Harsh | Web, Mobile, SaaS Development
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Founder http://fuselio.com, a software development agency. Helping businesses with Mobile, Web, AI and SaaS Development. Sharing lessons on leveraging Tech.Founder http://fuselio.com, a software development agency. Helping businesses with Mobile, Web, AI and SaaS Development. Sharing lessons on leveraging Tech.Founder http://fuselio.com, a software development agency. Helping businesses with Mobile, Web, AI and SaaS Development. Sharing lessons on leveraging Tech.
Harsh | Web, Mobile, SaaS Development
8 hours ago
21 lessons I wish I’d known earlier in my software engineering career: Learning programming is hard. I felt like quitting eight years back when I started my web development journey. But I survived in TECH, and I love it now. Here are 21 lessons I wish I’d known earlier in my career. { 1 } Choose a language There are an unbelievable number of programming languages out there. But you need to start slow. Pick one thing at a time and practice as much as possible. Then, you can move on to the next. { 2 } Understand a programming concept You may be thinking that using Google to find answers is OK to cut corners when learning a new programming language. While it’s OK to use Google to find answers, don’t memorize the syntax. If you don’t remember the syntax, but remembering the concept is necessary. foundation is key. { 3 } Use online tutorials This is a lifesaver. Learning new skills is easier than ever before. Why use tutorials? — You get multiple perspectives — There’s no time limit — It helps you learn faster and more efficiently { 4 } Dedicate hours for learning every day in your calendar Learning every day isn’t that hard, but it isn't easy to do at first. It takes a lot of dedication and discipline to learn every day. — Read blogs — Watch Videos — Keep learning new things and building { 5 } Practice, Practice, Practice! Building side projects or demo projects is the proven shortcut to mastering programming. The saying “practice makes perfect” is true if you’re willing to put in the time to be great at something. { 6 } Don’t give up Things might not be in your favor once you start your journey. One key to becoming a good coder is never to give up. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you can grasp the newest concepts. Beginning anything is always hard. { 7 } Don’t reinvent the wheel You need to keep things simple, leverage libraries that help you make your job easier. Not every solution needs to be built from scratch. Keep a close eye on different packages and libraries. { 8 } Learn to use the command line It’s a pretty useful thing to know, and it’s easier than most people think. While it may seem complicated initially, it’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it! { 9 } Work on your soft skills Good programming knowledge is good, but if you master soft skills, you will immediately jump to the top 5%. Practice writing. It will help you in the long run. Mastering soft skills will help you stand out from the rest. { 10 } Build a strong portfolio of projects Showing off your projects and work is the best thing to grab attention. Learn and build things. With these tactics, you can easily stand out from the rest. It’s a win-win situation. { 11 } Document Your Journey Many people are starting their journey today, and Tweet about your learning, and get inspired by others. Write blogs there are many people who are starting their journey today, you are definitely going to inspire them. { 12 } Earn while you learn I earned $750+ while learning about no-code tools. Sell ebooks, PDFs based on the knowledge you gained. { 13 } Define small goals Don’t go running begin every programming language and concept. Take one thing at a time, define and crush small goals. The approach is the ultimate confidence booster. Set goals for improving ability and productivity. { 14 } There is no single path While learning, don’t try to follow some path, You can have your path. Some things might not work for you, which might have worked for others. Focus on whatever you have planned for instead of worrying about others. { 15 } Don’t be afraid to ask for help Reach out to your friends or mentors for any queries during learning. Don’t feel shy to ask even if you have silly questions. This is probably the fastest way to solve your doubts and move ahead. { 16 } Challenge yourself Don’t compete with others, compete with yourself and see how much you have improved over time. Making comparisons with others will de-motivate you and will bring a lot of hurdles on your way. { 17 } Learn the basics and build small applications The more small applications you build, the more powerful will be your foundation. You are literally unstoppable if you focus more on building examples to understand the concepts better. { 18 } Refuse negative talk Not all days are the same, some days you might feel like quitting as things might not be in your favor. Take a break and bounce back stronger. Remember programmers never quit, there is always a workaround. { 19 } Remember nobody is born a pro It’s only a matter of consistency and hard work while will make you a pro. Keep giving your best shot. Once you keep doing the same thing again and again over a period of time, you will master it in no time. { 20 } Nothing works unless you do Only reading documentation, Watching videos will take you nowhere. Work on whatever you have read and have a solid understanding. Practice makes a man perfect. { 21 } Focus on the process, not the outcome Make it fun Don’t worry much about the future, there are tons and tons of new libraries and frameworks coming. If you have a solid foundation, the rest is easy to crack. Enjoy the journey, and stay positive.
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