinary listed companies. They are actually directly to C, regardless of whether the product logic is to B or not, because they need to sell tokens, they must be to C. You should look at the image it presents to the public and what their community atmosphere is like, so all social media channels are also very important.

The third point is product logic. All underlying logic of products should be looked at more carefully. For example, how StepN rose and how it was destroyed were actually related to its underlying logic. The initial script is everything, and it determines the outcome of the project. When you analyze the entire logic, you can actually feel it.

BlockBeats: Do you think that VC’s logic for viewing and analyzing projects, as well as their logic for investment, will be helpful to your own cryptocurrency trading?

Fiona: I think that the cryptocurrency traders are the most objective group of people in the crypto. If there is any shortcoming, I think it is just the information gap. In addition, I think they sometimes perceive more than VCs, because they can pay close attention to a project and go deep into the community. VCs usually don’t have the time, because you have too many portfolios and too many projects to follow up, so your time is scattered every day and you can’t use it efficiently.

Later, I received an offer from a VC, but I didn’t have a strong motivation to go back. Because I think every position and every identity you are in will actually limit your way of thinking. It is both an empowerment and a shackle . It will make you think about problems based on specific interests, which I think is not so objective and comprehensive.

BlockBeats: Why can’t VCs follow up on a project in depth?

Fiona: For example, if I want to invest in a project, I will check all its social media accounts. But imagine a VC in a bull market, it may conservatively receive 10 project decks a day, and the time you allocate to each project is very limited. But if retail investors buy a lot of tokens, they will definitely keep an eye on the dynamics of the project party. I think this kind of attention is completely different.

I also think that every project develops dynamically, and cryptocurrency traders are sometimes more able to see the changes in a community more continuously and dynamically. VCs don’t have that much time, and all their DDs with the project may end at the moment of payment, and then the post-investment team is another group of people, who may be under greater pressure.

Maybe for a VC, it is difficult to pay attention to the community level for general projects. So if someone really pays attention to the community of a project, it is usually not the behavior of the VC, at least not the behavior of maximizing VC interests, but his personal behavior. Of course, there are some exceptions, such as Delphi Digital designing a token economic model for Axie Infinity, but I feel that this is a state where everyone "met at first sight", and there is also a situation where the position is heavy enough. But usually, I think it is difficult to get deep into the community with a wide-ranging investment.

Running shoes faith

During her more than half a year in VC, Fiona came into contact with many excellent crypto projects, but none of them could surpass StepN in terms of the impact on her own development trajectory.

Old crypto will be familiar with the name StepN. StepN, which is known for its "Move To Earn" slogan, is one of the few phenomenal applications in the crypto industry. During that time, if you had a pair of StepN running shoes, it was like having the golden key to your ideal life. Not only did you exercise your body, but you would also "lose money" just by walking every day. The astonishing DAU data of hundreds of thousands at its peak also gave countless practitioners hope for Mass Adoption.

For Fiona, StepN is a very "personal" project. She also saw the StepN project at a very early stage, but the feedback she received after reporting it to the team was not positive, so she bought shoes and went running. Around the Spring Festival in January 2022, Fiona found out that some Degen players were very interested in this running shoe app while chatting with friends. After "exchanging intelligence", she decided to make a big effort in the second level.

Before long, StepN went viral and became a popular star in GameFi and the entire crypto world. Many people’s impression of StepN during that period, in addition to the extensive coverage by Bloomberg, was also the news that various VC and institutional executives or researchers left to join the StepN team. Of course, Fiona was one of them.

Fiona, who had just joined StepN, was mainly responsible for PR work, helping the team manage and connect with the community Mod team, as well as contacting and arranging some mainstream media interviews and reports. But this career experience was not smooth, and soon Fiona felt the gap between ideals and reality. Later, the experience of working at "Web3 Village Hope" became "days like years".

In the end, she chose to leave. Not long after, the price of StepN's governance token GMT collapsed, the product and community fell into a death spiral, and the great Mass Adoption journey was temporarily stalled. After more than half a year of experience at StepN, Fiona summed up a painful lesson: Don't be too ambitious.

BlockBeats: Why were you so optimistic about StepN at that time?

Fiona: At that time, StepN was so popular in Taiwan that my parents were playing it. Through this project, they learned about decentralized wallets and the congestion of the Solana network. Another time, I attended a dinner party outside the circle. There were some news anchors and TV producers from TV stations. They all walked in running shoes and participated in offline activities in Daan Park.

Usually it’s hard for Web3 projects to get into the outside world, but StepN did it. Although I was already in it at that time, it made me more convinced that it was a real bridge connecting Web2 and Web3. I was very excited at that time, so his failure was a big blow to me, and I really wanted them to make a career.

BlockBeats: Does this blow refer to your optimism about the future prospects of the industry?

Fiona: Although it is not that serious, I think it could have brought more to the industry, allowing more people to learn the basic knowledge of blockchain in a silent way, such as wallets and some network options, etc. I think the projects that have done well in this regard are only StepN and Luna (the latter eventually collapsed due to the Ponzi model).

The reason why Luna is mentioned is that at that time many investors and institutions deposited their pensions and house mortgages into Luna (its ecological lending protocol Anchor provides a 20% stablecoin fixed annualized return). At that time, this process actually required some technical thresholds, but everyone was willing to learn.

BlockBeats: What were the main problems you encountered at work?

Fiona: I didn’t have much contact with the product, but as a user, I kept giving feedback on product issues. I could clearly feel that the team’s focus in the later stages of development was not on StepN, but on constantly trying new products.

Because I was connected to Mod and had direct contact with users, there were probably hundreds of complaints about shoes every day. There were many issues about the lack of product updates, and you know that they were almost impossible to solve, but new problems kept popping up, so it was a state of only adding but not reducing. At that time, I was too determined to solve the problem, but the decision was not up to me, so I became the "whipping bag" in the middle.

BlockBeats: When did you start to feel that StepN was difficult to run?

Fiona: I knew it from the beginning. In fact, the fundamental problem is the death spiral, and xx To Earn did not solve the death spiral. In the later stage, if the price of the in-game token GST is to be maintained stable, there must be an exponential increase in users, and newcomers come in to To Earn. So I think xx To Earn is a dead proposition, or not everyone is for To Earn, and the fate of all projects in this track will be the same. StepN also had some initiatives or some intentions to solve this death spiral in the later stage, but it did not succeed. I think the founders themselves are very clear, so at a certain point in time, they strategically abandoned this project and moved on to the next project.

BlockBeats: Did you end up selling your shoes and tokens?

Fiona: I sold it in the end. When you see the situation internally, you know when to stop loss. But if I was not in the team, I might really hold on to it. It's usually like this, because I have too much faith. So after leaving StepN, I told my friends that it was like having a long relationship with a scumbag. Not only did I lose money, but I was also very sad.

I left some of the shoes to my parents. At first, they would go out to walk every day, rain or shine, because they could make hundreds or even thousands of dollars a day. Later, I asked them if they would still walk if the price dropped, and they said they would definitely do it. But everyone has a critical point, and when they can't make more than a dollar a day, they all give up.

BlockBeast: What do you think of the StepN experience? What lessons did you learn?

Fiona: Actually, I think StepN is a very good growth experience. Because before, as a VC, I invested in projects, and my understanding of the projects was just what was on paper. But after you go to the project, you will know what is really happening in the project, how it really feels, including the progress of the product and the division of departments. You can fully feel the problems. Only then did I feel that I was a person who truly understood the project.

Another thing is, I think this is a very useful lesson in my life, which is to never be too ambitious . This is true for all projects, because usually your ambition is bigger than the project.

This class really helped me save a lot of money.

"Calendar" and "Buying Lottery Tickets", Fiona's Philosophy of Cryptocurrency Trading

It has been nearly three years since she entered the circle in 2021, and Fiona seems to have a fulfilling life every year: she learned knowledge in VC in the first year, gained experience in project projects in the second year, and practiced practical operations in cryptocurrency trading in the third year.

After leaving StepN, Fiona planned to take a break, but after only two months, she couldn’t sit still anymore. During this period, although VCs sent her offers, she was no longer willing to go back to her old job, and finally decided to trade cryptocurrencies full-time. "I have worked as a VC, and I have a general understanding of investment. I have also worked on project sides, and I know all the good and bad things about it. I think I can try to do it alone first." This made her a powerful KOL with more than 10,000 fans.

Choosing the time is better than choosing the track

Fiona's first practical experience after leaving StepN at the end of 2022 began to emerge in February of the following year. At that time, Arbitrum's huge airdrop injected a strong liquidity into the market, and the crypto industry ushered in a small bull market in the deep bear market. During this period, the Arbitrum ecosystem showed a big explosion trend, among which Camelot was the most eye-catching. In the context of the bear market, it gained 20 times in less than two months, and Fiona was one of the first people to discover this opportunity.

Then in March, Fiona followed up on the inscription opportunity of Ordinals in time. In May, as a PEPE emoticon fan, she took advantage of the dozens of times increase in PEPE. At the end of the year, she successively seized the trading opportunities of Atomicals, Ronin, Multibit and other high-multiples. In the eyes of the community, Fiona always seems to appear at the right time and the right point. At the beginning of the meme craze at the beginning of this year, Fiona appeared in her Telegram group all the time, staying up late with group friends to buy on-chain meme.

But recently, Fiona has chosen to "passively lie down" and no longer trade in cryptocurrencies intensively. In her own words, "I sleep until I wake up naturally every day, get up to cook, check the market in the afternoon, and post some tweets." However, this forced lying down also helped Fiona protect her positions to the greatest extent last weekend.

BlockBeats: Is there a process of finding a feel for it when you first start trading cryptocurrencies? For example, what style and logical framework is suitable for me?

Fiona: Yes, I think this process is very important, because except for some talented players, not everyone is suitable for trading cryptocurrencies at all times. I am a typical example. I don’t trade cryptocurrencies as frequently as people imagine. I usually only trade in a specific time period, when my winning rate is very high. I only make money in that time period, and do other things in other time periods.

BlockBeats: What does the full time period refer to? Trend nodes or daily time periods?

Fiona: It refers to the trend. For example, there are three types of one-sided market, one-sided rise, one-sided fall and shock period. None of them may be correct. Different people may be suitable for different states.

BlockBeats: The Arbitrum trend you caught at the beginning of last year is a good example. How do you judge the trend nodes?

Fiona: I have a calendar, and I tell myself what are the important nodes this year, and what will appear at this node . So my calendar tells me that this year I will focus on a few projects and their approximate time nodes, and then I may study or plan two months in advance, which I think is very helpful for beginners.

I remember hearing news that Arbitrum was going to issue tokens in the first half of the year, and then Blur was going to be launched in February. So at that time, I only speculated on two tracks. In December, I started to work on the NFTfi track, and then the Arbitrum ecosystem. So I remember that wave should have taken two tracks, one was NFTfi, and all the purchases took off at that time. Among them, BendDAO had a four-fold increase, which was quite a lot, because the bear market was limited. The other one was Arbitrum, and all the purchases at that time had a high multiple, and Camelot was even more exaggerated.

BlockBeats: Did you also use this method to judge the initial bull market trend at the end of last year? At that stage, many people were still denying the arrival of the bull market, but you seized the opportunity of Ronin.

Fiona: I think the trading volume is different. You can clearly feel that the change in Bitcoin's trading volume when it broke through $25,000 to $32,000 is completely different. So at that time, I was very sure that there would be a new market. Because if there is a phenomenal market in this market, there must be a large amount of capital inflow. So what made me very confident at that time was the trading volume. I only bought half of the position at that time, and then I bought more as the price rose, and later I bought more until I was fully loaded.

I have been following Ronin for a long time, because I have been arguing with Axie Infinity for a long time, so I pay close attention to all their dynamics. I think there was a point when I decided to buy Ronin. At that time, the market value of IMX exceeded RON. I thought RON was really cost-effective and the products were so well made. Because I was also the first to play Pixel, I felt that I must invest heavily in Ronin. At that time, I also had a good friend named Mori, who was in the game track. We both agreed that RON was really cheap, so RON should be the best position I bought in the secondary market, and I bought relatively more.

BlockBeats: In addition to the calendar, do you have your own judgment on different tracks? What methodology do you use to find projects in the track?

Fiona: We will still make guesses about the big ecosystem, but I think the accuracy of blind guesses is not as high as the accuracy of calendar feedback.

When looking for projects, there are some ranking websites and data websites that are very basic but very useful. I think everyone can consider them. For example, DefiLlamma, where you can see some numerical changes, such as whether the TVL or transaction volume of a certain ecosystem or project has increased sharply in the past 7 days, which can help you sort out the projects.

Also, I think you must try new things when they come out . I remember last March, I saw that there was NFT minting on Bitcoin. Although Ordinals didn’t hit the market later, I bought it quite early in the secondary market. Although I sold it later, I actually felt that I had made a good profit from that wave.

BlockBeats: That is to say, don’t be biased when trading cryptocurrencies.

Fiona: Yes. I am a very unbiased person. I try everything, but I don’t have the prejudice of being a “guy”. I think you should never become that kind of “guy”, because then this industry will lose its appeal to you.

So I think we should keep an open mind towards new things. For example, NFTs minted on Bitcoin sound pretty cool. For this kind of super early stage tendency, especially for a brand new track, you can actually lose very little money. You can try it with the money you spent on buying a copycat, but the rate of return it gives you is beyond your expectations.

BlockBeats: Sometimes people may confuse experience with prejudice. They say it is experience, but sometimes it may actually be prejudice.

Fiona: Yes, but I think experience and bias should be used in different places, and the most important experience is the time when you sell.

I have an indicator because I am suitable for unilateral market, whether it is unilateral rise or unilateral fall, if I lose money twice in a row during the rush, I will stop . I will think that either there is a problem at this stage, or there is a problem with me, anyway, it is not the market where I can make money. So I took a break recently, also because I lost money twice in a row when I rushed to meme a while ago. This is a signal for me, and then I will stop.

A few days ago, I said on Twitter that the market was "dehydrated" because I could clearly feel that the liquidity of Altcoin was very poor. So my "dehydration" means that if you are not so good at trading, you choose to return to your defensive positions, such as Bitcoin and Solana, so I sold some altcoins and added more to these main positions.

BlockBeats: How do you judge the quality of liquidity? What are the indicators?

Fiona: You can try to sell it yourself, it feels quite obvious, sometimes you sell 50,000 US dollars and it drops a few points, that's quite bad, it means that the market makers are fighting each other. Or you can look at the order book, these are quite obvious, you can feel it if you trade more. Another thing is that I think when it can't go up, it has to go down. I think it's difficult to maintain a relatively high price curve, but I think the bull market is definitely not over yet, it's just that the money behind may not be as easy to make as the money before.

"Fading Bag" and "Buying Lottery Tickets"

In addition to judging and choosing the timing, Fiona also has some interesting "jungle tactics".

Last November, Fiona tweeted that she was going to use an initial capital of $50,000 to explore some non-mainstream ecological projects. She called this capital "Fading Bag", which means "disappearing positions". With a zero-based mentality, Fiona bought tokens of projects such as RON, KUJI, and ZEN, and published updates on her positions from time to time. In the latest update, the position of Fading Bag has exceeded $200,000.

Another thing that Fiona and her community enjoy doing is the "lottery ticket" tactic. Although it is difficult to integrate into her overall position management, Fiona will still charge forward with the community in the late night and early morning to buy such memes or on-chain meme with small positions. You can often see various tweets on her Twitter saying "10 times" and "20 times", but you have never seen the token letters. For those who have just followed Fiona, it is easy to feel a little anxious.

BlockBeats: Where did the idea for the Fading Bag come from?

Fiona: My Taiwanese friend Woody (a well-known crypto KOL in Taiwan) told me that when the bear market turned to bull market, someone started a "small fund" of tens of thousands of dollars, and later in the bull market, it reached 2 million dollars. At that time, I watched the real trading of Chuanmu (a well-known KOL), and I think that the real trading is sometimes not that useful for ordinary people, because the pace is too fast, and some people can't keep up, or can't resist the volatility. So at that time, I thought, why don't I do one, which is similar to the real trading, but the cycle may be longer, and finally I made this attempt.

BlockBeats: What is your logic for managing this Fading Bag?

Fiona: I think it is to buy some early promising projects. These projects do not have the certainty like Solana and Ethereum, but I think they have great potential. Maybe I should look for projects like Camelot. The most successful projects I have found so far are probably RON and MUBI. The multiples are actually quite high, but I don’t sell them very well.

BlockBeats: You also have an interesting strategy called "lottery position". But for you, is this position too small? Why spend time on lottery?

Fiona: I think this is a good way to spread out my energy, because I don’t want to adjust my large positions frequently. At that time, I had basically bought all my large positions, and I didn’t touch Solana from beginning to end. Then the small positions should be used for "wilderness", that is, you should feel like you have something to do.

Because I was in an overly excited state at that time, I couldn't stop, but I didn't want to move my Solana position every day, and there was no point. I actually like to speculate on on-chain meme, because I think it is a kind of community culture and part of the crypto culture. It's not about money, it's about participation. The adrenaline brought by the feeling of doubling a small multiple is actually very high.

BlockBeats: What was your pace of life like during that time?

Fiona: I used to get up at 4 or 5 o'clock to trade in On-Chain meme, then sell it. I might go back to sleep at 8 or 9 o'clock, then get up at noon to eat. In the afternoon, I would go to a cafe to trade in cryptocurrencies until the evening. If I didn't want to sleep at night, I would stay in On-Chain meme until 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning, and get up at 5 o'clock the next day to trade On-Chain meme again. I sleep 9 to 11 hours a day now, but during that time, I only slept 3 or 4 hours a day when I was trading On-Chain meme. This state is completely different, and the sleep required is also completely different.

BlockBeats: You also reacted quickly to news during that period, especially the GROK of the "Musk AI" concept.

Fiona: I actually wanted to buy more (GROK), but I was a little surprised because I saw that the price didn’t go up after Musk posted it for a day. Actually, I was online all day because I was hyping memes at that time, and I kept checking the Dexscreener rankings. At that time, I saw GROK came out. I thought Musk’s theme was very useful, and Musk had just promoted this AI, so he must have been tweeting frequently, so it had a continuous inflow of traffic. I couldn’t understand why people didn’t notice it or didn’t buy it, so I bought a little less.

BlockBeats: With this recent meme craze, have you seized any opportunities?

Fiona: I caught my favorite PEPE and got it to the second level. In fact, I bought many meme coins listed on Binance in this round, but I sold them at a loss, so I have been quite sad recently. For example, I posted Myro in the group when the market value was 1 million US dollars, and I left happily when it reached 10 million US dollars, so I have been quite depressed recently. And WIF, from the perspective of today, it was sold at a loss, but at that time, it felt not much different.

KOL Bonus

Fiona actually became a KOL by accident. When she just left StepN, she only had a hundred followers on Twitter, half of whom were friends she knew, and she had no idea how to become a KOL. Later, Fiona posted a tweet about Korean crypto regulation, which was forwarded by her friend Jeromeloo (a well-known KOL in the Chinese community) and her followers increased by more than 300. After that, she decided to give it a try. Later, Fiona found that being a KOL not only monetizes traffic, but also helps her find and seize early opportunities.

BlockBeats: How did Metis seize this trend at that time?

Fiona: At that time, they started to do a lot of marketing. Because I have a friend who does PR marketing in Korea, and he received orders from Metis. At that time, METIS was about 20 US dollars. Then she told me about this situation. I actually think that there is a good point about being a KOL now, that is, if there is a large-scale marketing promotion, you can know the news, which means that the team really has something to launch, either to promote the stock, or a new product, and usually a combination of the two.

Another thing I think we must pay attention to about Metis Ecosystem is that it launched a very large ecological fund, which I think is very similar to the ecological fund before Avalanche skyrocketed. So at that time, I bought METIS and the tokens of Metis Ecosystem, but in the end, METIS rose well, but its ecological tokens were a bit "lacking".

BlockBeats: Recently, there has been a lot of heated discussion in the community about the “KOL round”. It seems that being a KOL does have a lot of benefits now.

Fiona: That’s right, but I’ve also felt a bit of a shortcoming recently, because as a KOL you still have to work, you have to help the team publish things, which is actually equivalent to having some work involvement, and I can’t be as Degen and devote myself to it as before.

BlockBeats: How many KOLs does your PR company currently connect with?

Fiona: There are about 37 KOLs in the Chinese area, because I don’t want to do a large number, I want to really provide some value. There are more in the Korean area, about 200 or so. At present, we mainly focus on these two languages, and we may do some other languages ​​in the future, but it’s too early.

BlockBeats: How to expand the overseas KOL market?

Fiona: I always look for local friends, which is a very easy thing to do. Sometimes you don’t even understand the language and don’t have that much time. So I have a good friend who is a top KOL in Korea. He will introduce more reliable agencies and his own PR company, so these two parts constitute the components of our Korean market.

More than All In

If you have been following Fiona's Twitter, you will find that her cryptocurrency trading is not separated from her life, and even merges a little too perfectly. In addition to sharing the logic and opportunities of cryptocurrency trading, Fiona's most popular tweets are actually mostly her own detailed sharing of her cryptocurrency trading life: because she burned the food due to cryptocurrency trading, she would take a picture and tweet it, and when she had a meal with her KOL friends, she would take a picture and tweet it, and because she fainted due to staying up late to trade in cryptocurrency, she would tweet it when she woke up in the hospital. There are also stock trading and house buying. It is not difficult for outsiders to find that almost every trading opportunity or cognition shared by Fiona on Twitter is the experience she has summarized from her real life, and there are often traces in past tweets. In one word, it is down-to-earth.

Of course, what fans talk about most is the process of her "preaching" to her parents. The tweet about how Fiona convinced her parents to buy SOL has now been viewed 140,000 times.

Fiona's parents knew that she was trading in cryptocurrencies very early on, but at that time they looked at the problem from a completely different perspective. In the early years, news media reports on the blockchain industry were mostly negative, but after Fiona worked in the crypto industry and made money, they may have some different ideas about this industry. Fiona's parents have some basic understanding of cryptocurrencies since StepN. "Because they made money by walking every day in the early days, I think they have a more open attitude towards Crypto." Later, Fiona could talk to her parents about position management, investment logic, and the selection of NFT small pictures, which is "rare" among cryptocurrency traders.

At the end of last year, Fiona urged her parents to "buy whatever they want" when Ethereum was around $1,000 and Bitcoin was around $25,000, which made her parents the best buyers in this bull market. She thinks that there are too many irresponsible banks and her parents don't have the energy to manage their own money, so someone should help them buy and hold it. "They are quite happy now, and they just check the price trends of Bitcoin and Solana every day," Fiona said. "It's better for my parents' money to be locked up in Bitcoin than to be cheated out of it."

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