Seeking financial freedom through cryptocurrency trading? First, listen to the 7 pieces of advice from veteran players.

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The rapid growth of the cryptocurrency market has indeed brought huge wealth to some early stage investors. But for many more people, cryptocurrency remains a high-stakes game that requires careful evaluation and strategic deployment. In the dynamic area below, Ryanqyz , a senior player on

Advanced literacy in the blockchain industry

About KOL

– Don’t believe anything written by any KOL, regard everything they say as noise, and only use KOL’s content as a tool to judge the financial strength of the project team and the KOL circle (investment research articles, reposted code and price)
– If anyone says something is good, just because he bought it, no other reason – Don’t trust any PnL screenshots and any postmortems – Don’t trust anyone with any amount/level of money – Don’t trust anyone who looks rich People (the less money they have, the more they pretend to be rich; the richer they are, the less they want others to know)

About centralized exchanges

– Don’t trust centralized exchanges in your heart, and never use contract transactions – You can use centralized exchanges as a cross-chain bridge and a place to buy cash currencies – As long as there is an exchange FUD, all funds will be transferred immediately, and the transfer only requires 1u
– Centralized exchanges are a good starting point for a career. There will be a lot of passive information intake. Whether you can use it well depends on your ability.

About VC

– VC’s technical investment research and articles are lying to you – VC’s thesis part is reasonable and can be learned – The only first principle of VC is to sell coins, there is no other result-oriented – Most VCs do not make money, China Most VC practitioners do not know how to speculate in coins, and VCs from prestigious schools who have just entered the industry do not even know what gas is.
– VCs should call for orders/do things/write for the projects they invest in, no problem, they must call for orders – Most VCs have absolutely no degen to understand what this industry is doing, and a small number of VCs are ahead of others in super-dimensional thinking.

About Liquid fund

– Now Liquid fund is not making money and cannot outperform BTC
– In the past, liquid funds made money, but ordinary people also made money – Because people who invested in liquid funds already had BTC exposure, liquid funds could only invest in non-Bitcoins, but it was very difficult to win – in short, they could not win. Win BTC

About viewing projects

– Whatever the project party says, the default is to fart – Partnership = Nothing is done – A small number of project parties have done something, judge what they have done, which process has been accelerated in that dimension of the value chain, and what result it will lead to – If it leads to this result If it is a good thing (it can indirectly affect the public’s understanding/expectation of currency prices), then you can be optimistic about this project - the proportion of real money needed to do the project compared to the financing money is very small, and it is mainly a scam - if a project has had moral evil in the past History (rug points, rug money, cutting off VC, not paying the audit firm that does the work, etc.), what do you want to do again = don’t take chances on character issues, pass

About marketing:

– Most project developers don’t understand marketing – Marketing results are difficult to quantify – Those who tell you how to quantify them are just brushes – Basic marketing expenses are best converted into KOL rounds
– Other marketing expenses are better used to promote sales

About individuals:

– When buying VC coins, do not place orders (but sincere sharing is welcome); when buying community coins, you can join the community building (make orders)
– Believe in the data on the chain, believe in real payment – ​​Encourage any form of rights protection, unless you have interests bound or inappropriate status – People all make mistakes, no one cares if you are right or wrong; you can openly learn and record – Disclose your own Successful cases, let more people believe in you – cherish the real value and share the account to give them more interaction (<1% of the accounts are still doing this)

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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