
INTO Web3 will reshape Internet social interaction and give users ownership of data value

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In today's digital age, Internet social networking has become an indispensable part of people's lives. However, traditional Internet social platforms have many problems, such as user data privacy leakage, platform monopoly on user data, and excessive commercialization of social experience. The emergence of Web3 technology provides new ideas and possibilities for solving these problems. As a social platform based on Web3 technology, INTO is reshaping the future of Internet social networking with its unique innovative concepts and technical architecture, giving users true ownership of their own data.

Web2 Internet's data value monopoly

Looking back at the Web2 social world, due to the user groups, convenience and early first-mover advantage of social traffic of users using social platforms, users have gradually concentrated on a few large social platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, WeChat, Douyin, Kuaishou, etc. This has led to a lack of competition, and the platform has insufficient motivation to improve the user experience, and more energy has been placed on how to maximize commercial benefits.

As a result, social networking giants have neglected the protection of user data and the optimization of user experience while continuously expanding their business territory, restricting users from using competing platform products and formulating unilateral mandatory terms. Incidents of user data being abused and privacy being violated have occurred repeatedly, and users have gradually lost their sense of security and trust in communicating on these platforms.

When users use social applications, the most important thing is the security of their data and the protection of their personal privacy. They expect to be able to share their daily lives and exchange ideas freely and safely without worrying about their personal information being obtained or used by third parties at will. However, in the current Web2 social environment, such expectations are often not met.

The following are some of the more important social data ownership issues:

Ownership of user data: In Web2 social products, user data does not belong to the user, but to the platform, which can lead to many problems. For example, when you use TikTok or Twitter, you have accumulated considerable economic benefits and data value through years of creative efforts, but the platform can block or delete your account for any reason other than compliance, causing your years of accumulation to be wiped out in an instant. And you cannot get back your legitimate rights and interests.

User privacy leakage: Users have very limited control over their own data. Platforms can arbitrarily decide how to use and process user data, and even sell it to third parties. Users cannot clearly know where their data is used, nor can they prevent such behavior. This makes users' activities on social platforms completely private.

User data monopoly: Large social platforms have achieved a high degree of control over user data by virtue of their huge user base and advanced technical means. This control is not only reflected in the collection of user personal information, but also includes the comprehensive acquisition of multi-dimensional information such as user behavior data and social relationship data.

Through complex algorithms and data analysis, they can accurately portray the portrait of each user and understand the user's interests, hobbies, consumption habits, social circles, etc. This in-depth insight gives these platforms a great advantage in commercial competition.

However, this has also caused a series of problems. First, the monopoly of user data may lead to serious violations of user privacy. Users face the risk of identity theft and personal reputation damage when their personal sensitive information is collected and used without their knowledge.

Value is not fed back to users: User data enables social platforms to conduct targeted marketing and other advertising activities, but users cannot benefit from the revenue, resulting in the platform taking advantage of the user data. User data is retrieved by various platforms for marketing or analysis, but users do not receive any value feedback.

Unable to cross platforms: Since the user's data belongs to the platform rather than the user, it is often necessary to start from scratch when registering on different social media. The user's social business card and other information cannot be circulated on multiple social platforms. Each social platform has become an isolated island.

In traditional Web2 social products, user data is considered platform assets rather than the user's own property. In this case, social platforms can use the data provided by users to implement precise advertising targeting and personalized marketing. Unfortunately, however, the value of this data has not received reasonable feedback and returns, and it is difficult for users to benefit from the value of their own data. In fact, the user's data contribution is regarded as a free supply and is freely used by the platform, resulting in the situation where data is "free".

In this model, most of the profits generated by the social platforms are monopolized by the social platforms, whether it is the value of the content created by the creators or the personal data provided by the users. This centralized control has resulted in minimal benefits for users and creators in terms of data value sharing, while the new Web3 social network attempts to break this imbalance. It ensures that users truly own and control their own data through decentralized architecture and encryption technology. Users can independently decide how to use their data and with whom to share it, thereby effectively protecting their personal privacy.

In Web3 social networking, the value distribution mechanism has also undergone fundamental changes. The benefits generated by user data will be able to be directly fed back to the users themselves, rather than being monopolized by the platform. This provides more incentives for users and also makes social behavior have actual economic value.

In addition, Web3 social platforms are also committed to breaking the data silo effect. User data is no longer bound to a specific platform, but can be freely circulated and shared between different platforms, achieving true interconnection.

For example, INTO, as a social platform based on Web3 technology, is reshaping the future of Internet social networking with its unique innovative concepts and technical architecture, giving users true ownership of their own data.

Web3 is the vision of the next generation of the Internet, emphasizing decentralization, user sovereignty, privacy protection, and value interconnection. Unlike the platform-centric model of Web2, Web3 uses technologies such as blockchain, distributed ledgers, and cryptocurrency to allow users to more directly control their data and assets, and achieve a more fair and open Internet ecosystem. Its characteristics are:

Blockchain technology: provides an immutable, decentralized ledger to ensure the authenticity and security of data.

Smart Contract: A self-executing contract code that enables transactions and agreements without the need to trust a third party.

Token incentives: encourage user participation and contribution, and promote the development of the platform and the circulation of value.

Innovation of INTO Web3 social platform

INTO is a highly integrated, comprehensive infrastructure built specifically for Web3. It integrates a cross-chain crypto wallet, Web3 social and multi-functional mini-program ecosystem, aiming to provide users and developers with stable and efficient digital solutions.

Web3 social core architecture

Decentralized social network: Complete privacy and autonomous control of user data, truly realizing social freedom. INTO's Web3 social platform adopts a decentralized architecture to ensure that users' social activities are not interfered with and monitored by centralized institutions. Users can freely express their opinions and share content without worrying about data being leaked or abused. It can be used as a substitute for social platforms such as Telegram and WeChat.

Social token incentives: Tokens and other incentives are obtained through interaction and content creation to encourage users to participate and contribute data to obtain value returns. Whether it is WeChat or Telegram, their market value has exceeded 100 billion US dollars. What does such a high market value have to do with users? Users are still just contributors to data value.

However, the INTO social platform will issue its own governance tokens, and users can obtain these tokens as incentives through active interactions, high-quality content creation, etc. This incentive mechanism can not only enhance the user's enthusiasm for participation, but also truly realize the feedback of user data value. Token holders can participate in the platform's governance decisions and determine the future development direction of the platform.

Moreover, as INTO develops, the growth of the market value of INTO tokens will also bring real economic benefits to users. These tokens can be used for consumption, trading or withdrawal within the platform, realizing the direct reflection of user value.

AI-driven personalized experience: Provide users with customized content and social suggestions through AI technology. For example, INTO uses AI algorithms to accurately recommend content and potential social partners that users may be interested in based on their interests, preferences and social behaviors. This makes the user's social experience on the platform more tailored to personal needs and improves the efficiency and quality of social interaction.

During the chat process, AI will automatically translate and interpret the chat content for users, making cross-border communication smoother. It can also analyze the chat tone and emotions to give more considerate and appropriate response suggestions, improving the effectiveness and comfort of communication.

Integrated cross-chain Web3 wallet

Innovation in cross-chain technology: Supports multi-chain operations to achieve seamless experience of cross-chain asset management. INTO's wallet supports a variety of mainstream blockchains, such as Ethereum, Polkadot, SOL, etc., allowing users to switch and manage assets freely between different blockchain networks without cumbersome operations and conversion steps. Using INTO Web3 social networking, you can complete cross-chain operations in one stop.

User-friendly design: The simple and intuitive user interface is suitable for users of all experience levels. Especially in terms of social operations, the traditional social operation habits are retained, allowing users to easily get started. Whether it is a novice or an experienced blockchain user, you can find a convenient and comfortable use experience in INTO's cross-chain encrypted wallet.

Digital identity integration: Provides secure and reliable digital identity management functions to enhance transaction trust. INTO integrates SBT (Soulbound Token) technology to create a unique and non-transferable digital identity for users, which will become a Web3 digital ID.

This digital identity is closely linked to the user's wallet address, which not only ensures the security of user asset transactions, but also establishes a reliable trust foundation between users in social interactions, making transactions and social interactions safer and more reliable.

Integrated multi-functional applet system

Decentralized Mini Program Platform: Supports the integration and seamless operation of multiple Web3 applications, ensuring that users can interact with Web3 in a decentralized, transparent and secure environment.

In the mini-program ecosystem of traditional social platforms, whether it is WeChat or Telegram, they are all built on centralized platforms and centralized servers, and there are still risks such as censorship mechanisms, data tampering, and user privacy leaks. However, INTO's multi-functional mini-program system breaks this centralized limitation. When using mini-programs, users no longer rely on a single centralized server, but can enjoy more fair, open and free services.

Intelligent development and operation tools: Provide modular development tools that allow developers to quickly build and deploy mini-programs, while achieving automated operations through smart contracts, greatly improving development and management efficiency.

Open developer platform: Provide open APIs and development tools for developers around the world, and allow users and developers to participate in the management and development of the platform through a decentralized governance mechanism.

INTO's Reshaping of Internet Social Networking

As the Web3 Internet matures, Web3 social networking has become an important part of the Web3 Internet. INTO is reshaping Internet social networking in all aspects with its innovative technology and unique concepts.

INTO has created a comprehensive business model that supports and promotes each other by integrating wallets, social platforms and mini-program ecosystems. INTO integrates Web3 instant messaging social, cross-chain encrypted wallets, and a mini-program ecosystem with rich functions, which will provide users with a one-stop Web3 social experience. This can not only meet users' diversified needs for Web3 social networking, but also bring users a new social and transaction experience.

The wallet provides users with cross-chain asset management services, greatly enhancing the user experience of social functions and mini-programs. In the Web3 Internet, crypto wallets are the basic carriers. Accessing Web3 Dapps such as DeFi, DEX, RWA, etc. requires a wallet link. Therefore, crypto wallets are also one of the largest traffic entrances to the Web3 Internet.

Social platforms use content creation and interaction to motivate users, which not only enhances the stickiness of the platform, but also brings in user traffic to the platform. Through incentive mechanisms, DAO governance and other methods, user participation and loyalty are improved, laying the foundation for a stable community and long-term growth and development.

The mini program ecosystem provides developers and creators with space for innovation, covering various popular fields such as entertainment and financial services. Its rich application scenarios meet user needs and bring business opportunities. By developing the mini program ecosystem, it will effectively promote interaction and transactions between platforms. For example, in-app purchases and advertising payments can achieve profit and sharing models, achieving a win-win situation for platforms, developers and users.

These will encourage more developers and creators to join, further enrich the mini-program ecosystem, and promote the sustainable development of the platform. More importantly, with the support of the token economy, INTO's business model can operate more efficiently. On traditional social platforms, neither developers nor users can participate in the distribution of platform revenue.

INTO is a bottom-up Web3 token economy ecosystem. Through the incentive distribution of INTO tokens, any user can hold INTO tokens, become a stakeholder of the INTO platform, deeply participate in the development and decision-making of the platform, and share the economic benefits brought by the growth of the platform. This token economy model not only enhances the sense of belonging of users and developers, but also provides a strong impetus for the sustainable development of the platform.

In short, the future INTO is a highly integrated and comprehensive infrastructure built specifically for Web3, integrating a new ecosystem of cross-chain encrypted wallets, Web3 social networking, and multi-functional applets.

The development of Web3 social networking will not only change the way people socialize, but may also have a profound impact on society and the economy. For example, it will promote the development of the digital economy, promote the democratization of social governance, and strengthen the protection of individual rights. As an innovative social platform in the Web3 era, INTO has brought new social experience and value to users by reshaping the Internet social model and giving users data ownership. Despite facing many challenges, with the continuous development of technology and the gradual maturity of the market, INTO is expected to lead Internet social networking into a new era that is more open, fair, secure and valuable. Leading a new trend in the Web3 social field, INTO has become a benchmark and model for the industry.

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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