Manipulation-Resistant Prediction Market Derivatives with Language Models

Manipulation-Resistant Prediction Market Derivatives with Language Models

Thanks to Diego for profound discussions that led to this work.
Thanks also to Sam Hart, David Crapis, Swapnil and Jorik for feedback and review.

:dvd:TL;DR: LLM-based prediction derivatives offer a novel solution to manipulation risks of traditional prediction market derivatives, as well as a new primitive to support potentially richer event landscapes within prediction markets. By using language models to generate index prices, this approach decouples derivatives from manipulable spot markets. Mathematical proofs support the solution’s robustness, while additional strategies that fortify the system reliability are proposed.

Prediction markets effectively aggregate information and forecast events. However, derivative prediction markets introduce a new risk: manipulation of the underlying “spot” market that determines the derivative’s index price.

A recent failed attack on Polymarket exemplifies this vector. On September 6, 2024, an attacker targeted a 2024 US Presidential election derivative market by:

  1. Acquiring a large position in the derivative market;
  2. Attempting to push the price down in the “spot” market by spending about $7 million;
  3. Receiving a $1.5 million payout if successful.

Though this attempt failed, similar vulnerabilities have been successfully exploited on lending markets with analogous market structure, as with Mango Markets. These events highlight a key systemic risk inherent in derivative prediction markets.

LLM-Based Derivatives

As a reminder the key components of a perpetual contract are:

  • the mark price, i.e the price at which the perp is traded
  • the index price, i.e the price of the underlying asset that is tracked by the perp
  • the funding rate, exchanged between the longs and the shorts as the mark price moves away from the index price
  • collateral needed to open a position

The perpetual can track for example the mid-price of a ‘YES’ token traded on a prediction market, thereby becoming a prediction market derivative.

Instead of using information endogenous to the prediction market to generate the index price we propose using large language models (LLMs). By decoupling the derivative from spot markets and leveraging diverse, credible sources, this approach is potentially offering greater resistance to manipulation than traditional prediction markets, where any participant can influence the price.

The LLM can be interpreted as a mechanism to commoditize the changing qualitative public information. By aggregating the current information landscape into a probability, it can set a price on which one can build a tradeable instrument. Here is a more precise description of the structure of such a perp:

  • the index price is a moving average of the probability calculated by the LLM.
  • the longs bet on the likelihood of the event increasing.
  • the shorts bet on the likelihood of the event decreasing.
  • the funding rate is paid depending on how the derivative market prices the odds compared to the LLM (how much information is hidden from the LLM).

Recent research supports LLMs’ forecasting capabilities. The study “Approaching Human-Level Forecasting with Language Models” by Halawi et al. found that a fine-tuned LLM nearly matched and outperformed in some scenarios human forecasters on Polymarket events, having the potential to become a “superforecaster”. This suggests LLMs could effectively serve as oracles for index prices, allowing the creation of derivative instruments from events with thin or non existing spot markets.

Information Aggregation

The LLM functions as a computational agent, aggregating and automatically incorporating publicly available information. Traders, in contrast, contribute private information through their trading activity.

The system’s manipulation resistance is bolstered by the LLM’s source-weighting mechanism. This limits the impact of manipulating any single information source to the weight the LLM assigns to it. Consequently, the lower an individual source’s weight relative to others, the more resistant the system becomes to manipulation attempts targeting that source.

Let SS be the set of all sources used by the LLM. We consider a simple model where the LLM generates its probability PP as a weighted average of probabilities from all sources and where all sources are independent: P=\sum_{j \in S}(w_j*p_j)P=jS(wjpj). This corresponds effectively to an ensemble probability from multiple LLM inferences on independent data. However, the LLM could generate PP differently and sources could have dependencies.

:open_book:Theorem 1 (Manipulation Resistance of Weight-Adjusted Sources): Under the model above, let PP be the LLM-generated probability for an event and P_iPi be the probability that would be generated if source ii were manipulated. Then:

|P - P_i| ≤ w_i

where w_iwi is the weight assigned to source ii by the LLM, with \sum w_i=1wi=1.

  • Proof
    Let S_{-i}Si be the set of all sources except ii.
    If source ii is manipulated, the new probability P_iPi would be:

    P_i=w_i*p_i'+\sum_{j \in S_{-i}}(w_j*p_j)

    where p_i'pi is the manipulated probability from source ii.

    The difference between PP and P_iPi is:


    The maximum possible difference between p_ipi and p_i'pi is 11. Therefore,

    |P-P_i| \leq w_i


This theorem provides a quantifiable measure of manipulation resistance, directly linked to the source weights used by the LLM. Assuming indepence between the information sources, it demonstrates that LLM-based prediction derivatives become increasingly resistant to manipulation as the weight assigned to any individual source approaches zero.

:open_book:Corollary 1 (Manipulation Resistance of Equally Weighted Sources): If the LLM uses at least nn equally weighted independent sources, then:

|P-P_i|\leq\ \frac{1}{n}
|PPi| 1n

where PP is the LLM-generated probability for an event and P_iPi is the probability that would be generated if source ii were manipulated.

  • Proof

    If sources are equally weighted, then w_i=\frac{1}{n}wi=1n for all ii.

    Thus, from Theorem 1:

    |P-P_i|\leq w_i=\frac{1}{n}


This corollary shows that increasing the number of equally-weighted sources reduces the impact of manipulating any single source. Intuitively, the number of available information sources tends to grow as an event nears its resolution, further enhancing the system’s resistance to manipulation.

LLM-Based Prediction Perpetuals

We formally introduce perpetuals on event probabilities where an LLM generates the index price instead of traditional markets.

Let PP be the LLM-generated probability. The perpetual is thus governed by:

\text{Collateral ratio} = \frac{\text{Equity}}{\text{Debt}} = \frac{\text{Collateral quantity} * \text{Collateral price}}{\text{Perpetual quantity} * P*\$1}
Collateral ratio=EquityDebt=Collateral quantityCollateral pricePerpetual quantityP$1

We multiply the denominator by $1 since PP is a probability, ensuring unit consistency with the numerator.

A funding rate mechanism aligns the traded price (mark) with the LLM-generated probability (index), with the gap intuitively being proportional to how much information is hidden from the LLM.

\text{Funding} = \text{Mark} - \text{Index} = \text{Mark} - P

Information Aggregation: informational substitutes

A different model of the LLM aggregation mechanism consists in the LLM performing Bayesian updates over a common prior on received individual signals. When presented with all signals simultaneously, it can aggregate them into a single probability estimate. The probability P_tPt then becomes the result of the most recent Bayesian update over the last set of signals.

Formally, the LLM estimates a common prior P_{LLM}PLLM. We denote the variable corresponding to the binary outcome underpinning the market as Y.Y. As the LLM receives nn different signals \{x_1, \dots, x_n\}{x1,,xn} it outputs a price P = P_{LLM}(Y=1|x_1, \dots, x_n)P=PLLM(Y=1|x1,,xn).

Two signals are considered informational substitutes if they are conditionally independent given the ground truth. This is an important condition in the prediction market literature ensuring incentive-compatibility.

Such a model allows to study the case of a single LLM inference aggregating multiple substitutable signals or of successive LLM inferences on substituable signals. One signal may correspond to a set of information sources.

:open_book:Theorem 2 (Manipulation Resistance of the LLM Under Informational Substitutes Condition): Under reasonable assumptions about the information structure, if the LLM has access to a sufficient number of signals that are informational substitutes, a malicious agent attempting to manipulate a signal can only expect to bias the final price by at most \epsilonϵ.

  • Proof

    This result stems from a reinterpretation of Lemma 1 and Theorem 1 from “Self-Resolving Prediction Markets for Unverifiable Outcomes” by Srinivasan et al.

    We consider a particular signal tt that a malicious agent tampers with, resulting in a modified signal \tilde{x_t}~xt. The LLM also has access to another set of information sources x_{-t}xt, denoted simply as x_rxr, where \Omega_rΩr corresponds to the underlying signal space’s structure. The LLM would produce a price P_{LLM}(Y=1 | x_t)PLLM(Y=1|xt) upon receiving the true signal x_txt.

    We assume crucially that the agent cannot access this information set during manipulation. This assumption holds if the LLM updates instantly from numerous sources (leaving the agent no time to access them) or, alternatively, if we consider each signal as associated to a particular time tt. The LLM then first receives the manipulated signal along with the signal from other public sources bundled in \tilde{x_t}~xt, and some time later it receives updates from non manipulated sources as x_rxr. The latter is perhaps especially interesting if the sources update rapidly over time.

    According to the aforementioned lemma, we have:

    E [P_{LLM}(Y=1 | x_r, \tilde{x_t}) | x_t] = P_{LLM}(Y=1 | x_t) + \Delta(\Omega_r, \tilde{x_t}, x_t)

    This equation indicates that the malicious agent’s expectation of the LLM’s price after aggregating other information sources under x_rxr is affected by an error term dependent on the false report \tilde{x_t}~xt. A larger error term implies greater price manipulation potential.

    Theorem 1 demonstrates that if \Omega_rΩr comprises signals that are information substitutes, the error term can be minimized as the number kk of substitutes increases.


This theorem demonstrates that when the LLM has access to information sources that are informational substitutes, a malicious agent’s ability to manipulate the final price is significantly limited. Theorem 11 can be of complementary value since one could ensemble several inferences on substitutable signals.

Market Efficiency

This derivative may achieve a novel form of efficiency, with the LLM rapidly incorporating public information and trading activity integrating private information.

:open_book:Theorem 3 (Efficiency of LLM-Based Prediction Perpetuals): Let P_tPt be the LLM-generated probability at time tt, M_tMt be the mark price of the perpetual at time tt, and I_tIt be the public information set available at time tt. Denote by \delta_tδt a delta-Dirac function corresponding to a price jump in the mark price related to the arrival of private information. Then:

  1. |E[P_t|I_t]-P_t|\leq \epsilon_{\text{LLM}}|E[Pt|It]Pt|ϵLLM (LLM Efficiency)
  2. Outside of the arrival of private information, P_t \approx M_tPtMt (mean reversal)
  3. When \delta_tδt becomes positive and the mark price jumps, after a relaxation time P_tPt jumps as well (feedback loop between the LLM and the market)
  • Proof
    1. LLM Efficiency: By design, the LLM processes all available public information I_tIt to generate P_tPt. The bound \epsilon_{\text{LLM}}ϵLLM represents the maximum error in this process.

    2. Let f(t)=k(M_t-P_t)f(t)=k(MtPt) be the funding rate at time tt, where 1>k>01>k>0 is a constant. If M_t>P_tMt>Pt, then f(t)>0f(t)>0, incentivizing traders to sell and driving M_tMt down. If M_t<P_tMt<Pt, then f(t)<0f(t)<0, incentivizing traders to buy and driving M_tMt up. This creates a generalised Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process:

      dM_t=\alpha(P_t-M_t)dt+\sigma d W_t

      where \alpha>0α>0 is the speed of adjustment, \sigmaσ is the volatility, and W_tWt is a Wiener process.
      We assume P_tPt is a slowly changing random variable. This is a realistic assumption since the news landscape does not change suddenly. Then for a time period [t_0,t_1][t0,t1] we have P_t(\omega) \approx P(\omega)Pt(ω)P(ω). The SDE above then gives


      We hence see exponential mean reversal and P_t \approx M_tPtMt under normal market conditions. One can also notice that the error bound on aggregating public information depends entirely on the LLM.
      We now introduce \delta_tδt in the SDE above to account for private information:

      dM_t=\alpha(P_t-M_t)dt+ \eta\delta_tdt + \sigma d W_t

      We suppose that \delta=0δ=0 outside of ]t(\omega), t(\omega) + \epsilon(\omega)[]t(ω),t(ω)+ϵ(ω)[ where tt and \epsilonϵ are random variables, \delta_t>0δt>0 inside the interval and \int_{\mathbb{R}} \delta_t =1Rδt=1. The term \eta(\omega)η(ω) is a random variable quantifying the magnitude of the jump, it can be equal to \pm \eta±η. Since before t^*=t(\omega)t=t(ω) we have M_t\approx P_tMtPt it is reasonable to assume that during the time \epsilon(\omega)ϵ(ω) we have:

      dM_t = \eta\delta_tdt + \sigma d W_t

      Thus the average price increase is \etaη. We can therefore have the simplified assumption that M_t= M_{t_0}Mt=Mt0 for t<t^*t<t and M_t = M_{t_0} + \etaMt=Mt0+η for t > t^* + \epsilon(\omega)t>t+ϵ(ω) where t_0 < t^*t0<t. We omit the rest of the proof for brievity but by solving the second SDE above and by asymptotic analysis for t>>t^*t>>t one finds that:

      M_{t_0} + \eta \approx P(\omega)[1-e^{-k(t-t^*)}]

      Hence indeed for large tt we must have P_t \approx M_{t_0} + \etaPtMt0+η, and the LLM is obliged to follow the initial jump.

This theorem formalizes the novel form of semi-strong efficiency of LLM-based prediction derivatives (all the public information is priced in), combining LLM information processing with market price discovery.

Ensuring Further Robustness

The LLM’s design must be resilient to errors such as omissions or inconsistencies. It should rely on credible, manipulation-resistant information sources and strive for maximum observability.

To enhance system reliability and resist manipulation, there exist more strategies:

  • Verified information retrieval: Certify the LLM’s data retrieval from specific websites (e.g., using TLSNotary) to ensure information pipeline integrity, crucial for decentralized LLM operations.
  • Whitelisting: Restrict the LLM’s sources to ensure authority and relevance.
  • Adapted retrieval: Customize priority, API modules, and whitelists based on event types (e.g., sports vs. space flight).
  • Contract price tracking: Implement LLM feedback loops to promote convergence between index and mark prices, complementing funding rates and price convergence to 00 or 11.
  • LLM prediction ensembling: Reduce variations and inconsistencies by combining multiple predictions.
  • Inclusion list mechanism: Require the LLM to review specific data regardless of its internal retrieval decisions.
  • Data-backed model identification: Implement a complex ontology to benchmark LLM forecasting, as described in this paper.
  • Multi-LLM averaging: Mitigate LLM-specific biases (e.g., poor calibration, overconfidence) through a “wisdom of the silicon crowd” approach with possibly multiple competing LLMs.
  • Permissionless mechanism with TEE: the LLM weights could be pre-committed and anyone could re-run the LLM to verify the output. Further, the final prompts could come from various participants (cf. this paper for a general discussion of such mechanisms).

Extending the event landscape

Prediction markets still support a very limited set of markets. A vast domain such as “science” only contains around 30 markets on Polymarket. By producing a dynamic price which updates as new information comes without the need for initial capital, the LLM could support virtually any market as long as it has access to reliable information sources.

Efficiently exploring the space of possible events through ‘super-questioners’ (the symmetrical role to ‘super-forecasters’) could be crucial to the understanding of the ‘existential’ questions that matter most, as suggested by this research report.

Closing thoughts

We assumed that LLMs can have some inherent efficiency in aggregating public information into a probability. We also assumed that such forecasting LLMs could realistically be within the manipulation bounds we outlined above. We expect it to be the case if the information structure presented to the LLM is sufficiently rich.

Under these assumptions, the key claim that building a prediction market derivative using an LLM as an index price is both possible and efficient rests on the last result presented above which ensures that the funding rate can drive mean-reversion towards truthful resolution. The first results support the claim that \epsilon_{LLM}ϵLLM can be chosen small enough.

The general intuition is that P_tPt is a proxy for aggregating the public signals and M_tMt is a proxy for aggregating public and private signals, while the funding rate drives the derivate price in the correct direction over time.

LLM-based prediction derivatives offer a novel solution to a key manipulation risk in derivative prediction markets. By decoupling from potentially manipulable spot markets, this approach aims to remove a major obstacle in developing derivative markets for event probabilities. We expect this solution to encourage experimentation with prediction market derivatives, particularly in scenarios where corresponding spot prediction markets are illiquid or non-existent.

Furthermore such a primitive might ensure efficiency in a much larger set of markets than what we currently see on e.g Polymarket, allowing us to access novel forms of information aggregation.

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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