

Today MetaLeX is unveiling LeXscroW. Code, docs, and our first LeXscroW app are linked at the bottom of the article.

LeXscroW is a critical component of MetaLeX OS, designed to provide immutable, non-custodial, and flexibly-conditioned smart contract escrows. These escrows are built with the MetaLeX OS team’s experience with real-world deals in mind, and the uses of escrow agents within them. LeXscroW enhances the MetaLeX OS ecosystem by ensuring secure, automated, and legally optimized transactions involving BORGs—enforcing “deal logic” that is ordinarily entrusted to verbose legal agreements and manual processes, to the blockchain instead.


The core features common to all LeXscroWs include:

  • Ownerless Deployment: Contracts are deployed without an ‘owner,’ ensuring that no single entity can alter the conditions once the contract is active.

  • Immutable Conditions: Execution conditions can include signatures, time constraints, oracle-fed data, and more. These conditions are immutable upon deployment, trust-minimizing enforcement of the deal logic.

  • Depositor Flexibility: Contracts can specify depositing parties or allow any address to deposit, supporting both negotiated agreements with specific prearranged counterparties and open offers (including with an option for the offeror to reject a would-be accepting party, on a post hoc basis).

LeXscroW Types

LeXscroW offers various smart escrow contract types, each tailored to specific transaction needs.

1. DoubleTokenLexscroW

  • Bilateral Transactions: Designed for bilateral smart escrow transactions involving two different ERC20 tokens.

  • Execution Conditions: The contract executes and releases tokens to both parties if all conditions are met before expiration.

2. TokenLexscroW

  • Unilateral Transactions: Facilitates unilateral smart escrow transactions for a single ERC20 token.

  • Execution and Refunds: Tokens are released to the seller upon meeting conditions, or refunded to the buyer if the contract expires without execution.

  • Depositor Rejection: Sellers can reject depositors, triggering a withdrawal mechanism for rejected deposits.

3. EthLexscroW

  • Native Token Transactions: Handles escrow for native gas tokens (e.g., ETH) with similar conditions and functionalities as TokenLexscroW.

LeXscroW integrates seamlessly with the BORG architecture within MetaLeX OS, enhancing the trust-minimized, governance-accountable nature of BORG transactions. Each BORG on MetaLeX OS can incorporate LeXscroW contracts to manage escrowed funds, ensuring that transactions comply with both the smart contract conditions and the legal rules governing the BORG’s operations. This allows BORGs to be somewhat more flexible, while also remaining trust-minimized—transactions that could not have been anticipated when the DAO initially authorized the BORG can still be implemented in a way that automatically enforces the relevant deal logic.

For instance, a GrantsBORG could utilize LeXscroW to handle the conversion of some of its OpsBudget governance tokens into stablecoins via a TokenLeXscroW that offers to sell the governance tokens at a specified discount to market price, with a specified lockup–essentially a unilateral OTC token sale offer.

In addition to enhancing traditional BORG functions, LeXscroW significantly enhances the "deal technology" capabilities within MetaLeX OS, powering secure and transparent transactions between various entities:

  • BORG-to-BORG Transactions: LeXscroW enables BORGs to engage in complex transactions with one another, ensuring that funds are only released when specific conditions are met. This enhances trust and operational efficiency between different BORGs.

  • DAO-to-BORG Transactions: DAOs can use LeXscroW to securely fund BORGs, ensuring that the funds are utilized according to predefined conditions and milestones. This mechanism supports governance and accountability within the DAO, while also providing operational autonomy to the BORG.

  • DAO-to-DAO Transactions: LeXscroW facilitates secure and conditional transactions between different DAOs, enabling collaborative projects and funding initiatives. By ensuring that all conditions are met before funds are released, LeXscroW fosters trust and cooperation between separate DAOs.

Essentially it digitally bakes in a ruleset by which two entities can abide by, replicating the way regular companies and organizations craft deals and assurances while interacting with each other, but in a more trust-minimized and secure manner.

Interesting Use Cases for LeXscroW

LeXscroW can be applied in various scenarios to enhance the functionality and trustworthiness of transactions within the MetaLeX OS ecosystem:

1. Trustless Token Swaps:

  • Scenario: Two BORGs or DAOs wish to swap tokens directly without relying on centralized exchanges.

  • LeXscroW Solution: Using DoubleTokenLexscroW, each party deposits their respective tokens into the contract. The swap executes only when both parties have deposited the required amounts and any additional conditions (such as oracle-confirmed price feeds) are satisfied. This creates a secure and trustless environment for token exchanges.

  • MetaLeX's first LeXscroW app is for double token swaps--link below!

2. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Escrows:

  • Scenario: Two DAOs or ‘protocols’ agree to merge, and the transaction involves a complex exchange of tokens and assets.

  • LeXscroW Solution: A DoubleTokenLexscroW contract can be set up to handle the token swap, with conditions that ensure all DAO votes, BORG actions, and other prerequisites are met before the tokens are exchanged. This ensures that both DAOs can trust the process without needing a central intermediary.

3. Project Funding Milestones:

  • Scenario: A DAO funds a project managed by a BORG, with funds released based on project milestones.

  • LeXscroW Solution: A TokenLexscroW contract can be used to hold the funds, releasing them incrementally as predefined milestones are achieved and verified, either through on-chain events or trusted oracles. This ensures that the project is progressing as planned before each tranche of funding is released.

4. Cross-DAO Collaborations:

  • Scenario: Multiple DAOs collaborate on a joint venture, with each contributing funds or resources.

  • LeXscroW Solution: EthLexscroW or TokenLexscroW contracts can be established to manage the pooled resources, releasing funds according to agreed-upon milestones, conditions that reflect the progress and contributions of each DAO or layered approvals (essentially approval by a virtual multisig-of-DAOs-and-BORGs). This fosters cooperation and ensures transparency in the management of shared resources.

5. Betting:

  • Scenario: Two Twitter KOLs bet $1M USDC that ETH will hit $10,000 by the end of 2024.

  • LeXscroW Solution: TokenLexscroW plugs into an oracle that tracks the price of ETH, and automatically releases the funds to the winner based on the oracle price.

By integrating immutable, condition-driven escrow contracts, LeXscroW ensures that transactions are secure, transparent, and efficient, thus reinforcing the reliability and functionality of MetaLeX OS. This integration is particularly powerful in facilitating complex, trust-minimized transactions between BORGs, DAOs, and other entities, driving forward the vision of legally optimized, governance-accountable cyBernetic ORGanizations.

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