Bitcoin Alphas: Conversations with Top NFT Projects

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At the Runes Asia event on May 9th, I had the honor of being the host of the first roundtable, and had a nearly 40-minute conversation with @TO , founder of Pizza Ninjas, @nurorealm , co-founder of Blob, @HenryTheGrape , member of the CyberKongz team, and @FarmerJoe0x , who deployed $PUPS (the eponymous BRC-20 meme token of Bitcoin Puppets) to Solana.

In this conversation, they answered these questions:

- Pizza Ninjas successfully deployed Rune No. 14 "BULLISH•BITCOIN•PIZZA•NINJAS". In the future, how will this rune token be used to create a better community and even a better Bitcoin native IP?

- When did CyberKongz start considering entering the Ordinals ecosystem, and why did they choose to distribute Prometheus by airdropping it to the Ordinals community?

- Why did you choose to deploy $PUPS on Solana? Is it because of Solana’s community or because Solana can provide better liquidity for $PUPS?

- Why did Blob decide to bid for the halved Epic Sat at 33.3 bitcoins? What’s the story behind it? What new gameplay is worth looking forward to?


- Pizza Ninjas is committed to creating a native Bitcoin IP. "BULLISH•BITCOIN•PIZZA•NINJAS" will be used as an ecological token to reward the community that actively participates in and promotes development with the team.

- The "Prometheus" airdrop is both a tribute and a declaration to join the Ordinals ecosystem. We will continue to explore the possibilities of Rune 2 DECENTRALIZED.

- Bitcoin's long block time and memory pool sniping affect the liquidity and efficiency of capital, making it difficult for real value discovery to occur. Take the Bitcoin network as the DA layer of $PUPS and Solana as the transaction layer of $PUPS, 1+1>2.

- The Chinese and foreign communities came together, and multiple Ordinals communities also came together, and Blob finally won the epic cong auction. If the recursive rune passes, Blob + epic rune may change color or shape?


Building on Ordinals has a different strategy than other chains. I think there are two directions. The first direction is the very high-end art market, targeting very high net worth people, like Christie's and Sotheby's serving whale with millions or even tens of millions of dollars in assets, establishing deep relationships with them, and focusing on community building. The other direction is to face a wider "sinking market", so we need to think about how to use more gameplay and on-chain IP to create brands, so as to achieve breakthroughs in social media and even the entire entertainment industry.

Pizza Ninjas is taking the latter of these two directions. The final presentation of Pizza Ninjas' art is very simple, and each ninja is like a logo. We hope to help each of our holders build their own brand on the chain and fundamentally promote decentralized cooperation. The ultimate idea of ​​doing this is to establish a solid group identity so that the entire group has a common goal and everyone works together to achieve it in a decentralized manner. The best examples are Quantum Cats and Taproot Wizards. They have a very clear goal and position - if you want to promote OP_CAT, buy a Quantum Cat. They also have a very clear plan to clarify how to promote OP_CAT.

In the last cycle, there were many attempts to commercialize IP, such as BAYC, but it was too early at the time. In the next cycle, we may see giant studios like Netflix and Disney enter. We can also start to see that projects like Azuki and Pudgy Penguins have their own development direction, toys, animation, games, etc. I think NFT projects that focus on and commit to IP construction will eventually succeed.

This is also the direction Pizza Ninjas is working hard to explore. "BULLISH•BITCOIN•PIZZA•NINJAS" is our ecological token and will be used to reward the community that actively participates and promotes development with our team.

CyberKongz and Ordinals, the story behind Prometheus and Rune 2

We entered the Ordinals ecosystem in February 2023, and in March 2023, we wanted to burn our 2D series, Genesis CyberKongz and Baby CyberKongz, to Bitcoin so that they have inscription numbers less than 100K. However, we did not succeed and had to turn to the Ronin chain. Despite this, we and our Degen-filled community still pay close attention to the Ordinals ecosystem and continue to think about what we can do on Ordinals. We don't want to launch new projects aimlessly, and we don't want everyone to feel that CyberKongz is just here to make money because Ordinals is popular.

Later, the Bitcoin halving was coming, the runes were coming, and the third anniversary of our ERC-20 Token $BANANA was also coming. We thought, it's time to burn something! So Prometheans was born. We don't want to extract any value from the Ordinals ecosystem, and we also respect the projects that continue to build on Ordinals, so Prometheans is a free airdrop, and through this airdrop, we show respect to the projects that continue to build, and show that we also want to join them and become part of the Ordinals family.

We originally thought Casey would hardcode the top 10 runes, but when he didn’t, we immediately started thinking that maybe we could get a very high rune for Prometheans. Even though we’ve built on ETH, Polygon, and Ronin, we still see Bitcoin as the king of crypto, so even though we don’t know how much it will cost to etch a high rune, or what rune we’ll get, we’re going to do it, and leaving a footprint on block 840,000 is definitely a big deal.

Finally, 3 days before the halving, we decided to do the "YOLO" mission (Note: YOLO is the abbreviation of You Only Live Once, which means that you can only live once, so take risks and leave no regrets). We will go all out to degen, 8 bitcoins at a time, and then who cares what we get in the end. We are just a bunch of degens, not VC's babies and don't owe anyone money.

Finally, we got Rune 2 DECENTRALIZED. What a great feeling! As for what will happen to Rune 2 in the future? It is there, and no one can take it away. And Runes have just begun, so let us continue to explore.

Bitcoin mainnet is difficult to adapt to professional-level transactions, making Solana the Layer 2 of Bitcoin

In general, Puppets is the most active meme on Bitcoin. Bitcoin memes are like "mascots" belonging to our generation, and the OG-level Bitcoin "mascots" include wizards and (Trevor: Pizza!).

It is difficult to make the Bitcoin network, which lacks smart contracts, serve as the liquidity layer or application layer of $PUPS. Although innovations such as OP_CAT may bring some improvements in the future, Bitcoin will still face problems such as long block burst time and memory pool sniping, which will affect the liquidity and efficiency of capital, making it difficult for real value discovery to occur. It is precisely because of these problems that the Bitcoin Layer2 concept has received a lot of attention and hype, such as Merlin, Bob, and many upcoming Bitcoin Layer2 projects. However, they do not yet have enough users, a sufficiently complete ecosystem, and a TPS as high as Solana.

There are countless tokens on Ethereum's sidechain or Layer2, and they all choose the Ethereum mainnet as the core layer of their LPs, which provides the best liquidity for these tokens. For $PUPS, such tokens on the Bitcoin network can also be understood in this way. Take the Bitcoin network as the DA layer of $PUPS and Solana as the transaction layer of $PUPS. The two chains complement each other. This greatly promotes $PUPS to obtain better liquidity, more users, and faster value discovery. I really believe that the tokens on Bitcoin can run a market value of billions or even tens of billions of dollars, but at the same time it is hard to believe that most of the liquidity and trading behavior will occur on the Bitcoin mainnet.

A friend of mine has a very interesting statement that CEX can actually be regarded as a side chain of any chain, which receives liquidity from any chain. For Solana and Bitcoin, it is also complementary.

$PUPS is a Bitcoin Token that has also been very successful on Solana for unique reasons. It is popular in itself and is currently the only one that has deep enough liquidity relative to its market value, has done some supporting marketing for value discovery, and has also tried it on Solana. BRC-20 Tokens like $ORDI and $SATS have sufficient liquidity and trading activity on Ethereum, and have hundreds of millions of dollars in trading volume per week on CEX. All of these broader demands for Bitcoin Tokens can only be obtained from these aspects.

These are just the beginning, and we will see more exploration. I am also working on a product called London Finance, which will provide a bridge that can Warp Rune assets to other chains.

There's more to Epic Cong than just Blobs, recursive runes will be very interesting

What is Blob? Everything is Blob. Blob is fun, silly, and brings us all together. Eloc and I have spent the past year creating this project with our hearts and souls, doing everything out of love.

When the Epic Satoshi was about to be produced, we were waiting for the epic moment in the Cypherpunk Lab in San Francisco. Our Chinese community leaders Dr. large MC memecoin and XTB tried to find Epic Satoshi, and the ViaBTC mining pool that mined Epic Satoshi contacted them and told them that ViaBTC also had Blob holders and asked, "Do you want this Epic Satoshi?" The community was very excited about this and worked together for it. Dr. large MC memecoin and XTB contacted me immediately and told me that they had raised 10 Bitcoins to bid for this Epic Satoshi. We want to etch the Blob as a rune on this Epic Satoshi, which is very exciting.

The bad part was that I thought 10 BTC was not enough to win the Epic Satoshi auction. So we started contacting some friends like Nullish, Sanj, OMB, Bootoshi, etc. to see if they would like to join us. In less than 24 hours I made a bunch of calls and raised an incredible additional ~25 BTC from other top communities.

Finally, we succeeded, which was like an impossible dream becoming reality. Not only did the Chinese and foreign communities come together, but also, like the meaning that Dr. large MC memecoin Gou created for Blob, "Bitcoiners love other Bitcoiners", multiple Ordinals communities also came together.

We were able to engrave some beautiful 3D animated artwork with music on the Epic Cong, celebrating the spirit of the Cypherpunks - code is power. We want everyone to not be afraid to code and learn it.

We also know that the community wants to ensure that the distribution of epic satoshis is large enough, and it will be. You also know that Eloc has submitted a PR for recursive runes, and we will do some interesting things, such as 1 blob with 10 epic runes, which will trigger some events, such as maybe the blob will change color? Or transform in an animation full of fireworks? This will be a very interesting fully on-chain experience, and Trevor has also given us some help. Epic satoshi runes will definitely play a big role and will show that we are creating something that the community can be excited about.

The biggest charm of Rune right now is that it is like an open canvas, everything has infinite possibilities. And everything about Blob, you know, is in full swing, and it will be an epic journey.

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