Meme coin critical hit "Earn 993 times in 8 hours"! BOME’s largest whale used 13 SOLs to buy $1DOL and set another record

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BOME, the meme currency issued by Pepe meme artist Darkfarm, created the meme currency myth earlier this year. BOME started fundraising in March and raised more than 10,000 SOL in just two days. BOME had the highest increase in just a few days after its launch. Nearly 460 times, the highest market value is over 2 billion US dollars, and it also achieved the feat of landing on Binance in three days.

The mysterious address sundayfunday.sol has attracted much attention for its precise vision. He was the largest participant in the BOME pre-sale. He initially spent 421 SOL (US$72,000) to participate in the pre-sale and received 1.43 billion BOME. At the peak, Valued at up to $40 million.

sundayfunday.sol later sold 530 billion BOME and obtained 38,305 SOL (approximately US$7.66 million). He still holds 894 billion BOME (approximately US$10.5 million) and is still the largest individual holder of BOME.

Now, according to Lookonchain monitoring , sundayfunday.sol recently made huge profits by buying meme coins. He spent 13 SOL (approximately $2,275) today to buy 242 million meme coins 1DOL. As a result, these 1DOL turned into 1DOL within 8 hours. 2.26 million US dollars, the income reached 993 times.

A one-day surge of 12572%

According to dexscreener data , 1DOL went online this morning. The currency price surged by 12572% in 24 hours, and is currently at $0.008574. The transaction volume reached $23.7 million. However, it has plummeted by more than 51% in the past 6 hours, and the liquidity is only $382,000. , although meme coins may have considerable gains, the risks are also huge. Users who intend to trade should be cautious.

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