Learn about the Debridge airdrop interaction tutorial in one article

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The main two ways to earn points are by using their app and their partners’ apps and by referring users.

Written by: Maran's Crypto

Compiled by: TechFlow

What is Debridge?

Debridge is a protocol for transferring assets between multiple blockchains.

The biggest difference between Debridge and Wormhole is speed. Their bridges typically complete transfers in 1 minute or less, rather than 20 minutes.

They have been building it for 3 years and currently generate almost as much revenue as Curve.

They have major partnerships with the Solflare wallet and Jupiter , and are well-positioned in the Base/Solana meme race, and are very easy to use.

Debridge released a points system and I found a way to earn points efficiently.

The main two ways to earn points are by using their app and their partners’ apps and by referring users.

I will now delve into how to do this.

1. Use a bridge

Before you begin, deposit ETH into your wallet on the Arbitrum network

Then go to this website:


Then connect the wallet and bridge ETH from Arbitrum to Base.

Airdrop Strategy

Bridge ETH from Base to Linea.

In this way you are interacting with Base, Linea, Debridge, and we got 402 points in this step.

Bridge to and from Sol

Click this link to install Solflafe Wallet , then create a new wallet or import an old wallet.

Sol is then bridged to the EVM network, and by using this step we get 284 points.

Important things to consider

We get a points multiplier based on previous usage.

You can earn approximately 100 points for every $1 spent in transaction fees.

Also, remember to try to use the Solana network frequently and interact with it as much as possible.

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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