1/ Today, @0xSifu lost 1,800 $ETH ($3.3M) due to approve related bug of the SushiSwap contract.
To avoid similar losses, you should review the contracts you have approved and revoke those that are suspicious.
Here is a tutorial on how to revoke.👇
2/ Go to the Ethereum approval checker(etherscan.io/tokenapprovalchec...
Click "Connect to Web3".
3/ Find the suspicious contract from Approved Spender, and click "Revoke".
4/ Connect your wallet to complete the revoke approval.
5/ Here are links to each chain’s approval checker.
Ethereum: etherscan.io/tokenapprovalchec...
BSC: bscscan.com/tokenapprovalcheck...
Arbitrum: arbiscan.io/tokenapprovalcheck...
Optimism: optimistic.etherscan.io/tokena...
Polygon: polygonscan.com/tokenapprovalc...
Fantom: ftmscan.com/tokenapprovalcheck...
Avax: snowtrace.io/tokenapprovalchec...
6/ Or you can use some tools to help you revoke.
For example, Revoke Cash: revoke.cash
But these tools are not 100% safe, you need to use them after research to avoid theft of funds.
7/ If you have used SushiSwap recently, please revoke your approval of the addresses below.
Arbitrum: 0xA7ca...0e5c
Avax: 0xbACE...9C4F
BSC: 0xD75F...6550
Ethereum: 0x044b...7357
Fantom: 0x3e60...c715
Optimism: 0xF0cB...eF49
Polygon: 0x5097...649a
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Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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