
Airdrop of one million US dollars in the first round of financing - Cycle Network

Project Profile

Cycle Network is an omni trustless distributed ledger, where developers can create their dApps on a new layer without having to re-create the code on different chains. Through Abstract Account, users will no longer have to use their private keys or seeds in order to use the DApp, therefore decreasing the number of gas fees involved. Furthermore, this new layer will adopt the same security as Rollup technology allowing users to feel safe in cross-chain asset transfer.

On February 27, 2024, Cycle Network announced the completion of a million-dollar seed funding round, with specific amounts undisclosed. Leading the round were Vertex Ventures and Summer Ventures, subsidiaries of Temasek Holdings. Participating investors included LTP, Super Chain Capital, GSG Digital, among others.

It is reported that Cycle Network has launched a solution to address interoperability issues in the blockchain field. Through its innovative Off-Ledger Distributed Ledger Technology (ODLT), Cycle Network introduces a trustless method for blockchain interaction, addressing the fragmentation problem of blockchain networks.

Airdrop Tutorial


Here's the link to link your wallet.

Link a commonly used wallet, I chose MetaMask here.

This is to sign in the wallet.

Here's the link for inviting friends. Inviting friends earns points.

Scroll down to see the tasks.

Let's start with linking Twitter first.

Authorize the application.

Come back to verify

Complete the next task,follow on Twitter.

Automatically redirect to Twitter and click "Follow."

Come back to verify

Complete the next task,Join the Telegram community.

Authorize the application.

Come back to verify, and you will be automatically redirected to join the community.

Click "Join Group".

Come back to verify

That's it! All tasks are completed now.

You now have 300 points! You can earn more points by inviting friends.

Disclaimer: The content above is only the author's opinion which does not represent any position of Followin, and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, investment advice from Followin.
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