In this round of the bull market, the Ethereum community has been increasingly dissatisfied with the market performance of ETH and the way the Ethereum Foundation (EF) manages its funds. Ethereum has been unable to return to the historical high of $4,891 set in the previous bull market, leaving investors feeling disillusioned.
To save Ethereum, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin announced on the 18th that he will undertake a major reform of the Ethereum Foundation's leadership structure, provide more active support for application developers, and offer greater transparency to the community. Additionally, the Ethereum Foundation has established a new 3/5 multi-signature wallet and injected 50,000 ETH to support the DeFi ecosystem.
Early developers criticize the Ethereum Foundation's lack of competitive awareness
Regarding Ethereum's recent decline, Ethereum's early core developer Eric Conner wrote a post expressing his feelings. Over the years, he actively promoted Ethereum on Reddit and witnessed the rise of Dex and DeFi, which were the best moments for him on Ethereum, when the community had a unified goal on important matters:
During that time, @sassal0x and I decided to launch Ethhub to fill the gap in community education and media. But over time, support for the application layer and builders has gradually weakened.
Eric Conner said he has never paid much attention to the Ethereum Foundation because he believes Vitalik Buterin is a genius and an excellent wartime leader, who will let the core developer meetings proceed on their own, but will intervene when necessary to uphold his vision:
However, as Vitalik has gradually retreated from the spotlight, the sense of alienation and lack of transparency between the community has become increasingly serious.
Criticize the Foundation for not understanding the demand for change
Eric Conner pointed out that after a few years, Ethereum has lost to some competitors, and now he sees the Ethereum Foundation with a so-called "anti-victory and anti-competitive mentality". He has received countless private messages asking why they should continue to stay here:
To be honest, I can no longer give them an answer. Leadership is important, culture is important, and the community is important, and we can no longer ignore these issues.
Eric Conner said that hearing excuses like "don't be so harsh" to ignore the community's demands is really exhausting. People are in Ethereum to change the world, not to create a safe space:
Ultimately, I have lost my passion for the things I once cared so much about, because instead of understanding the importance of the community and listening to their demands for change, the power holders are more concerned with the "friendliness" of our requests and whose feelings have been hurt, ignoring the fact that we are a large community that hopes to see change as the last line of defense.
Of course, Ethereum can succeed without me. I sincerely hope Ethereum will win, but I can no longer scream in this void every day.