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Bitalk News
2 days ago
🔸RWA has attracted a lot of attention recently. 🔸@humafinance in the RWA track has become one of the hot projects this week with $38 million in financing. 🔸Binance Research also released a research report, which deeply explored the current situation of RWA. ❓What is RWA? What are the advantages? What are the main categories? ❓Why is the oracle so important in the RWA protocol? ❓Which 6 projects did Binance mention in its research report? What are they? ❓Finally, what are the risks of RWA? 🔻 1⃣What is RWA? RWAs (real world assets) refer to the conversion of off-chain tangible and intangible assets, such as currency, real estate, bonds, commodities, etc., into on-chain forms through tokenization. The issuer of RWAs is usually the most important role in the entire process, responsible for acquiring assets in the real world, tokenizing assets, and ultimately distributing RWA tokens. Although stablecoins (such as USDC) are the basis of RWA, they are considered independent of the RWA market, which is only worth $12 billion, because stablecoins have a market value of more than $175 billion. 2⃣What are the advantages of RWA? 1/ Allow traditional financial ("TradFi") users to enjoy the efficiency, transparency and speed brought by blockchain technology; 2/ Allow Web3 users to have access to traditional financial investments; 3/ Build a bridge between TradFi and DeFi to find application methods for traditional investment categories in DeFi. 3⃣What are the main categories of RWA at present? The main categories in the RWA field include: tokenized U.S. Treasuries, private credit, commodities, stocks, real estate and other non-U.S. bonds. Emerging categories of RWA include: air rights, carbon credits and art. 1/Tokenized Treasuries U.S. Treasuries experienced explosive growth in 2024, soaring from $769 million at the beginning of the year to $2.2 billion at present. Since July 2023, the federal funds target rate has remained between 5.25% and 5.5%, making the yield on U.S. Treasuries more attractive. 2/Private credit Private credit refers to the business of "non-bank financial institutions" providing debt financing to businesses, usually for small and medium-sized companies. The size of this market in 2023 exceeded $2.1 trillion, and the on-chain private credit market only accounted for about 0.4% of this size, about $9 billion. 3/Commodities This category is mainly dominated by tokenized gold products, however, gold ETFs have successfully solved this problem, with a market value of more than $110 billion. Apparently, investors are still reluctant to move their gold holdings further onto the blockchain. 4/Bonds and stocks These markets are small and relatively early in development, with a market value of about $80 million. In terms of bonds, in addition to U.S. Treasuries, there are also small amounts of European debt and tokenized corporate bonds. 5/Real estate, air rights, and other categories: Real estate: @Parcl pioneered tokenized real estate on Solana. Air rights: @SkyTradeNetwork is dedicated to tokenizing and trading air rights, the right to build or use space above a specific piece of land. Carbon credits: @ToucanProtocol facilitates the tokenization of carbon credits. Artworks: @plumenetwork aims to tokenize a variety of assets, from watches to artworks. 4⃣ Why are oracles so important to RWA? In the RWA protocol, oracles (Oracles) assume two key functions: 1/Data feed: Oracles provide access to off-chain data, such as Treasury rates and asset valuations, to ensure that on-chain tokenized assets accurately reflect real-world values. 2/Legal agreement triggers: Oracles can trigger on-chain actions based on off-chain legal agreements, such as triggering smart contract functions when a loan defaults. * Why is data accuracy so important? Taking private credit as an example, lenders may issue RWA mortgages on-chain. Without high-quality oracles to transmit the use of funds, borrowers may not comply with loan agreements, risk using funds, or even default. 5⃣ Which RWA projects are mentioned in the Binance research report? 1/Ondo @OndoFinance provides tokenized U.S. Treasury bond investment opportunities through its products. Users can access Ondo's services through two main products: USDY and OUSD. 2/Openeden @OpenEden_Labs provides users with direct investment opportunities in short-term U.S. Treasury bonds by minting TBILL tokens. Users can mint and redeem TBILL tokens with USDC, which are backed by U.S. Treasury bonds and a small portion of the U.S. dollar in a 1:1 ratio. 3/Centrifuge @centrifuge is a blockchain dedicated to RWA that aims to tokenize real-world assets. By creating NFTs representing assets such as invoices and real estate, Centrifuge Chain enables these assets to interact with DeFi platforms and facilitate financial services such as lending and borrowing. 4/Parcl @Parcl creates indices that represent real estate markets in different geographic regions. For example, users can invest in an index that tracks the real estate market in New York, Los Angeles, or other global cities. Users trade perpetual synthetic assets on the Parcl platform to gain exposure to the underlying real estate market price. Users can buy, sell and trade these tokens based on their expectations for various real estate markets. 5/Toucan @ToucanProtocol is a platform that tokenizes carbon credits, allowing companies and individuals to buy, trade and cancel carbon credits in a decentralized manner to offset their carbon emissions. Toucan has established multiple markets where users can buy and sell tokenized carbon credits. Users can stake carbon credits to earn returns or use them in various DeFi protocols. 6/Jiritsu @Jiritsu_Network is an L1 blockchain that allows users to tokenize RWA and embed compliance and valuation mechanisms. The platform uses a dual verification system: one validator is responsible for compliance and valuation of commercial assets, and the other validator focuses on real-time market valuation of assets like bonds. 6⃣What are the risks of RWA? 1/Centralization: Due to the nature of RWA and regulatory requirements, RWA protocols usually have a high degree of centralization in smart contracts or overall architecture. 2/Third-party dependence: RWA protocols rely heavily on off-chain intermediaries, especially asset custody. 3/Return considerations: The returns generated by RWA tokens do not always justify the complexity of the system, and investors need to weigh the relationship between complexity and return. 4/Oracle solutions: The growing demand for more powerful oracle solutions has led to the emergence of RWA-specific oracle protocols. 5/Privacy and compliance: Zero-knowledge technology is emerging as a potential solution for balancing regulatory compliance with user privacy and autonomy. This article has been included in the "Crypto Basics Series", which has 34 issues so far. Interested friends can check the Medium list: medium.com@bitalkforu/list/crypto-11ee463a04be…
Bitalk News
2 days ago
🔸Can’t keep up with the projects? Don’t know the progress of new financing projects? 🔸Let’s take a look at Bibi’s weekly financing report~ Tl;dr ▹DePIN protocol chooses Solana as the building platform. ▹RWA track receives more attention. ▹Multiple Web3 blockchain games received financing. 🔻 💻Depin 1. Gradient Network @Gradient_HQ is an edge computing protocol on Solana, supported by Multicoin, Sequoia, and Pantera. Its Open Beta was launched on 09/12, and the reward interface has also been confirmed on the Dashboard. Users can install browser extensions to run nodes. Early access users can get a limited time 1000EXP: app.gradient.network/dashboard 2. Cudis @CudisWellness is a wearable DePIN product from Solana, which received $5 million in financing. Cudis is a smart AI ring that can track users' health data and give personalized advice. Cudis uses points to reward users for exercising and staying healthy. It has currently launched an Edamame NFT in collaboration with Magiceden, and eligible users can mint: cudis.xyz/edamame Its official website is developing rings for sale (DYOR): cudis.xyz/buy 3. Titan Network @Titannet_dao is a one-stop platform for Depin idle resource matching and has completed its seed round of financing. Titan is currently holding a testnet event, where points can be earned by interacting with the testnet, running nodes, spreading social media, and completing tasks. Interested friends can take a look at the official guide: titannet.gitbook.io/titan-netw...… 4⃣Wingbits @wingbits is a flight tracking network on Solana, with Boderless and Tribe leading the investment of $3.5 million. Users can assemble equipment at their location and capture ADS-B signals to monitor aircraft aviation data in real time. How to participate: docs.wingbits.com 5⃣Fuse @FuseEnergyHQ is a renewable energy (electricity) network that has recently completed $12 million in strategic financing. *It is reported that Fues completed US$78 million in financing in 2022. Fuse provides cheap electricity to residents by operating solar and wind energy projects. Fuse launched @projectzero2050 and a corresponding token on Solana to incentivize users to reduce energy consumption. It is reported that Project Zero will launch the points plan, mainnet and energy network in 2025. 🏦RWA 1. Huma @humafinance is the Payfi network and has completed US$38 million in financing. *Note: USD 10 million is equity investment and USD 28 million is RWA. Huma aims to build a cross-border payment network through blockchain and has currently launched a points system. Users can earn Huma points, Scroll points and native interest rates by depositing USDC (KYC required) Pool:app.huma.finance/# In addition, Huma has also launched galxe tasks, and Humanity 2.0 NFT holders have additional rewards: app.galxe.com/quest/huma/GC4ac...… 2⃣Openeden @OpenEden_Labs receives investment from Binance. TBILL, launched by openeden, is the only tokenized U.S. Treasury product with a Moody's A rating. Dapp: app.openeden.com 3. Openforest @OpenForest_ is a carbon market RWA protocol on the Near chain and has completed its seed round of financing. Openforest will create a carbon market for forest projects around the world, enabling the trading of carbon credits. *Note: Carbon credits are financial instruments that quantify greenhouse gas emissions reductions. If a forest project reduces greenhouse gas emissions and passes certification, it can obtain carbon credits. Companies can purchase carbon credits to offset their own carbon emissions. 🎮Games 1. Vibes @ocapgames is a physical card game based on the IP of Pudgy Penguins, and has completed 2 million yuan in financing. TCG cards will be sold in Singapore on 09/16. In addition to purchasing cards, players can also pre-register on the website. Link:vibes.game 2. Castile @Castileofficial is a Cthulhu-themed idle RPG game that has completed $8 million in financing. Castile launched the Beta test on 09/10, with a reward of 10 million $CAST tokens. This event lasts until 10/10: castile.world 3. Blum @blumcrypto receives investment from Binance. Blum aims to become an exchange for the TON ecosystem and has already launched a mining game. TG:t.me/BlumCryptoBot 4. Moku @Moku_HQ is a gaming platform on the Ronin chain, which has completed a $535 million financing round led by a16z. Moku is positioned as a task platform, and cooperates with Ronin and other blockchain games to carry out publicity and promotion. Players can complete Moku's tasks to earn points, which can be used to exchange for Moku, chain game white tickets, NFTs, tokens and other rewards. Moku also launched its own Genesis NFT, which allows holders to earn more points and more WL opportunities. If you are interested, you can take a look: marketplace.skymavis.com/colle...… 💵Defi 1/@Corkprotocol is a pegged asset protocol that aims to convert pegged assets 1:1 into underlying assets (ezETH:ETH); Cork completed angel round financing and was selected for a16z's Fall Startup Accelerator (CSX) list. 2 @SyrupalOfficial is an option agreement for the TON ecosystem, which has completed financing of 3.75 million US dollars. 3/ @ammalgam is an on-chain lending exchange, with Framework and Faction leading the investment of 2.5 million US dollars. 4/ @BTA_Protocol is a DeFi protocol for the BTC ecosystem and has completed two rounds of financing totaling 3.25 million US dollars. 5/ @derivexyz (formerly Lyra), an options protocol, announced the completion of a new angel round of financing. 6/ @DeFiCarrot is a yield DeFi protocol on Solana, and announced the completion of a $600,000 pre-seed round of financing. According to its Official Twitter, the Beta test version has been launched. 7/ @Eigenpiexyz_io is an isolated liquid staking protocol based on Eigenlayer. It announced the completion of its seed round of financing, with participation from Arbiturm Foundation, Robot ventures, and pancake. Eigenpie is launched today$EGP Token economics:x.com/Eigenpiexyz_io/status/18...… ♾Infra/Platform 1/@PINAI_IO is a personal AI open platform, which raised 10 million US dollars from a16z and hackvc. Pin AI was also selected into the a16z CSX project. You can fill in the form now: pinai.io 2/ @drip_haus is a creator platform on Solana, which has completed a new round of financing of 8 million US dollars. It is reported that Drip officials have clearly stated that there will be no tokens. 3/ @joinfountain is a Web3 operating system for enterprises and has completed US$3.5 million in financing. 4/ @UHTofficial is a Web3 healthcare platform. It announced the completion of a $1.2 million Pre-seed round, with participation from Animocabrands, Polygon, etc. It is reported that it is currently launching NFT pre-registration: premint.xyz/uht 5/@blocksense_ is an oracle based on zk technology. It has completed 4 million US dollars of financing and was selected into the a16z CSX program. 6/ @t1protocol is an Ethereum scaling solution that received $2.5 million in funding and was selected for the a16z CSX program. 7/ @hyperbridge_ is a scalable coprocessor and cross-chain protocol that has completed US$2.5 million in financing. 8/ @gashawkio is a system that helps users save Gas on the Ethereum mainnet and has completed $1.6 million in financing. 9/ @Infinit_Labs is a Defi abstraction layer, which has completed a $6 million financing led by Electric Capital. It is reported that the first product version and reward system will be launched soon. *Note: The Financing Weekly Report was originally scheduled to be released on Monday, but was changed to today due to the holiday.
Bitalk News
3 days ago
【09/14|Today's Morning News📰】 *Bitalk is operating a TG dedicated to information push: t.me/bitalknewsinfor *Future morning news, on-chain data, airdrop news, macro information and other content will be shared internally. 💹Market dynamics 1⃣Market fear and greed index: 50 (neutral, 13 points higher than yesterday) 2⃣Top 10 projects in the past 24 hours (Rootdata data) Gradient Network|Grass|catizen|blum|huma finance|usual|dawn|story|plum|infinit 3⃣Token unlocking in the next 24 hours $AXS/ $FORT/ $STRK/ $NYM 4⃣Current market trend tokens (top 5) $FTW/ $CATE/ $PHIL/ $QUBIC/ $AIC 5⃣Current market largest increase tokens (top 5) $FTW/ $CATE/ $CKB/ $MOTHER/ $SPX 6⃣RSI heat map Strong: $COTI/ $METIS/ $RONIN/ $DYM/ $ORDI/ $TON/ $BTC and other tokens are overbought; most tokens are strong Weak: $TRX/ $USDC is oversold; no tokens are weak 💰Project financing 1/solana edge computing protocol @Gradient_HQ is supported by Pantera, Multicoin capital, and Sequoia Capital. 2/Decentralized renewable energy network @FuseEnergyHQ announced the completion of $12 million in financing, led by Multicoin. 3/Carbon data measurement platform @OpenForest_ completed seed round financing, led by Übermorgen. 4/defi protocol @derivexy announced the completion of angel round financing. 5/Solana on-chain mining project @OREsupply announced the establishment of Regolith Labs and completed a $3 million seed round of financing. 📰Today's News 1/Solana Co-founder said that the Zksync governance system is not multi-signature and has centralization risks:x.com/aeyakovenko/status/18342...… 2/Moonpay has been registered with AUSTRAC in Australia and can provide digital currency exchange services news.bitcoin.com/zh/moonpay-hu...… 3/Binance: Crypto users need to pay attention to "Clipper" malwarebinance.com/en/blog/security/p...… 4/Binance Launchpool launches the 59th project Catizen (CATI) binance.com/en/support/announc...… 5/Binance Research: The market value of tokenized RWA without stablecoins exceeds 12 billion US dollars coindesk.com/markets/2024/09/1...… 6/Ronin launches universal account and keyless wallet Ronin Waypoint blog.roninchain.com/p/introduc...… 7/FTX former CEO SBF appeals and calls for a retrial:theblock.co/post/316497/former...… 8/Polygon's MATIC completes migration, POL token price soars:theblock.co/post/316437/polygo...… 🪂 Airdrop Alpha 1/LogX: TGE will be held on September 24 x.com/LogX_trade/status/183460...… 2/Stablecoin protocol Usual releases roadmap and plans to hold TGE in mid-November: usual.money/blog/tge-roadmap-a...… 3/TON ecological cat-raising game Citizen has completed a full network snapshot:|_2024 1111202316_| 4/Join Azuki's waiting list:x.com/Azuki/status/18343965838...… 5/Debox unlocks airdrops:x.com/DeBox_Social/status/1834...… 📚Article reading 1/18th issue data reveals Binance Launchpool revenue and strategy trends in depthodaily.news/post/5198427 2/Digging Solana ecosystem, 15 potential benefits not to be missed on Breakpointodaily.news/post/5198417 3/Pantera: The wind direction of US blockchain policy changes odaily.news/post/5198434 4/Do you need to find product-market fit before issuing tokens? odaily.news/post/5198416
Bitalk News
【Bitcoin Beginner's Manual🔖】 🔸Bitcoin ecosystem projects have caused fomo, but you don't know BTC? 🔸It doesn't matter, Bibi has prepared a basic knowledge manual for you to enter the BTC ecosystem. *Note: The content has been simplified; it is recommended to read in order 🔻 Basic Knowledge ✦If you want to participate in the BTC ecosystem, you first need a wallet. 1⃣BTC Wallet There are many wallets in the BTC ecosystem, among which @unisat_wallet wallet should be the most used wallet. Other popular wallets include Xverse wallet, Magiceden wallet, OKX wallet, etc. *It is recommended to familiarize yourself with Unisat wallet first, and then turn to other wallets. ✦The address in the wallet is used to receive the corresponding assets, including BTC, Ordinals, Brc20, etc. 2⃣BTC address The BTC wallet will display four types of BTC addresses: Legacy, Nested Segwit, Native Segwit, Taproot Key points 1/Generally speaking, use the address starting with bc1. 2/bc1q is generally used for daily payment of transaction fees; bc1p is more suitable for receiving Ordinals and BRC20 assets. 3/The four addresses can transfer BTC to each other; but Ordinals and BRC20 assets are best transferred only between addresses of the same type. Legacy address: The old address format starting with 1 is high in cost and is generally not used. Nested Segwit: The address starting with 3 can only be used to receive BTC, not to receive inscriptions or runes. Native Segwit: The address starting with bc1q is the most compatible with the current cex platform. Taproot: The address starting with bc1p is more advanced than bc1q. It can support complex smart contracts. ✦ When you have BTC assets, you will inevitably need to trade. Before sending a transaction, you will see the term sats/vb. 3⃣Sats BTC is the native token of the Bitcoin network, and Sats is its smallest unit, used to pay gas fees and small payments. Transaction fees in the network are calculated based on the transaction size, in vByte (virtual bytes). Therefore, Sats/vb refers to the Bitcoin transaction fee paid per virtual byte (vByte). ✦In addition, when sending a transaction, you will find the words "available" and "unavailable". 4⃣Available and unavailable Available Bitcoin (Available): refers to the Bitcoin balance you can currently use for transactions. These Bitcoins have been confirmed and can be transferred at any time. Unavailable Bitcoin (unavailable): refers to Bitcoins that are currently unavailable for transactions. These Bitcoins may be in the following states: 1) Waiting for confirmation. If you have received a Bitcoin before, but the transaction has not been confirmed by enough blocks, these Bitcoins are temporarily unavailable. 2) Locked state. Sometimes, Bitcoin may be locked due to contracts, pending orders or other conditions and cannot be used to initiate new transactions immediately. 3) Inputs in use. If you are in another transaction and the inputs involved in the transaction have not yet been confirmed, the relevant Bitcoins will be marked as unavailable. ✦The inputs and outputs mentioned above are the core part of Bitcoin transactions. 5⃣Inputs and Outputs Inputs: Inputs refer to the source of funds you use to pay Bitcoin. It comes from the output of a previously received transaction (that is, the Bitcoin that someone sent you before). When you initiate a new Bitcoin transaction, the wallet will use the previously received Bitcoin as input. These inputs are called unspent transaction outputs (UTXO, Unspent Transaction Output). For example: If you received 1 BTC in a previous transaction, when you initiate a new transaction, this 1 BTC unspent output becomes the input of your new transaction. Outputs: Outputs are where you pay Bitcoin in a transaction. Each transaction can have one or more outputs, indicating which address the Bitcoin is sent to. Outputs define a new unspent transaction output (UTXO), which will become the input of future transactions. For example: If you transfer 0.5 BTC to a certain address, this 0.5 BTC will become an output and be recorded on the blockchain. ✦UTXO is the balance model adopted by Bitcoin. Let's explain it with a simple metaphor. 6⃣UTXO You are in the supermarket and want to buy an egg for 1 yuan, but you only have a 5 yuan bill. You hand the whole 5 yuan bill to the cashier, and he gives you 4 1 yuan coins as change. In the above metaphor, the whole 5 yuan bill is the old UTXO, and the 4 1 yuan coins are the new UTXO. The essence of the UTXO model is that each transaction consumes the old UTXO and generates new UTXO, which can be used in future transactions. ✦You finally submitted the transaction, but the transaction still needs to wait for execution in Mempool (memory pool). 7⃣Mempool Mempool is the waiting pool and transit station for Bitcoin transactions. Only when the transaction is processed by the miner will the transaction be removed from Mempool. Mempool is very useful. It allows you to know the current gas fee of the BTC network, the waiting time, and track your transaction status. In addition, since miners are responsible for packaging blocks and receive transaction fees, you can increase transaction fees (sats/vb) to "bribe" miners to prioritize packaging your transactions. Mempool: mempool.space ✦After the transaction is selected by the miner in Mempool, it needs to be packaged into the block and added to the blockchain. 8⃣Miners and Packed Blocks Bitcoin is a decentralized network that requires nodes to verify, propagate, and store transactions. Miners are entities that run nodes. Their main task is to find qualified blocks by solving mathematical problems, and package transactions submitted by users into these blocks, and finally add new blocks to the blockchain. For each successful packaging of a block, miners will receive a portion of the newly generated Bitcoin. This is how Bitcoin is issued, and the reward for new blocks will gradually decrease during the Bitcoin halving event. *BTC halving: Every 210,000 blocks (about 4 years), the block reward received by miners will be automatically halved. This process continues until the supply of Bitcoin reaches the hard cap of 21 million. ✦ Basic knowledge expansion - Ordinals/BRC20/Runes 🔸Ordinals The purpose of the Ordinals protocol is to mark and track specific Sats. Users use the Ordinals protocol to give specific Sats an "inscription" (text/image, etc.). This operation makes Sats no longer homogeneous and becomes an asset similar to NFT. You can spend it as a Gas token or trade it as an NFT. *Unlike NFTs on Ethereum, the inscriptions of Ordinals are stored directly on the Bitcoin blockchain, not through external links. 🔸BRC20 Since a set of Sats can be inscribed with different data, thus becoming a non-homogeneous NFT. Then a set of Sats can also be inscribed with the same data, thus becoming a homogeneous token. The BRC20 protocol is to inscribe Sats through the same JSON data (ORDI), so that these Sats are "marked" as tokens of the same category ($ORDI). *Unlike ERC20 on Ethereum, BRC-20 does not have the complex functions of smart contracts, but is just a simple token engraving. 🔸Runes Similar to BRC20, the purpose of Rune is also to create homogeneous tokens. BRC20 uses JSON data to mark Sats; Rune uses the OP_RETURN opcode to embed token information on Sats. Compared with BRC-20, the advantage of Rune is that it reduces UTXO expansion and reduces the storage pressure of the Bitcoin network. The above is the content of the basic knowledge section. If you find it helpful, please like and forward it to support it. This post will be continuously updated.
Bitalk News
🔸What are the hot airdrops this week? 🔸What interactions can be done with high-financing/hot projects recently? 🔸Let's take a look at this week's updates~ 🔻 🔥This week's hot interactions 1⃣Payfi project @humafinance raised 38 million this week and launched a points activity. Currently, deposits can get Huma points, scroll points and deposit interest rates at the same time. Deposit: app.huma.finance/# Galxe Task: app.galxe.com/quest/huma/GCK6X...… *Note: 10 million is equity financing, and 28 million is income-based RWA. 2⃣The popularity of CAT20 tokens on @fractal_bitcoin continues unabated, and the current minting progress is 74%: Some links summarized yesterday: x.com/BitalkNews/status/183410...… 3⃣The crypto trading program @blumcrypto received investment from Binance this week, and the Blum points system has been launched. Link: t.me/BlumCryptoBot 4⃣Personal AI platform @PINAI_IO announced this week that it has completed a $10 million Pre-seed round, led by a16z and hackvc. You can fill out a form now: pinai.io 5⃣Idle RPG game @Castileofficial announced on 09/10 that it raised $8 million, with Sevenx, OKX, Aptos and others participating in the investment. On the same day, Castile announced the launch of Beta testing and airdrop activities, which will last from 09/10 to 10/10. Game: castile.world 6⃣@hamster_kombat's $HMSTR is listed on Binance's Launchpool; @CatizenAI will conduct TGE and airdrop on 09/20. If you have been playing it, you can stick with it, the tokens will be issued soon. 🪙Highly funded/hot projects 1⃣Layerswap launched the Minato testnet of Sony L2 chain @soneium:testnet.layerswap.io 2⃣Binance invested @use_corn has several Galxe task updates:app.galxe.com/quest/CORN/GC5QR...… 3⃣Layer3's lauchpad launched @Calderaxyz activities:app.layer3.xyz/launchpad 4⃣The privacy AI network @nillionnetwork with financing of 20 million can pledge ETH and complete new tasks:verifier.nillion.com/secrets 5⃣142 million US dollars of financing @berachain ecosystem has been very lively, take a look at what activities are happening this week: x.com/BitalkNews/status/183414...… 6⃣@0xSonicLabs (formerly fantom) has launched a new Galxe task: app.galxe.com/quest/SonicLabs/...… 7⃣The AI oracle protocol @OraProtocol, which has raised 23 million yuan, has launched a points plan and an open airdrop: ora.io/app/points-program/?utm...… 8⃣Binance has launched bnSOL, and its investment in Solana re-staking network @solayer_labs has also integrated bnSOL as soon as possible: binance.com/en/solana-staking…
Bitalk News
【09/13|Today's Morning News📰】 🔸Can't keep up with all the crypto information? Want to keep up with the latest market/project dynamics? 🔸Bibi is operating a TG channel, which will share market dynamics, project financing, today's news, on-chain data, macro news, airdrop summary, etc. 🔸Take a look and add an information channel: t.me/bitalknewsinfor 🔻 💹Market dynamics 1⃣Market fear and greed index: 32 (up 1 from yesterday) 2⃣Top 10 projects in the past 24 hours Huma Finance|Blum|Fractal|CASTILE|OpenEden|Sonic|Pin AI|Titan Network|Story|Balance 3⃣Token unlocking in the next 24 hours $CYBER(3.81%)/ $RENDER (0.19%) 4⃣Current market trend tokens (top 5) $SURE/ $OM/ $SUI/ $RENDER/ $CATE 5⃣Current market largest increase tokens (top 5) $BIGTIME / $DMTR/ $SURE/ $CATE/ $BULL 6⃣RSI heat map Strong: $TRU/ $TWT/ $OM/ $BNX/ $TON Waiting for overbought; $INJ/ $PENDLE/ $JUP Many tokens are strong Weak: No tokens are oversold; No tokens are weak 💰Project financing 1/Transaction layer IP @gashawkio announced the completion of a $1.6 million Pre-seed round: x.com/gashawkio/status/1833886...… 2/BTC ecosystem defi protocol @BTA_Protocol announced the completion of a new round of $1.75 million financing 3/RWA token platform @OpenEden_Labs received Binance investment: x.com/OpenEden_Labs/status/183...… 4/Defi abstraction layer @Infinit_Labs completed $6 million financing. Robot Vnetures and Electric capital participated in the investment: x.com/Infinit_Labs/status/1834...… 5/@Eigenpiexyz_io completed the seed round of financing, Arbitrum Foundation, PancakeSwap and others participated in the investment x.com/eigenpiexyz_io/status/18...… 📰Today's News 1/Binance officially announced the launch of BNSOL: x.com/binancezh/status/1834157...… 2/ZKsync launched the on-chain governance system: blog.zknation.io/zksync-govern...… 3/Scam Sniffer: A malware Fato Reader targeting crypto users was detected: x.com/realScamSniffer/status/1...… 4/Coinbase: ETH's poor performance is related to the current crypto market structure theblock.co/post/316187/eths-u...… 5/Trump said he would not have the next presidential election debate with Harris (Jinshi) 6/Trump: World Liberty Financial will be officially launched on September 16: x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1...… 7/OpenAI launches a new model with significant improvements in performance and reasoning capabilities: decrypt.co/249227/openai-launc...*ncywlm*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTI3MjkwMjY5Ny4xNzI2MTkxMTQ5*_ga_S6XJW9326S*MTcyNjE5MTE0OS4xLjEuMTcyNjE5MTE1MC4wLjAuMA….. 8/TON ecosystem hamster and catizen will be launched this month, and the TON network may face stress testing: decrypt.co/249203/hamster-komb...… 9/Visa report: Crypto stablecoins have expanded the influence of the US dollar in other countries: decrypt.co/249197/stablecoins-...… 10/The European Central Bank announced a rate cut of 25 basis points: decrypt.co/249124/grayscale-de...… 11/Grayscale announced the launch of XRP Trust: decrypt.co/249124/grayscale-de...… 12/Binance announced the launch of Hamster Launchpool: x.com/binance/status/183425057...… 📚Article Reading 1/STEPN GO, which is hard to find, can make $300 a day again? odaily.news/post/5198401 2/Dig deep into airdrop data: Should you sell or keep the coins after receiving them? What is the interactive value of the unissued king-level projects? odaily.news/post/5198375 3/In 2024, the US SEC "generated" 4.7 billion US dollars. Has the cryptocurrency industry become a "cash machine"? odaily.news/post/5198348
Bitalk News
🔸Can't keep up with the latest news, NFT casting and project dynamics of Bear Chain? 🔸You can follow the weekly @berachain news column of Bibi~ 🔻 🪙NFT casting news ·Bear Chain native horse racing game @berahorses will launch the second batch of NFT Mint on 09/12/6 PM (UTC+8). ·Bear Chain native racing game @beracer_org will launch Pass card NFT casting on 09/14/00:20 AM (UTC+8). ·Gamblefi center @JunkyUrsas will launch the Junkie NFT series of free mint on 09/20. ·Bear Chain native media platform and entertainment center @Fable_Platform will launch PFP NFT on 09/27. ·Bear Chain gamification portal @BeraSigHub will launch the Rebase series NFT at the end of September. ·@BoogaBeras NFT supported by @VaseFinance is officially sold out. 🧐Project News 1⃣Beranames @Beranames is the official domain name service of Bearchain. Beranames has launched the S2 whitelist activity, interactive website, and earn points to obtain priority minting on the mainnet. Beraname will distribute points every Friday, and partner NFT holders will receive a 1.5x-1.75x point multiplier. Minting domain name: beranames.com 2⃣Beraboyz @BeraBoyzGG is the Bearchain Meme coin project. It announced that Beraboyz NFT holders can get $URSA airdrop. Go to Ursa DC to verify ownership and participate in its incentive testnet: discord.gg/zguugERX 3⃣Beradrome @beradrome is the Bearchain re-staking and liquidity market. It recently announced the third Read Deal, and the $250,000 reward will flow 100% back to @beraplug voters. Let me briefly mention the two operating mechanisms of Beradrome: 1/ Users pledge BERO and obtain hiBERO to obtain voting rights. 2/ Users provide liquidity to the LP mining pool and obtain oBERO emissions. Users obtain the "voting bribe" of the protocol by voting for the LP pool of the corresponding protocol. The LP pool with a higher vote rate will receive a higher oBERO reward token emission. The higher the oBERO reward token, the higher the APY of the LP mining pool, which attracts more liquidity. 4⃣Smilee @SmileeFinance is a leveraged Defi protocol. Smilee recently announced the benefits of NFT holders. It has three series of NFTs: Smilee Bera, HappeeBera and Bera Ladder. 1/ Holding Smilee Bera can unlock basic WL benefits, Gay dc characters and Happee Beras FCFS WL. *Holding 10+ NFTs can get the Gay Whale character, WL probability increased by 70%, automatically get Happee Beras NFT airdrop, and automatically get Bera Ladder NFT airdrop. 2/Happee Beras holders will get Happee Bera dc character, Bera Ladder FCFS WL. *Holding 3+ NFTs can get the Happee Whale dc character and automatically get Bera Ladder NFT airdrop. 3/Bera Ladder NFT holders will be considered top OG. 📢Preview and cooperation ·Full-chain social game @Onikumagame will launch a private testnet for NFT holders on 09/23. ·Strategic conquest game @grandconquest will return to season 2 on 09/25. ·@0xhoneyjar-supported Meme project @TheBullas_ previewed the private testnet for NFT Holder. ·Bear Chain Native Liquidity Center @KodiakFi announced a partnership with @eatsleepyeet. Bearchain liquidity pledge asset portal @VaseFinance announced a partnership with @eatsleepyeet.
Bitalk News
🔸Gas soared, Sats/vb up to 1500, 🔸What is the CAT protocol of Fomo? 🔸This article takes you through the CAT Protocol in a few minutes (with a tutorial at the end of the article) 1⃣What is CAT protocol? According to the documentation of CAT Protocol, this is a new UTXO-based token protocol on the Bitcoin network - Covenant Attested Token, or CAT for short. ▹The CAT protocol relies entirely on the scripting language of the Bitcoin network itself and is executed directly on the base layer (Layer 1) of the blockchain. ▹The protocol uses a smart contract technology called "Covenants" to manage the issuance and transfer of tokens ▹ The token operations of the CAT protocol (such as issuance and transfer) require verification by miners in the Bitcoin network. ▹CAT protocol supports both homogeneous tokens (CAT20 standard — tokens) and non-homogeneous tokens (CAT721 standard — NFT) 2. What are the main features of the CAT protocol? 1/ Since the token data is retained on the BTC chain and no off-chain third-party indexer is required, there is no external service risk, and it inherits the security of the Bitcoin mainnet. 2/CAT tokens support the integration of various smart contracts such as AMM, lending and staking. 3/Token minting in the CAT protocol is executed through smart contracts, so the rules are completely determined by the on-chain code. 4/CAT protocol supports multi-chain bridging of assets. 5/CAT tokens support Simplified Payment Verification (SPV). Light clients (such as mobile phones) can independently verify the authenticity of tokens. 3⃣ Organize the content. Many bloggers have summarized the relevant content. Bibi will make a summary here. *Note: The following is a summary only and is not an endorsement. 1/@ProtocolCAT's CAT protocol document:catprotocol.org 2/Open source CLI tool on official Github: github.com/CATProtocol 3/CAT20 display interface on Unisat page: explorer.unisat.io/fractal-mai...… 4/CAT20 market value/cost/return comparison made by @jizui_cm_: x.com/jizui_cm_/status/1833990...… 5/3p-labs casting tutorial (please confirm safety yourself): mirror.xyz/3p-labs.eth/0IWdR6t...… 6/@ouyoung11's one-click script casting tutorial (please confirm safety yourself): mirror.xyz/0xC4335F5CF9975b953...… 7/Cloud server manual casting tutorial written by @CryptoKirito_ (please confirm safety yourself): x.com/CryptoKirito_/status/183...… 8/CAT20's @cointool front-end proxy page is online (please confirm safety yourself): ct.app/btc_fractal/mint-cat20… 🚨Reminder: The code may be risky, please do your own research and be cautious.
Bitalk News
【09/12|Today's Morning News📰】 *Bibi is operating a tg channel dedicated to information push: t.me/bitalknewsinfor 👆Want to know market dynamics, project financing, today's news, airdrop Alpha, article recommendations, and macro news? 💹Market Dynamics 1⃣Market Fear and Greed Index: 31 (down 6 from yesterday) 2⃣Top 10 projects in the past 24 hours CASTILE|Blum|Huma Finance|Sonic|PIN AI|Fractal|Balance|Caldera|Story|Arcium 3⃣Token unlocking in the next 24 hours $EUL 4⃣Current market trending tokens (top 5) $ETH/ $TON/ $SUNDOG/ $SUI/ $DRIFT 5⃣Current market largest gainer tokens (top 5) $IDIA/ $LOKA/ $NEIRO/ $FI/ $ELA 6⃣RSI heat map Strong: $PENDLE / $BCH/ $FET/ $COTI etc. are overbought; $INJ/ $BNB/ $ICP/ $TON/ $SUI etc. are strong Weak: No token is oversold; $STRK is weak 💰Project financing 1/RWA project @humafinance completed 10 million US dollars of equity financing + 28 million US dollars of income-based RWA. 2/Hybrid exchange @blumcrypto received support from Binance. 3/AI-driven Solana Depin @CudisWellness completed 5 million US dollars of financing. 4/Crypto coprocessor @hyperbridge_ completed 2.5 million US dollars of financing. 5/Depin digital resource network infrastructure @Titannet_dao completed seed round financing. 6/Solana income optimization protocol @DeFiCarrot completed 600,000 US dollars of Pre-seed round. 7/Aviation DePIN protocol @wingbits completed a seed round of financing of 3.5 million US dollars. 📰Today's News 1/Trump-related stocks and cryptocurrency concept stocks fell after the US election debateflash.jin10.com/detail/2024091...… 2/FTX/Alameda-related wallets redeemed 177,693 SOLs from Solana PoS staking 7 hours ago, equivalent to US$23.75 million: x.com/EmberCN/status/183403729...… 3/BoJ member: Interest rates need to be raised in a timely and gradual manner (Jinshi) 4/The number of daily active addresses on the Solana chain once exceeded 5.5 million, setting a record high: solanafloor.com/news/solana-cr...… 5/The British government submitted a bill to define crypto assets such as NFT and tokenized RWA as personal propertyfinancefeeds.com/zh-CN/uk-intr...… 6/T-Fund, a fund focusing on the TON ecosystem, was announced x.com/ton_blockchain/status/18...… 7/According to @dimahledba said that Fractal Bitcoin's official node Docker has many security risks and has been updated: x.com/wublockchain12/status/18...… 8/According to Blockworks, Base network transaction volume/active addresses hit a new high, but profits did not grow synchronously: x.com/wublockchain12/status/18...… 9/Solana Jupiter voting is about to end: x.com/jup_dao/status/183391840...… 🪂 Airdrop Alpha 1/ether.fi: Season 3 airdrop activity ends on September 14 and will be open for claiming on September 23 x.com/ether_fi/status/18339698...… 2/Fractal Bitcoin project Wukong announced airdrops to 11 BTC ecological projects x.com/FB_Wukong/status/1833826...… 3/Sonic Galaxy Mission:x.com/ZF_lab/status/1833884017...… 4/Corn Galaxy Missionx.com/ZF_lab/status/1833726394...… 5/Blum invested by Binance:x.com/Crypto_He/status/1833752...… 6/Prom launches test network V2: x.com/prom_io/status/183308847...… 7/Jaspervault is launching an airdrop event:x.com/jaspervault/status/18329...… 📚Article Reading 1/Bitget Research Institute: BTC ETF continues to have net inflows for 2 days, the market will have a short-term rebound but still need to be vigilant against a second dropodaily.news/post/5198363 2/Replica inscription craze? A quick overview of the currently popular CAT Protocol odaily.news/post/5198361 3/Guide: How to mint Fractal Fractal Network CAT Protocol tokens with one click through scripts odaily.news/post/5198355 4/Must-learn for Solana players: JLP APY prediction principle and interest rate trading arbitrage model research: odaily.news/post/5198352 5/Interpretation of 15 key indicators: Is the US economy in recession? odaily.news/post/5198341
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