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A few important things about linea This article is sponsored by #BGB|@Bitget_zh 1⃣The linea mainnet has been online for 11 months. Enter the address here to view your account ranking. You can enter in batches: Portal:… 2⃣Although the linea surge event has no early bonus, it is still recommended to participate if you have money. First, you will get the increase in ETH, and secondly, you can prevent witches. This is the ecosystem that will be scored as announced by the official: @TeahouseFinance @PancakeSwap @SectaFinance @MendiFinance @Connext @overnight_fi @SushiSwap @LynexFi @syncswap @DeriProtocol @velocorexyz @Spartadex_io @iZUMiSwap @StargateFinance To participate in this surge, you must activate it, otherwise you will not get any points: 🔗… 3⃣Linea surge can enter the address to query the score. 🔗… 4⃣There is a 100LXP event, which has been going on for a long time. It is quite troublesome. It is up to you whether to do it or not. 🔗 5⃣Linea Park is checking the witch. If your account receives lxp this time, it should be safe. 6⃣To keep up with the monthly activity, just use the above ecosystem to brush it freely!

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