Another Day in Crypto #189 - Videos for The Weekend!

Hello everyone,

How are you? Hope you’re well!

A lot of interesting video from recent days - let’s check them out!

Ah, before that - getting close to 100 people on the Another Day in Crypto Tg group!

Thank you all for joining!

Get the videos delivered to you whenever I notice them basically.

Ok, let’s get into the videos.

And let’s start with some by Unchained:

Bitcoin Is Worth Over $1 Trillion. How Much Will Coinbase’s cbBTC Get?

VC vs. Liquid Fund & Inside Friend.Tech's Exit - The Chopping Block

Bits & Bips: Why Hasn't This Macro Cycle Boosted the Crypto Markets?

ETH Is Down Bad, While L2s Are Ripping. Are L2s Parasitic to Ethereum?

A productive week for these guys.

Next - Bankless.

Tbh, I actaully do not agree (to put it gently) with the agendas of this globalist coming from my own country - yet decided to share it either way.

Thankfully, later on will share a special interview with someone I actually tend to agree with quite a lot.

Beware of globalists folks, even when they sound smart.

They discuss whether ai will kill democracy. What tries to kill democracies are globalist agendas like the ones this guy is pushing.

Will AI Kill Democracy? | Yuval Noah Harari

Back to normaler content - the Weekly Rollup:

Inflation Drops to New Low! Bullish Crypto & Stocks?

Next up - The Defiant:

We Need To Talk About $ETH

The full interview with Alex Cutler:

Aerodrome Finance: Redefining AMMs on Base with Alexander Cutler

We were actually very fortunate to also have Alex on our panel on Thursday - together with TokenBrice, Joey Roth and Amadeo Brands. Was really fun, and hopefully we will do more of these!

How To Make DAOs & Tokenomics work together? - A Special Builders Panel

Next up - Steady Lads:

Steady Lads 60 • How Will The Election and Macro Impact Crypto?

A few more videos -

The Rollup:

Why Solving Is The Biggest Onchain Opportunity In Crypto with Catalyst

Expansion with two videos:

Why All Blockchains Are Converging on Sharding | Avi Zurlo, Nil Foundation

Is Low Data Demand Crypto's Biggest Blind Spot? | Roundup (Ft. Sunny Aggarwal)

Next - Bitcoin Infinity interviewed Paolo and Mathias:

Bitcoin Infinity Show 125 - Paolo Ardoino and Mathias Buus Madsen

Also noticed this inhouse podcast by Superseed:

Superseed Podcast #3 - Layer 2s Are AMAZING For Ethereum

Alright, what about the GOAT?

The Cap Noah Seidman of course!


Q/A with the Captain

Thursday with Ben on Exit Liquidity:

Operation Extend and Pretend


Q/A with the Captain

Let’s get close to wrapping up with some other videos I found that might interest you guys:

Logan Jastremski had Santiago on:

On the quest to becoming the best investor in the world with Santiago R Santos | EP

Real Vision celebrating 10 years apparently - Mazal Tov folks!

Crypto’s Last Chance Before the FED - REKT Vision

Raoul released this one on The Journey Man as well:

The ABSOLUTE BEST Macro Investing Strategy to Beat the Market

Next up - Arthut Hayes was (again) on Tom Bilyeu’s show:

"What's Coming Is Worse Than A Recession" - Protect Your Money Before The Big Reset | Arthur Hayes

A guy I tend to agree with politically- Mark Jeffrey - was at the All-In Summit and shared some thoughts:

Hash Rate - Ep 070 - The ALL-IN Summit 2024

And the often best answer to the globalists and their agendas - is the great Peter Thiel and his wisdom, who was a special guest at the summit.

Always like listening to him tbh.


Peter Thiel | All-In Summit 2024

Thanks for scrolling everyone, have a great day!

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For transparency, of course I have a financial interest in a lot of the stuff I share.

The new official Another Day in Crypto Tg - be early to the videos:

Other relevant links:


Leviathan News:

Our Substack at Leviathan News - The Tentacle! (Sam is so good tbh)

Btw, some of you already know I’m on A-Team DeFi by Aladdin DAO and a community booster on their projects.

f(x) Protocol has a new ref program, so if you’re using it, find a ref link to use with, and bot you and the referrer will earn FX points, who will translate to FXN rewards (not sure about the ratio).

This is my ref link -

Thank you!

A-Team DeFi by Aladdin DAO:

A-Team ref link -

Thanks everyone, have a great day!

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Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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