【English】Thoughts on rollups, L1, interoperability, security, and censorship resistance

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Paradigm CTO and Research Partner Georgios Konstantopoulos writes about rollups, L1, interoperability, security, and censorship resistance, and explores how to build fast rollups.

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Georgios Konstantopoulos


Georgios Konstantopoulos: Rollups scale better than L1 because they have a smaller replication factor than L1. Since there is less communication overhead between block producing nodes, there is less redundancy so there is more room to speed up. Validators can assist them in validating by leveraging block producers (e.g. validators can use Verkle tree witnesses on L2 for cheap stateless parallel execution and keep producing blocks even when there may be only a few large orderers). Therefore, it is easy to expect that there will be some extremely fast rollups where X-rollup interoperability is not a major issue. Then there are long tail rollups where interoperability may be harder but not as important. If you want to interoperate with assets on L1, then your system can have a bridge and the bridged assets are just as secure as on L1. In addition, despite the lower redundancy, you can achieve the same censorship resistance as L1 by using it as a slow channel when the fast channel fails. What this does is have L1 contain a summary of L2 state, and enable L1 to verify claims about L2 state (e.g. privileged entity tried to censor my transactions/steal my money, L1 please punish them) interactively via fault proofs or non-interactively via ZKPs, both of which take an execution trace, make commitments to it, and make a series of claims about it. L1 then becomes convinced of them via sampling. Not surprisingly, Ethereum L1 data availability sharding also works via sampling. Hopefully this gives you some intuition about how several techniques can be stacked together to achieve fast systems that are censorship-resistant, secure, and do not require consensus from a large number of operators, but instead use L1 as a ground truth tribunal. 【原文原文】

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