Followin Daily (April 29)

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Today's Quotes

Bitcoin $63536 - 62548 (-1.56%)

Ethereum $3320 - 3182 (-4.16)

hot topic

- Alpha Information 04/29
- How to play BTC Runes? Here is the detailed introduction
- OKX Jumpstart will launch BTC Rune RUNECOIN
- ETHFI surged by 20%+, and the re-staking track is accumulating momentum for an explosion

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Hot Topics Today

Alpha Information

It used to be just an application, but now we need to build a chain. The applications need to interact sustainably, and the chain also needs to interact.

This article provides zkSync "unofficial interaction points" query, without linking the wallet. Low-scoring addresses can increase points through cross-chain funds, etc.

Both are popular applications, and currently both can be used for dual-use. Like the "backpack" exchange, they require a large amount of trading volume.

A powerful player directly sent his runes to OKX.

This article directly introduces Matr1X's NFT gameplay. Will NFT be the key to breakthrough for gaming projects?

The magic weapon for MEME speculation: insider trading, insider information, and 1 in 10 heavy positions...

In-depth Articles

The KOL valuation is generally above 10U, and OKX opened and violently smashed the market, with the lowest price falling below 4U. High valuations and VC coins have once again become "dead projects", and the market liquidity and confidence are really too poor.

The legendary trader, who shill for Altcoin while dumping the market to cash out. What are the skills of the legendary trader? The first is luck, and the second is cutting fans.

This article is a window into Hong Kong’s crypto ecosystem.

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Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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