【Twitter threads】aipool: Exploration of AI Agent+TEE in DeFi

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Chainfeeds Summary:

Against the backdrop of the rapid integration of blockchain and artificial intelligence, AI Agents, by combining the verifiable architecture of blockchain, achieve autonomous asset management and cross-chain transactions. Although this vision still requires time, the emergence of aipool has significantly upgraded the current DeFi experience. Crypto KOL Haotian discussed the technical implementation of aipool, the TEE solution of Phala Network and its application in AI Agent asset custody, analyzed the potential and challenges of AI Agents in decentralized finance, and looked forward to the market opportunities and innovative development brought by the deep integration of AI and blockchain in the future.






Haotian: The overall engineering implementation of aipool is not complicated. Users send SOL (non-CA address) to the wallet address of the AI Agent, and the address generates a private key in the TEE environment and pre-sets access permission management for the Pool. When certain conditions are met, the AI will automatically create a liquidity pool on the on-chain DEX and distribute tokens to eligible participants, and the collected transaction fees will be aggregated into the AI wallet. The whole process is no different from the previously popular KOL donation Fi, except that this round of donation Fi is driven by the AI Agent, the AI Agent has autonomous control over the private key address (cannot run away), and the AI Agent autonomously creates the transaction pool (sets the whitelist, batches the unlocking of funds, sets the initial price, uses the oracle to price, etc.) to reduce the impact of MEV arbitrage. To enable the AI Agent to autonomously generate private keys, aipool used the Phala Network TEE technology solution, the general process is: 1) Generate private keys in the Secure Enclave secure enclave, and the private keys will not leave the TEE environment, and all signing operations are only completed within the TEE; 2) The TEE can define a set of verifiable interaction communication rules, the outside can realize remote authentication, transaction verification and real-time status monitoring, which is equivalent to using the decentralized consensus of the chain (smart contract, transparent and traceable) to manage and schedule the assets in the TEE, and the Phala Contract can run in the TEE environment for offline calculation and interact with the external chain to achieve multi-chain interoperability; 3) The inclusion of AI Agents in "trading features" has long been a market expectation, but now the AI Agents can automatically execute some pre-programmed logic without errors, and it is still very early to reach the stage of autonomous discovery of trading opportunities, autonomous decision-making, and autonomous stop-loss and take-profit.



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